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Hey guys,
just wanted to pop by and tell my experiences, I find the zerker jewellery to be too squishy, I prefer valkyrie/beryl stuff for the vitality over the precision. Helps to stay alive much better. For WWW I use the “cookicutter” sapphire jewels.
The pick between 10 in earth and evasive arcana is a tough one, personally im too addicted to EA but I can see the good sides on earth10. Also the added cooldown reduction on attunement swap and +boon duration is pretty big in my book. If only there was a way to get them all……..
Ayla Mist @ Underworld
Incase you dont find any legendary fitting enough, check out these babies (scroll down a bit for list of items with a similar theme)
All look very mesmery being all pinkish and transparent, and are way cheaper to craft too.
Kisarachan @ Underworld
14k? Mantra? Wat?
No seriosly, care to elaborate a bit?
QQing about mesmer survivability and then throwing a suspicious example without providing any builds or gear stats seems.. fishy at the least.
Kisarachan @ Underworld
Ill give u the details. Using a cleric amulet with traits 30/20/0/20/0 for good power. If you select the traits right you should get reduced recharge, an additional cast at 3 mantra casts, and you should definitely use the trait to remove a condition each time you use a healing skill. Furthermore, the superior water run at 6 stacks on armor will allow health gain every 10 seconds you use a mantra. Another trait in the spec I suggested will allow you to heal when you cast a mantra for about 2500 as an estimate. together it is estimated about 3440×3 from mantra casts plus 2500+1330 from water rune and mantra trait. together it is about 14k heals which is higher than a guardian at 10k maxed out on healing every 32 secs with reduced signet recharge (original cool down is 40 secs)
I see it now, it is indeed powerful, even moreso than I would have estimated.. I really want to have a look at this now that you gave the basis. Coming from Aion as a chanter mantras always intrigued me but i just didnt find any way to get them to feel useful, but this might be a solid pick. Thanks again for sharing!
Kisarachan @ Underworld
14k? Mantra? Wat?
No seriosly, care to elaborate a bit? QQing about mesmer survivability and then throwing a suspicious example without providing any builds or gear stats seems.. fishy at the least.
Kisarachan @ Underworld
I dont fully agree on the projectile reflection though. Mirrored feedback though lasts for 8 sec (that is long) but still could, not benefit my team really when it came to defend them from range. (It is still to short in pve atleast.)
Might as well say, the Mesmer lacks the original artistic concept of the class.
Wanted to have my say on these two points, firstly, mesmer can provide amazing projectile reflection that virtually makes enemies kill themselves. This does not only go for pvp but pve aswell, when specced and armed properly. Of course, alot of people find the sword/focus combo lackluster in pve but it does have its times in the spotlight. The base of the spec for this goes along the lines of traiting for focus in the inspiration line and picking feedback (and possibly mimic depending on the scenario) as utilities. Dropping the phantasmal warden on a ranged enemy that spams skills along the lines of unload, or kill shot, only to see their HP go down like a sack of wet potatoes (lolwat), not to mention the combo capabilities of said warden, who is immune to projectile damage while going through its rotation, is phenomenal. In my eyes mesmer is THE reflecter of the game.
Secondly, I agree with the mesmer theme being a bit thin. There is so much we could bring in to give flavor to the class’ style, but that is up to the devs to decide. Personally I dont really find the bard theme to fit mesmers (I dont have the gw1 influence here since im a “newbie” so I wont touch that topic). Words that describe a bard are on the lines of cheerful, playful, happy and energetic in my opinion, whereas mesmer brings words like cunning, deceptive, graceful and powerful in my mind. I would love to see the mesmer evolve into the direction the ‘fan as weapon’ thread’s suggestion for a fan weapon go, more into oriental/asian direction in terms of movements and effects. To be fair the idea of an illusionary dancer is one of the best and fits the mesmer theme prefectly.
Kisarachan @ Underworld
Couldn’t agree more with this. Fan would be so awesome cakes as a weapon I would prolly end up using it even if it was subpar. Would love it as a focus skin too, Sword/Focus would look so juicy….say using a traveler’s ceremonial sabre skin with a fan.
Also the skill ideas sound pretty cool, would certainly open more opportunities for close range mobile play.
10/10 would agree again ^_-
Kisarachan @ Underworld
Short, did-not-dig-deep opinion, in pve the orbs are better, but the set runes have a sweet flow in 3W. Then again no encounter in pve is too hard (dont know about fractals tho, havent set foot in them yet ) to necessitate any specific rune setup.
Also i went for full knights as my first set to get a hang of pvp without getting steamrolled all that often, now im bouncing between full zerk and knight armor/zerk accs.
Also, hi Osci! Youre videos and guide are fecking sweet, I’ve been rolling with shattercat too at times but i cant play it yet to the effect youve taken it to! Keep up to sweet work!
Then again I find this particular build to work wonders while siegeing keeps and towers, where as i find myself wondering around not knowimg what to do while in shattercat. Between reflects, yanking people off walls, throwing izerker/warden on the wall on people who dont pay attention you rarely run out of things to do while working with bigger raids.. But it might just be me not looking deep enough into the build. :P
Kisarachan @ Underworld
And a note for the rampager stuff, you wont be doing much condition damage, and making a balanced mix of stats doesnt benefit this build that much since most of your damage is power/crit based or reflects. :P
Kisarachan @ Underworld
I rock this very same build in 3W and I find it phenomenal. People just dont expect so many reflects with such high damage. Only difference is I swap the desperate decoy into the sword cooldown reduction, since I found DD to be unreliable and its hard to predict when it activates, which often results in myself being more confused than the enemy, and also presisting images in the inspiration line for mender’s purity. I have grown to not being able to roll without it.
For the gear question, I have used both knight’s and berserker’s full exotics, and mixmatched aswell, all with both success and demise.
-The knight set tends to be sturdy, but you often get outhealed or overrun when there is multiple enemies. Survivability goes up and 1v1 is easier, but many times I’ve had a guardian for example just heal and run. Then on the other hand having a thief blow his full opener just to notice you are still alive and being able to fight back is awesome.
-The zerker gear does have kick in it, seeing the izerker crit for 6k on lvl80 targets is very, very satisfying. With zerker you should have enough burst to down people and they shouldnt be able to outheal your damage so easily. On the flipside thiefs and 100b warriors will eat you alive if you get caught in one of their cc’s.
As for runes, i have full Air in the zerker and Centaur in the knight, but its all up to preference. Sigils are changing almost daily but thinking of settling for the endurance regen ones.
Also utilities I use with this build are feedback, decoy, blink and the elite depending wheter I play solo or in group.
This is my experience with the build in 3W, for pve you dont have to change that much, but its more just spamming greatsword skills and maybe swapping decoy for nullfield.
Also pre-grazt on lvl80, hope you find many adventures on your path!
Kisarachan @ Underworld