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My account glitched terribly.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

Help, on an ordinary day( about a month ago) I decided to play guild wars 2 after a long period of inactivity. when I opened the client weird vistas started to appear randomly.
In the beginning I thought it was just a minor issue, but when I finally started playing the game, hell broke loose.
Random triangles appearing everywhere making it impossible for me to see about anything. I thought, “okay this is going wrong, maybe restarting the client will work”.

I wish I could tell all of you guys it worked like a charm so people with the same issues I have been dealing with don’t have to suffer any longer from this fatal glitch, but here comes the sad truth.
It just got worse.
I couldn’t stand trying to play a utterly broken game, so I put it aside, letting it gather dust for the following month.But Today, I decided I’d try it out for the last time.
Nothing changed.
I just hate having to deal with a broken game, knowing that those responsible for this mess being nearly completely out of reach, so I’m using this forum as a last resort for the solving of my problems.
Please Anet, the games are great, but don’t ship them broken.
Thank you for your attention.
Kirto Alexana

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Trading system, why there should be one!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

Nah, I think that won’t happen…

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Trading system, why there should be one!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

Any form of trading system would be great, I’d love to see a player to player trading system, it worked in other MMO’s and didn’t cause an economic instability that went out of control did it? If it works there, it should work fine in guild wars 2 too I think, but still, everyone’s opinion is appreciated.

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Please include dueling in January's update

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

Totally agree, duelling is pro.

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Trading system, why there should be one!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

Apparently, my topic came out a minute after Raine Akrune’s topic came out, make sure you check both topics to hear both opinions of Raine Akrune and mine!

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Trading system, why there should be one!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

I recently stumbled accross a topic on the forums that was about a player wanting to trade Dawn for Dusk, he had trouble finding people so he posted it on the forums. This made me think, shouldn’t there be a trading system of some kind? I once had a problem like this before. I wanted to trade ugly wool socks for ugly wool hats during the wintersday event. I started asking my guildmates if they wanted to trade, It took long, but I found somebody, and then ended up having to mail it to my trading partner. Most people would say " It’s not such a big deal, is it?", but think of how much easier it could be!

In the first place you aren’t certain you get what you wish for. Say the guy I mentioned before wants to trade Dawn for Dusk, after a long and exhaustive search he finally finds a trading partner, he’s so happy that he sends Dawn immediatly, and then starts waiting patiently for Dusk. He waits and waits and then realizes he has been set up! His ‘trading partner’ turned out to be a liar that just wanted a cheap precursor!

This might not happen a lot, but the fact that it could happen is simply unacceptable, with just a new tab on the trading post where people can look for a trading partner or the possibility for players to arrange a trade themselves with a trading system would prevent this kind of situations.

In the second place, the current ‘trade with mail’ system is simply unpractical. You have to ask around and hope the people you’re talking to are interested in trading at all, and then you have to wait for your partner to send you something, a trading system would solve this, a good trading system with some great innovations could even make trading popular! Maybe a tab on the trading post, as I stated before, where people have access to people willing to trade and where they could say what they want would make the difference. I’ve seen enough people asking for a trade and getting no response in return. That’s really frustrating for them, and spending precious time asking people to trade is not fun, just not fun at all!

Guild Wars 2 has been criticized multiple times for lacking a trading system. WoW has a trading system, other MMO’s have a trading system, so why doesn’t Guild Wars 2 have one?

What do you guys think? Should there be a trading system in the future or not? Let the world know!

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

The 6 Elder Dragons and the 6 Gods

in Lore

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

Another thing. This is maybe a little bit off the record nut does Anet look at this? This is not a request for an answer from the devs but there are some really interesting posts in the lore category. Some might even be a bit inspiring according to me.

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

The 6 Elder Dragons and the 6 Gods

in Lore

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

I think I made a mistake in one of my posts, About the six Gods being absent. The personal story ( spoilers) reveilled to me that Grenth is still capable of communication, he didn’t leave at all. But maybe he fled? I don’t really know the answer, the thing is that it was never mentioned in the game, neither was the connection between the gods and the dragons, or the capability of speech by the elder dragons ( telepathy maybe ?) it’s all very obscure. What I think that might be some connection between all the elder dragons is their rising in a quick succesive way, wich is either a great coincidence, or evidence there is something that caused this event. What could it be?

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

The 6 Elder Dragons and the 6 Gods

in Lore

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

To me, the lore and the origin of the elder dragons is rather obscure. But in time all relevant questions will be answered. At least I think so.

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

The 6 Elder Dragons and the 6 Gods

in Lore

Posted by: Kirto Alexana.3149

Kirto Alexana.3149

The elder dragons are generally considered to be related to the six gods, since the gods left of with the arrival of the elder dragons. But what are their motivations? Do they have their own personallity and did they make a pact with the other elder dragons or are they just mindless evil all consuming monsters that have no other will but destroying the universe? Do they all have speech? I know that Jormag is capable of communication with the races since he already communicated with Svanir, but what about the rest? It would be really interesting if they would have different motivations and that they would have formed some kind of alliance and that they would communicate in the form of speech.

I’m not suffering from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it.