Showing Posts For Kirito.4158:

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


Im personally fine with the clipping right now, why not just let it be done and worry about fixing the clipping issues l8er, just release the update and say sorry about the clipping it will be taken care of at a later date

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


doing this will make it to where we can customize it more til they do release more armor

Drasticly reduce karma prices on exotics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


i play like 4-8 hours a day =/ an hr a day is no time to do anything haha

Drasticly reduce karma prices on exotics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


it doesn’t take that long to get 42k karma….

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


thx for the support so far guys

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


all i know is i want my character to look how i want him/her to look besides armor means nothing really to a powerful adventurer

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


Make it to where you can transmute anything together, for example if we are a guardian but want a cool look with light armor we can just put the heavy stats but transmute it with a robe. Would create many many many cool customizations and it should be easy to do

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kirito.4158


lol all I know is that Anet wanted to make a game where people could play it anyway they want. They have contradicted themselves by implementing this nerf on the dungeon grinders… Some people enjoy seeing how fast they can get through dungeons to get the rewards they want quicker than other people, because this is how they want to play, it doesn’t really imbalance anything. I personally like grinding events and exploring and finishing out other zones. I have found some really efficient ways to do this quickly. So will this be nerfed? (For the record I have not once grinded a dungeon in this game, i have only done like 5 of them, its not my thing. Before someone says im only saying this cause i was doing dungeons lol…)

Walnuts Bugged? Buy for 2c on TP and sell for 3c!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirito.4158


not anymore, everyone bought them since you said something =P

Help Stuck!!!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirito.4158


I am currently in game during a level 80 story mission on grenths temple. I got attacked by a spider queen and during fighting it, it pushed me behind coffins and i can’t get out from behind them. is there a slash kill command, stuck doesn’t work cause im not stuck in anything. Waiting there right now.

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirito.4158


Great job on helping out the community Anet you’re doing a great job =DDD just one suggestion on the hacker status headline on the game status update, that should be changed to say immediately scan you computer for any potential virus’s then change your password instead of just “immediately change your password” if someone’s computer is infected the hacker will just get the new password!

Thanks again guys and keep up the great work!

(wasn’t sure if this was the right place to post this, i just figured since it was in account issues)

Guild Forced to change server - loss Influence and Tomes of Influence

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirito.4158


ummm our guild consisting of about 15-20 IRL friends just stayed on the same server because over time other people transferred allowing our straggler friends to transfer to ours at no cost. but because your guild transferred when you should have waited for the other to join in on the more full server when they up’d the caps

Unscheduled Maintainence??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirito.4158


could you please link the title of that video so i can show it to someone please =D will help win an argument that i was saying if they didn’t want it in the game they would have taken it out

Unscheduled Maintainence??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirito.4158


I know you guys are busy but i was wondering in a nutshell, what happened?

Also i was wondering if you could answer a question. In Catacombs level 30 dungeon story mode, the boss with the two lovers, is blocking one in the hallway and leaving the other in the main room an intended way of beating them?