Showing Posts For KiritoBR.9783:
Hello o/
i’m The Shugo
i’m looking for a raid group, i want to do that content too
i’m a main Herald, with full ascended armor, trying to make ascended weapon and backpiece too.
i play most of weekends and i have TS
Account Name: KiritoBR.9783
What can I say? There is something that only one person already knowing, at the end of 2014, when I was alone, no one to play, and was starting my adventure by WvW, finally decided to get serious and make a difference for my server … I accidentally met Julie, and I was called to be part of the Legions of Outlaws, even without understanding how someone like me that was new in WvW and played little could be called to a Guild so big to my eyes … I was surprised when I started playing with them, participate in events in Reset, did something to me that I couldn’t imagine, I felt part of a family, it’s fun, we laugh, we have great battles, we conquered whole maps, is really part of that epic Guild , I don’t regret accepted the invitation and will never abandon them. my life in Guild Wars 2 completely changed for the better! PS: If the English out weird, it’s because it’s not my first language, and I used a translator for that xD
come and join us o/
The Shugo
I became a Revenant and later a Herald because I spend most of my time in the Mist… like Fractals of the Mist and (WvWvW) the Mist War =X that is like i happened to learn to channel its power MWAHAHAHAHAHA
I just had a promises to improve ping site with relation to Guild Wars 2 servers, my ping is usually 200 to 300 ms, I wonder if this service is reliable and if someone else uses and recommends
So for everyone with terrible FPS, are you on laptops?
I am.
EDIT: I just did this and is working good, maybe better that x32 ,I need to do more tests.
Anyone on Laptops with Nvidia Optimus, must select to use nvidia graphics on that new client
i noticed that… when you are walking on a map that changes your max level… the utilities skills got disabled when your stats change… but i didnt had that problem on maps that are all level 80
me too i have the same problem
PS: i leveled up with a 20 levels scroll + 60 tomes… dont know if this is why… maybe… it help with the solution
same here… and i really wanted to make that armor… so cool
I’m just thinking about the possibility on the future ANet unite servers of the same colors and transform the WvW in Mega Servers with the addition of this new huge map that comes with the expansion.
PS: sorry for the bad english, i’m trying to pratice, its not my native language.
we from Anvil Rock, will Always provide good fights… if you dont run from us
Hello everyone… i’m saving Money to make a really, really nice Rytlock Revenant cosplay… but i need some images of him to make the details
i will buy from a really nice studio that makes some really detailed cosplays around here
anyone has a draw or some art of the Revenant that could help me with this?
if some artist from Anet could share some art or any details that i can bring to the studio that will make the cosplay for me… that will be awesome too
this is the studio and all things they do
i just find out that the problem is with the ISP, now i’m at my home… and here it worked just fine, i could log in with no problem.
my ISP is VIVO Internet SPEEDY
i’m from Brazil, i’m at my girlfriend’s house, she has the NET Virtual ISP, and both of us got a character with that problem on Dissea Plateau, my mesmer (Azure Flames Kite Br) and her elementalist (Snowqueen Elsa). Other characters can log in just fine on other maps.
we tryed switch dns but didn’t work.
i think this is something with the route… but… i don’t know what i can do to solve the problem, or if ANet can do something, a update or something to the servers.
Hello…. if anyone could help me… i’m trying to make a ascended gear… and i don’t know what is the better stats for me…
i use at this moment… 4 / 4 / 6 / 0 / 0 PU build with GS / Staff, and i can survive well… at this moment i have full knight exotic armor with Travelers, and Soldier ascended GS from PVP and exotic knight staff
i was getting celestial laurels acessory / back and etc…
what i can do to correct my self to a usefull mesmer…
ps: i most of the time roam wvw, but i join zergs fight too
i can play PU and Shatters builds and i have fun with boths
shatters i ckittene on PVE when i’m lazy to change my build.
i’m looking for players who wants to run Arah to get the armor and weapons.
i dont know all paths, i want to learn and i’m looking for people that wants to do that, more than just 1 time, anyone wanna join?
i play on NA servers, sorry that i forgot to say that XD
(edited by KiritoBR.9783)
i’m having that problem too
I would love to participate on that =D i wanna learn about every dungeon and its paths.. me and my girlfriend love to explore Tyria, so i want to learn everything… and we will take some times to really explore all the dungeon after that…
there is some rare boss in some dungeons that i want to know what we can get if we kill him like a Troll boss in Ascalon Catacombs, most of people just ignore this… but we want to try everything, we are always looking for people that like that kind of things to play together too
by the way… i dont like those LFG messages like you must be level 80 and be the class that THEY WANT YOU TO BE, just to go on dungeons… so.. i started using the message WE ARE NOT RACIST EVERYONE WELCOME
game content is to have fun… if you get someone with that doesnt know something… take 2 minutes to teach him… everyone can have fun together
i’m not a hardcore player… my girlfriend and i, we just play to have fun and explore…. anyone who like that kind of play can join us o/
just send me a message or a mail in the game… and we will have fun together ^^
ps: we did some dungeons a few times…. with people like those hardcore gamers that you said… and… we where just left behind… because they knew all the ways… and just rush for the boss…
we love to explore the game and we love to play to have fun ^^
i created a guild to help players who need… so… if anyone wanna join us.. just mail me XD
Hi hi!
I created this guild[Knights of Bloody Order] (Cavaleiros da Ordem de Sangue em portugues) to have fun with my friends and enjoy the game…
Everyone can join, if you are a hardcore gamer level 80 with the best gear can join, if you just created your account… and you character level 1, YOU can join too! and learn with the most experienced from the guild =D
we are here to have fun, help who needs, have fun, laught and explore Tyria, we can play together on living story, help to complete the map, WvWvW, Dungeons, PvP, jumping puzzle, guild bounty, just… everything XD we are here to play
me (the leader) play on Anvil Rock server, but thanks to the guest system, i can help you out with almost anything XD on anyserver….
so if you wanna join just mail me in the game or here in the forum =D
lets play together and have fun!
PS: se você fala portugues pode facilitar a comunicação mas we can talk in english with no problems
you can send a msg to me and i will join o/
o dont care about the level to do dungeons =D
just send me a message… may be more dificult… but we can do it… with 5 people we can XD
Nós da Guilda Cavaleiros da Ordem de Sangue somos guerreiros da Justiça, e ajudamos a manter a ordem !
Gostaríamos de mais companheiros para participar de aventuras, e compartilhar momentos épicos em eventos, guerras de mundo, PvPs e Dungeons!
Não importa a classe, raça ou profissão, somos uma família prontos para ajudar a todos!
Todos interessados em fazer parte desta família mandem uma mensagem para: “Alastor Flame Haze” pelas cartas in game!
Grato desde já! Vamos aproveitar esta aventura juntos!
PS: é uma Guilda de Otakus do Brasil, mas todos os jogadores de todos os países, línguas,religiões e cren kitten o bem vindos!
We of the Guild Knights of the Bloody Order, we are warriors of Justice, and help maintain order!
We would like more guys to participate in adventures, and epic moments to share in events, world wars, PvPs and Dungeons!
No matter the class, race or profession, we are a family ready to help everyone!
Everyone interested in being part of this family please send a message to: “Alastor Flame Haze” in game mail!
Thankful since already! We shall take this adventure together!
PS: is a Guild of Otakus from Brazil, but all players from all countries, languages, religions and beliefs are welcome!