Showing Posts For Knight of Tempaler.2798:

Siege Greifing - The Solution

in WvW

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

“It would also allow for the reporting of when a person drains supply to build superfluous siege”

I agree with all you said but this. Who is to decide what is superfluous siege? If I am in the keep and I want to treb SM and I decide to build a siege and someone thinks its a bad idea they would report me for that.

The previous answer to Anet fixing siege griefing was the pain in the kitten to have to now refresh siege all the time…a clear managing for the exception solution that was implemented to stop idiots who would spam cap a keep with rams.

Now these trolls are simply throwing ballistas on dead players and in front of gates to waste other people’s supplies.

I don t want another fix from Anet, I want a method to report people and type a message even if it is only 140 characters. The point is that at this moment it is impossible to report someone for griefing in game and you must go out of your way and create a freaking support ticket when it would have taken 10 seconds in game to choose REPORT > PLAYER GRIEFING/TROLLING > enter message…click SUBMIT

Monsoon- I was thinking of a specific event were the person whom tigger this post built an ungodly amount of ballistas just for the purpose of draining garri supply and prevents upgrade progression. I did not intend for it to be on a single placement nor as a new means for further enabling players to be discourteous of each other. That is why I think a tracker would be an important piece of implementation. Having a threshold set at 40-60 unique complaints filed in a 24 hour period would help prevent small squabbles from resulting in action not intended. I hope this helps to clarify my position.

Siege Trolls and Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

I have purposed a solution in my thread and would appreciate other peoples thoughts and opinions. They are more likely to take action if we present them with some options to remedy this problem.

Siege Greifing - The Solution

in WvW

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

I am a moderate player that has reached my limit on the actions of one player detracting from my enjoyment and ability to play in BG WvW. I know that I am not alone and this is an issue that needs to be addressed. I am taking my time that I allot to play this game to write about this topic. It came not be standard policy for the report system of guild wars to so heavily favor the privilege of one person’s ability to repeatably and purposefully annoy and hinder other people’s game play and enjoyment. I know others have complained before and continue to complain, yet to no avail thus far. That is why I am choosing to stop purchasing gems until this issue is resolved. If you, like me, are so annoyed at the lack of action taken to address this person’s intentional trolling consider actions that may help to bring change. I know that other people may have ideas on how to resolve this.

This problem can, in my eyes an layman knowledge of GW2 system, be fixed by, a minimum, an addition to the report system for this style of behavior. As of today I put scamming cause that was the least worst fit. This would at least create a system to track problematic players. It would also allow for the reporting of when a person drains supply to build superfluous siege, purposeful destruction of golems, and the placing of grief siege build sites. It could even have an internal tracker of X number of unique reports triggers an automatic response.

In summary, I will not be spending anymore money on this game, and yes I have made several gem purchases as this finance system intended. I do not intend or mean to be disruptive or an issue myself, I assumed this was the best venue for me to raise this issue and put forth my suggestion for resolution and my current way of dealing with a deafening silence on the parts of the admins (meaning I would appreciate someone from the guild wars team to weigh in on the subject). Thank you for your time and any constructive comments or support for this initiative.

(edited by Knight of Tempaler.2798)

Can't Start the Game, Code = 7:11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

I’m having the same issue, 5-10 min before dropped or cant even get on. It started after the Fridays (6/21) patch. I’m on Blackgate server. Reading other post it appears to be a server side issue. I hope they are able to resolve this server issue.

Moving Goal line? Intentional Decay Rate?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

I recently noticed that I have started re-achieving Slayer achievements. Many where finished months ago, or even it the first weeks of release. Now they are appearing as 1 short in many cases. Is this an intentional decay rate for the purpose of re upping? Or do kills fall off? This is new to me and did not see it anywhere in forum.

This may seem like an unimportant aspect, but for those of us that title grind and achievement kitten, having the requirements switch and reset is tedious at best.

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

To preface this post I must admit, I HATE CHANGE! Or I am at least slow to warm to it. And in honesty my first thought were of annoyance with having my routine changed. Now after reflection I do understand the motivation and the purpose that is trying to be achieved by the adjustment. BUT, and it is a big but as you see, one achievement as went a little astray of one core value of GW2. The healing achievement. I do understand the motivation behind it is well intended and in theory I wholeheartedly agree with it. The issue I have with it is that I am in constant pursuit of bodies. When I see one I sprint toward them to rez but often find them on their feet before I arrive by other players. And this is how I feel it runs a foul of the core value of GW2. In the making of this game the Devs stated that they did not want to create and adversarial atmosphere in the game with players unhappy to have others near to compete for finite resources. I feel that every time now when trying to find a player or npc to rez. I do have to admit that before ppl where not johnny on the spot to rez npcs and did not always change course to aid a fellow player. But these were outliers not the norm I feel. Now I am not privy to all the data admins have access to so none rezing may be a far more frequent occurrence. If so this can be remedied by a different mechanic such as raising the exp gained or adding a karma/ gold / loot incentive to entice ppl to aid. I hope that my criticism is received in the constructive tone I intend.