Showing Posts For Kirill.4876:

just started playing engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Kirill.4876


I personally run power, vitality and toughness armour with pistol/shield with medkit, elixir B, wrench kit and supply crate. It’s a build that’s meant to survive more than dish out damage but still does a surprisingly high amount.

That being said a confusion/bomb or grenade build should do a lot more than I can as long as you wear an appropriate armour set. Power works great on bombs/grenades and condition damage/power with perplexity runes (though kinda deemed cheap by the community :P) works amazing on a confusion build.

I’d be able to help better if I knew your play style and traits (:

just started playing engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Kirill.4876


I don’t really understand are you asking a question or giving assistance, and if so why?

Engineers <3

in Engineer

Posted by: Kirill.4876


Engi’s have a few water fields to hand and a good amount of blast finishers to supplement them ^^ combined with the AoE regen of Healing turret and Elixer gun 5 skill I don’t see why an Engi couldn’t be a medic on the side.