Showing Posts For Kodthr.7103:

HUGE Dishonor System Issue

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


Tbh the system is a massive fail. Not in the idea but in the implementation you made.

How come you thwart people playing this game ? C’mon I mean, there are massive fails and issues in the bloody pvp part of this game and you come and dishonour people for having a crash once in a while ?!

Just put realistic values. The games last in average 10 minutes (or even less maybe), and you put a 40 minute ban on a player for not reconnecting in a short span of 60s ? In 60s, what can happen ? If the player has a slow computer, he’s basically rekt. If the player’s internet crashs, it might even take around 2mins.

It doesn’t really make a difference, you will almost always lose the game, so why do you guys put a 60s threshold ? Plus, if you reconnect and win the game, you get the dishonour stacks anyway… seriously ?! I thought your system was there to pressure people who wanted to ragequit/leave/afk. If the player comes back in and wins the game with his team, d’ya really think he wanted to leave intentionally the kitteng game ?

Dishonour is a good idea, the implementation is a failure at so many levels.

Pliz devs get your game fixed before annoying people with dishonour.

GW2 All-Star Karaoke Tournament #2!

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


Sign me up !!
The Lord Pwn ingame.

Who will be my Celine Dion? I have my recorder ready, lads.

My ears bleed everytime.

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I will speak from experience.

I began playing Mesmer with null field in order to clean the conditions applied to me and eventually also used it offensively to remove boons from enemies.
I also tested the daze mantra but I feel like F3 and #5 of GS are enough to interrupt most of the skills (heals, rez banners, d/p thieves combo, …) that you really need to interrupt. However it can be a nice alternative but I guess some other ones are better.

Now, I always use portal. Why ?

Well, as you gain experience you will understand what you really need to dodge and conditions will not really bother you anymore (except if you get caught, in that case you certainly failed and condition removal is maybe not the only answer). Using dodges (with vigor), stealth and distortion you will soon never use a condi clean, in some cases you can still jump onto your ele/engi/shoutbow/guard and he will surely clean some conditions for you.

If you play as a team (as you mentioned in your post), portals are always something nice to use (getting a nearly dead friend out of combat, fooling the enemy team by rushing one point and take the portal to stomp the poor defender of another one).
If you don’t play with a team, you can still use your portal for selfish reasons : getting out of a lost fight, pushing far, having people back to get you and portal back mid, …

In a nutshell, I would say that condi clean is good to begin with but you will soon enough discover that you don’t really need them anyway.

P.S. : The same goes for the elite skill, I used to play mass invisibility for some rez, stealth impact and self defense, but now I run moa which is more team oriented (I don’t feel like using moa in a 1v1, especially against another mesmer, because you know, I like having a fair miror match up).

Cannot speak nor read /guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I just joined a guild this evening.

I cannot speak in /guild and I cannot read what’s going on too.
When I try to speak, my message just goes away but never reach the channel (I ask a guild member in /w and he said he wasn’t able to read what I wrote). I also cannot read what they are saying in /guild.

I tried to :
- go invisible / online
- log off / log in
- restarted my computer

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


In-Game Mesmer : The Lord Pwn
Role : Instructor (mesmer in pvp), Scholar
Home Server : Jade Sea [FR] (EU)
Playstyle : PvP only
Time : weekends, friday evenings, Paris time zone

[Sugg] fractal reward track [sPvP]

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I guess this had already been discussed somewhere and we actually came up with a simple answer : no.

In fact, I never do fractals, but from what I’ve understood, it is supposed to be the ‘end game’ dungeons. This is a very specific PvE thing, and I don’t think having rewards while doing PvP would be a great idea.

Furthermore, it is way too easy to obtain the skins the way you suggests it. From the link you’ve posted, it seems these boxes only show up rarely in 51+ fractals. Getting all the agony resistance to get there and then struggling to obtain one of these boxes cannot be compared to finishing a reward track doing PvP.

These skins are absolutely great in my opinion and they even get better when you know they are hard to obtain. Why would you want to ruin the value by literally offering them through PvP.

Justin help! Ranked games feel like hotjoin

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


Is there some kind of MMR in unranked ?

Since patch I usually do unranked games for soloQ but it seems something went wrong with the update.
Therefore, I do have some questions :

Have you removed the anti-“profession stacking” from the queue ? I just went against three guard vs two thieves (btw, the new dailies bring a lot of new players inside pvp but they usually just come to gt the APs, so they don’t stay that long) and yesterday evening I was with three thieves against war/necro/thief. Everytime I check if they are solo-ing… and they are.

Is there some kind of MMR in unranked ? Games feels really sad now and begin to disgust me the more I play. I mean, you see new incomers only for daily, people trying to aim with the treb for the half of the game without even doing a single damage.

Are there a lot of players in unranked ? My first thought was that unranked was here to chill and ranked games were here to be competitive (like when you play with a 5man premade). But unranked games don’t allow me to enjoy the game anymore, so I might want to consider going soloQ in ranked games.

Dishonored in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


Well, I was with you in this game. And I did not check wether he had this buff before entering or not.

I’d just like to add a few things for a better understanding of the situation :
I think that what happened is that the ranger entered the game because he was queued (he joined at the last moment, so he did not click the ‘join’ button before), then was kicked and received the dishonoured buff.

And then, here is the question : how did he joined ? And if he joined manually, he did not move like if he was AFK.

Report player for /macro option needed.

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


you CANT use 5+ skills in less than 1 sec manually dude.

I’m pretty sure you can do it. Maybe not if you click or if you’re not fast on the keyboard. But, I’ll just take myself as an example, having a mouse with buttons on it is quite helpful.

R70 vs R1 , nice matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I’m far from being a good player (occasionally on top 1000 / 900 in Europe, most of the time in 95-96%) or even being r70 (only r41 at the moment), but I think they should rework the matchmaking a bit.

I know rank is not indicating the skill of the player, but still, we can notice a difference between a r20- player or a r40+ player. I am not raging because of the fact that I lost a lot of games these last two days (but it might be something that pushes me into writing there) but losing because of 4v5 or 3v5 or because of an evident lack of skill some low rank player has is something that annoys me a lot.

I mean, why not having special queues for low ranks (r25 or minus) ? Last time I suggested a r16 player to do some hot join, he replied (I skip all the parts where he insults me with no reason) :
“I won’t cuz my necro rocks, I was testing a ranger build” (yeah ! r16 player testing a ranger build in YoloQ)
and “I won’t cuz I have more points here”. Like, what the kitten ?! I mean you can earn some points in hot join too (and as far as I know, you earn quite a lot of them, like I ranked up from 1 to 35 in HJ, not wanting to annoy yoloQ players).

Or we should display somewhere in the game : “if you want to play, do some hot join and learn your class then, try yoloQ” and “if you want to earn points really fast to get your title to show off in PvE, try trollhammer farm…”.

Housing and other things

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I think you should read this thread about housing, the author gives lots of examples :

However I do not agree with the mounts. The maps are not that big and there are plenty of waypoints across Tyria. So mounts are quite useless. Just walk and admire the landscapes or use waypoints.

Housing and Guild halls: GvG, PvE and RP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


@Krosslite > IMHO, I think you misunderstood what housing is. For the moment, we have a personal instance that cannot be personalized as we want it to be. Perhaps, the definition of this instance that Anet give on its website may be disturbing : “These key decisions not only determine the story’s direction, they also change and update your home instance, a personalized home area located in your character’s racial capital.” (
However, we must admit that we did not see many changes in this ‘home’ (the only thing is a quartz node for completing few tasks but it does not have any relation with the personal story).
Then, the OP said he talked with Anet’s staff members who confirmed that they were not working on housing at the moment. It means that the personal instance is not considered as a place for housing.

@Kira > I read your post and found it great not only because lots of ideas are amazing but also because you tried to find solutions for problems that already existed in the past.
However I did not really understand your concept of ‘taxes’ especially the ‘income tax’. Is that a tax the player pays whenever he earns a little money in PvE ?

To conclude, I do not understand why you chose this last sentence : “Let us cultivate our garden”. I mean, through your post you explained that housing was ‘a social and community engine’.
But Voltaire, in Candide do not really give a precise meaning of this sentence. Although there are several interpretations, one of the most important (if I can use the term here) is : ‘we must live alone, without external contact’ like a kind of autarky.
So, here, did you use this sentence to show that people have to play alone (I sincerely doubt) or to show that people in a guild must live together and not with other players ? or to make sure that guildies will customize their houses (and gardens) ? Please tell me more !

I love your idea, I’ll keep this thread in my mind

API errors & bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I just began few cool things whith the new API (map) and I noticed something. In map_floor.json, some sectors are repeated more than once. For example :

{"sector_id":143,"name":"Nemeton Grove","level":17,"coord":[9030.92,

is repeated twice, with these coords and one more time with almost the same coords :

{"sector_id":143,"name":"Nemeton Grove","level":17,"coord":[9030.01,

P.S. : Thank you so much for the tiles

List of apps/websites using the API

in API Development

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


Just want to edit my website link : it is better with Github Pages :

List of apps/websites using the API

in API Development

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


GW2-events : events tracker.

Project on GitHub :
Preview on website :

I’m using ideas from : such as the map, the decoration and the idea of using leaflet. GW2 assets are the properties of Arenanet.

My application, in browser, show events on their respective map for a given world. I plan to add the coordinates of the events (perhaps with some new features of the API if ANet decide to give us coords of the events ; or by creating a community map where everyone can add events).
I also want to add level of the events and maybe some icons.

P.S. : Sorry for my bad english. I do my best but I’m still learning it.