Showing Posts For Kizzarse.8024:

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Dear Commanders of JQ and BG please wear more PTV gear so i have a chance to Moa you before our melee train just walks over you like you werent even there.

Much Love,
Moa King xoxo

Doesnt make sense at all. You obviously dont speak for your server SOR. Just enjoy the ride. Except for IRON zerg most of SOR crumble in GvG fights. JQ has better coordination and tactics imo. Ofcourse BG is still the best hence all the attention we get nightly:D

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Ah 2 no balls servers nutcupping. Really…. Anyways I blame Anet for this crap WvW design. And still no new updates for WvW and most new updates for PVE and to ppl spend more money. Pffftt Anet getting a cent for me I play to have fun and 2v1 isnt fun whoever is on the losing end is pure frustration. All servers unite dont give Anet any more of our hardearn money.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Hopefully BG can pull itself out of this slump. Not sure what is up with that server but it’s obvious they need to fix something. Consistency is an important aspect of WvW.

To go from 1st place straight to 3rd is unheard of.

Lol not when 2 servers is doesnt even attack each other and constantly send their zerg to take all our keeps and towers. We cant defend when 2 servers constantly attack us.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Its funny that BG are crying more about this “2v1” because their huge SEA force cant do anything. Yet when we had the 2v1 on us our little SEA force was able to hold really well .. strange

U have no clue what u talking about? SEA force isnt that big. This daily blatant double-teaming by 2 servers means less good fights imo. I am not complaining but seriously most wants a good fight and we did put up a darn good defense against both servers with JQ hitting our keep and SOR camping our spawn. We still held our keep, till we lost our people than we could keep back the constant attacks from both servers.

I have seen double-teaming happens but not daily basis-that is my point. I can see the numbers dropping already people play to have fun not his 2v1 daily rubbish. I also dont think BG server have allied with another other servers so blatantly. We were top cuz we have good guilds and commanders leading.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Nope, not in my book. Working as intended. BGvSoRvJQ is really the only match that is balanced enough to actually play the 2v1 card effectively. BG won 5 straight. It’s natural for the other two servers to change that if they have the ability to do so. Both servers want to knock BG down a notch.

Don’t fret over it. It’s the cycle of the game, and it will pass like it did last time. Be happy that there isn’t one server dominating every single match. That’s the recipe for boredom, not 2v1s.[/quote]

I doubt u have been on the recieving end hence your reply. If this goes on for the entire week. People wont bother showing up for WvWvW anymore. There isnt a level playing field at all when both JQ and SOR only intend is to attack 1 server. So next matchup u get same 3 servers than only SOR and JQ can play with each other, I dont think anyone will show up for BG and waste their time.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Well WvWvW in theory sounds good but if this goes on ppl will get bored and turned off with this 2v1 crap. Anet should give the server getting 2v1 a big buff to prevent such things from happening this is an immediate patch needed. Otherwise, the game becomes crap for 1 server.

(edited by Kizzarse.8024)

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


When 2 servers nutcup each other lol and trust SOR to play 2nd fiddle to JQ. BG is still top server getting 2v1 nightly speaks volumes of how good we are:D

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


2nite in a roll both JQ and SOR causing massive skill lag at BG keep. Seriously, this isnt fun at all the server skill lag is game changing and taking the fun off wvw.

Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


2v1 doubleteaming and massive skill lag. Imo, wvw design should focus more on group fights instead of zerg fights. It’s not that difficult to design, just make sure that small/medium size groups are needed to take points and hold eg. gate or bridge points for main group to advance. This will ensure that u dont have whole bg from all 3 server focus on the same area. This darn nightly double teaming by JQ and SOR is getting lame and the major cause of the skill lag.

The Solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Why not have server only rewards? Example, each server has its own unique armor or buffs they can choose, and the only way is to earn it via world v world events/kills/fights.
There should be more incentives given to players that like world v world, similar to dungeons that ppl farm to get the tokens/medals whatever to get their exotics or legendary items.
Problem is world v world doesnt help anet sell more cosmetic stuff… so probably world v world isnt in their priority list.

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Jabtangs, not sure if the orb was reset. There is a game mechanic that resets the orb, so if u just got the orb and the orb is being reset u will lose it. Also the orb gives good buffs but really WM thinks that the orb is so important that not having it is like losing?? I seriously dont understand why WM would think that orb ‘hacking’ and is boycotting wvw?
Just do your best and give it all. Not point being upset, its not like the orb will make u guys invincible or anything.

WvW Turtling - Intended or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


turtling can be countered by more ppl aoe the same spot and also seige eqpt. Increasing aoe cap imo will make AOE king of the battlefield. Too much AOE is bad for any game period it doesnt take any skill to spam AOE. But turtling needs coordination and can be countered by coordination by the opposition.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Well Anet is obviously looking at $$$$ so this event is really catered towards making them $$$$. Really sad case of if u dont spend gold u wont get anything good unless u hit the lottery.
Even the events are buggy eg. the doors for the maze is bugged out and it doesnt spawn or the timer on it is too short. In short, I didnt really enjoy this event at all cuz it really isnt fun and time spend could be doing other stuff.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Grim West – for your benefit(read the 2nd post by emoleas.4309.

He is from SBI and is honorable enough to voice his displeasure at this despicable act.
We not saying all of SBI is doing this, but a few rotten apples are! I am sure u are not one of these individuals, but do u need to defend them?

How to fix the scoring system in WvW: From an NA player prospective.

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Another way to look at this is also even if the other servers have asian guild to cover the so called off-peak hours of the US players. HOD will still be top dog, cuz the lack of coordination and focus of these other asian guild will still be steamrolled by the aussie guilds from HOD.

GW2 is also played by people from asia and south east asia too. The world doesnt really consists of US and down-under.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


With regards to double teaming, I would agree if the intention is to stop the dominant server from winning. But to help another server achieve a leading position with total disregard of their own position of achieving number 1. That to me is a blatant violation of the competitive spirit of WvWvW. Every server should play to win, but playing to be second and promoting another to be first is really despicable.

Even more so if a guild have sub guilds in other servers just so that they could coordinate attacks on one guild. I really hope that SB guilds doesnt plant subguilds into ET or other matchup servers for the sole purpose of achieving number 1.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Heh DAoC! It’s too hardcore for most ppl, the teams that polish up their teamwork can just roll and keep rolling bigger groups. Its that OP! For the casual players its really going with less teamwork isnt even going to enjoy playing. OP is clearly missing the point here.

There is teamwork involve in current GW2 system, and it is the main reason why some servers do very well and some dont. When u have a large zerg that just moves around trying to take everything on the map with no clear direction or strategy and understanding of the mechanics of WvWvW in GW2 that server will never succeed. You need to organize and be discipline about your objectives and actions in WvWvW.

There is alot of depth in WvWvW for GW2 but people chose not to ‘see’ and only want the fast and quick way of doing things. GW2 WvWvW is not ALL about group smashing groups. You guys need to read and educate yourself on the system before complaining or suggesting new ideas. Go explore and figure out the current system than give suggestions.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


From what I have seen even our militia in HOD are pulling their own weight in WvWvW. I think after HOD lost the lead for the first couple of days, the free xfers coat-tail chasers that got into HOD and flooded our WvWvW for the vistas and map completion left the server. Once TA and our mighty militia were able to get back into WvWvW proper we gave ET the proper trashing they deserve.

From most of my engagements, SBI clearly has better quality players and organize teams than ET players.

To give examples, when we charge a full group of 10-15 players from ET at Titanpaw supply camp with half their numbers and dropped half of their numbers they all ran off. And these group that charge them are our militia players not even a proper guild.

A particular memorable fight we had at HOD bg was when we took Sharadan Hills and got the orb. Our walls was breached and both ET and SB was trying to get into our Keep Lord room. SBI even sent 5 golems and we held them off for hours. Our valiant militia was there to help us in this epic battle.

HOD spirit is that we will fight even the odds are down, we will never give up fighting. That to me is the difference between the servers.