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I’ve been playing GuildWars 2 since its release and .. as I remember it.. I have always had this issue with sometimes not being able to collect the money (no matter the amount) from a dead MOB/NPC.
I can collect any other items dropped by the MOB but not money. I think its a 50/50 chance for me to be able to pick it up or not.
It doesn’t always happen, but it happens regularly enough to be annoying, especially from a boss. The last time it happened was after defeating Tequatl .. I couldn’t loot the 1 gold in the main chest.
I’m sure this has to have been discussed, though I finally had to mention it (have I done this before? lol no idea) since for a bug from day one to still be bug after all this time is very strange. (my searching for topics in the forum search system doesn’t seem to work what so ever, and has always been this way! has this always been broken?).
Does anyone have this issue or know of a solution?
I have just started to experience this type of problem with the carapace leggings. I transmuted my current leggings with the carapace wardrobe look.. and when I adjust the dye in the four box options, I will see the dye’s change in the character dye screen, clicking on accept changes doesn’t help at all though since I don’t see the dyes I tried to change to at all. Its just the defaults.
I don’t think I’ve ever had this problem till I got the carapace leggings. No other armor piece, even the carapace shoulders and gloves I have, are affected by this bug.
(edited by Kiroth.4579)
I just got the Gas Mask Skin .. it looks incredible!! AND THEN when I tried to apply it to my aquatic helm I realize that it can’t be applied to it… seriously this Gas Mask Skin which looks like the best mask for underwater use since GW2 started.. is only for dry land helmets? Which I wouldn’t use as a land helmet unless my medieval/fantasy heavy armour looked like a mech suit instead, which it doesn’t… unfortunately.
Seriously this must be a mistake.. how could it be intentionally implemented for dry land use only? Its crazy… my goodness if this was intentional, it boggles the mind.
Please ArenaNet, this obviously needs to be rectified to allow under water usage.. I’d hope at least in the not too distant future it may become available to the aquatic helms.
(edited by Kiroth.4579)
I’ve been having bad lag mostly since after clockworks stopped, during clockworks (especially the start!) it was great – no issues – lots of big groups with no lag for me what so ever. The lag seemed to happen more after clockworks stopped as main event. Basic solo questing became obviously laggy with several second delays from hitting a skill and it actually doing something.
But the big issue for me now is Tequatl .. I got into the fight, lag was not too bad but in a short time it was so bad that npcs and other players seemed to be standing still, or teleporting to another point and standing still .. plus all my combat skill buttons were flashing and not happening … then time ran out on Tequatl. Will try again but not holding my breath.
Why so laggy now and not during clockworks?
I’ve tried discovering and creating a exotic helm item in the hopes it would break out of 400 and show the true max to be now 500.. but nothing happened.
From that statement I understand you are speaking about armorsmith, which has not been promoted to 500 right now. Only weapon-crafting disciplines (weaponsmith, artificer and hunter) currently have access to lvl 500 and ascended crafting
Ah yep, completely missed the important info – saw/heard 500 cap and ignored rest. Thanks for helping to wake me up =)
My error, looks like I just glossed over which trades. Tried huntsman, its working fine with 500 cap. Thanks for opening my eyes
I’ve already posted this in the bugs section but I thought I’d try here as well:
<em>Since the trade skills have apparently gone up to 500 I was surprised to see my trade skills on at least two different characters that have been maxed to 400/400 seem to be stuck on 400/400 .. I’ve tried discovering and creating a exotic helm item in the hopes it would break out of 400 and show the true max to be now 500.. but nothing happened.
All the items I can make are grey. Is there something I’m missing in order to get the new max to 500?</em>
Has anyone else got this problem? Scared to craft anything now..
Since the trade skills have apparently gone up to 500 I was surprised to see my trade skills on at least two different characters that have been maxed to 400/400 seem to be stuck on 400/400 .. I’ve tried discovering and creating a exotic helm item in the hopes it would break out of 400 and show the true max to be now 500.. but nothing happened.
All the items I can make are grey. Is there something I’m missing in order to get the new max to 500?
Has anyone else got this problem? Scared to craft anything now..
UPDATE: Looks like I didn’t take the time to read the update properly – huntsman trade works fine with higher cap. Thanks to that commented
(edited by Kiroth.4579)
I completed the quest, finally, yeehaa Admittedly, I used the mortars, died, then killed the 2nd giant with mortars. Wasn’t too hard, dying once was fine… which makes me wonder why I didn’t just keep at it till all 6 (originally 6?) giants are dead and just spend a lot on repairs..? I had issues with an early quest (trying to kill a risen type queen monster? helping the Skritt) that I would die in, go back in and die again.. wouldn’t really help how many times you went back (or seemlying).. that probably made me give up too easily and that it has a bug in it.
I’m done with it now so I’m happy,, moving on
For now, you can use the mortars instead. The objective completes after killing a couple of Risen giants. We’re working on the bug, but Indon’t have an ETA at this time, sorry.
Thank you for the extremely quick response Vaughn. Well there is now a reasonable chance, I guess, then to finish it if it will complete with only two giants to kill (instead of the 6 quoted on the guildwars 2 wiki). Will try after patch when possible.
Thanks again!
I’ve enjoyed leveling up my 80 warrior dude during the first days of GW2 (soo many people around!!) and of course doing the player story quests.. up until I got into Orr to do ‘The Steel Tide’ quest.
The bug in question is the tank bug, which you are supposed to control and fight the incoming hordes, which you can’t control because if you try turning the turret its wonky and kicks you out of the tank… basically it breaks the quest completely. Using the mortars next to the tank only helps a small amount but I always end up getting swamped with the risen it, so mortars don’t really help to be able to complete it.
Now I know that bugs take time to fix but I’ve been away from GW2 for a while, a few months, and had thought that by that time this major story killing bug would have been fixed. It obviously has not at all. Before I left I tried a few times to go back and play the quest to see if it was fixed.. left for a few months… came back… still not done.
Even the guild wars 2 wiki page for ‘The Steel Tide’ quest has the quest still being broken. I mean… this is the main story quest, not some side quest.
Anyway, it is a little confusing why this hasn’t been dealt with yet. I’m hoping, as I speak, this GW2 February will fix this story breaker once and for all. Will post later with the answer
(edited by Kiroth.4579)