Showing Posts For Kore wa Sparta.3750:
You’d only get that many stacks from grinding and farming the Aetherblades this past week/2 weeks. A-net didn’t want you to grind, remember?
I just spent over 10g (with an added 15g for a black lion salvage kit) on named weapons with the stat that I want. 10g is about 7 or 8 weapons and none of them yielded any inscriptions. Can a Dev confirm what “non-craftable” and “drops where applicable” is, because I’m sure you can’t craft some of these named items that I wasted my money on.
“For example, if you have an Explorer’s Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat. Since all weapons, armor, and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, any of these items currently on the Trading Post will be return to the poster. The only exceptions to this rule are in some high-end weapons that will still get the ability to select their stats, but will remain tradable.”
I’d like to know which of these “some high-end weapons” are, so I know which items I’ve previously been trying to sell are to be sold immediately. I feel as if A-net is telling us to sell our stuff now or forever hold our items — thus losing a large sum of gold. I’ve been profiteering weapons and some of them, like Drakevenom or Rivetwall, fall under the category that are to be changed — but are items like Drakevenom a high-end named item? Or do these high-end items only refer to the 3-4 items that cost 300g+ (Mad Moon, Immobulus, etc)
Here’s a picture of Divinity Reach’s old loading screen:
I currently have 30 second-1 minute loading times so having something to do/read while loading would be fun.
I really can’t see the fine line between what is an exploit and what is considered acceptable reward per effort. Sure you have farming Orr over and over on one side, which you can easily tell is not exploiting. You also have the snowflake salvage exploit, which very easily gave you a considerable sum of gold, which even I could see was considered an “exploit”. But what about the small tidbits that you find in new content? With Lionguard Lyns, you could have gotten Black Lion Keys for 64 silver each at a point. You normally buy them for 125 gems each, which currently costs $1.56. If you were to dump $1.56 straight from gems to coin, you’d get about 1g40s. That’s more than double the price per black lion keys. No bans have been given out yet for this, but this I can see was very profitable, especially if you got an unbreakable bell/everlasting tonic out of doing this.
This is only one example. What if in the future, more things get overlooked? If we find something profitable, are we to shy away from it with the fear of it being unintentional, like the karma cooking items or snowflake exploit, or do we just dive in and hope we get to this new resource before someone else finds out about it, always with the shadow of fear of being banned in the back of our minds? How much is “too” profitable for it to be considered an exploit?
(edited by Kore wa Sparta.3750)
I haven’t actually, stocked up on 8 unbreakable choir bells at 40g each last week, I’m in the hole right now.
Saw a guy with 3 Legendaries, the sword+ shield, then he switched to Dawn. Oh my word.
An elementalist with knight’s gear in wvw will have power, precision, and toughness. You’ll wreck anyone that comes in your path and if you get low, pressing f2 will heal you about 40% and pressing 2 after that should fully heal you. You should have 14k hp. That full hp bar will strike fear into your opponents, not to mention you should be able to outlast anyone except another survivability-geared opponent, and even then you’ll probly be doing more damage than them because you only need 1/3 of your stats to be a tank stat, Toughness, and the other two are Power and Precision, which the other should lack if they’re fully tank geared.
tl;dr: Elementalists with toughness outtank anyone with vit+toughness+healing while dealing insane damage at the same time with power+precision.
How is this not exploiting? Are we not exploiting a reward by doing it over and over again to amass it? How is this any different from doing something previously considered exploitative by doing it “over and over again” to gain something at a rate that isn’t normal? What is A-net’s term of exploit if not the normal usage of it?
First off, this is not an exploit. It is the same concept of converting t5 mats to t6 mats and then reselling them for a higher profit. The idea is to forge level 75-79 exotic armors into level 80 exotic armors. You use 75 as a minimum because the mystic forge will level the created item up by at least 5 levels, thus yielding you a level 80 armor. When I first started doing this, few people knew about it and the difference between the cost to put things in the mystic forge, 50 silver each for a total of 2g, and the cost of the created item was so large that I made a return of 1-2 gold per forge. Knight’s armor were 5g each, for example. That’s a whopping 3g difference, and with the tax you’d get mabey 2.6 gold from that one forge. Knight’s armor are ~3g each now, so the returns won’t be as profitable, but if you look at the other exotic 80 armors, the large majority of them are 4g+ at the moment. Sure I’ve created a handful of armors that have netted me a loss, but the amount that I made from just one other armor has accounted for any losses I have made. This method wasn’t very well known before, but people are starting to figure out what the mystic forge does so I might as well make it a fact of how you can make money with the mystic forge with very little risks. I’m sure the difference between the required materials and the created 80 armor will even out, much like t5 mats -> t6 mats have, in the near future with everyone knowing about this method. At the moment, buy orders are 63 silver to 65 silver each for level 75-79 exotic armors, which are very profitable in some ways and slightly unprofitable in other ways. About 50 of the level 80 armors are under 2g, while the other 250 are well above the point where you would start making money from this method. Khilbrons for example are 10g each at the least, which means an 8g profit for you. Hope you guys enjoy forging.
Edit: I’d like to add in the tidbit that you can also do this with exotic weapons. I have yet to try it, but many exotic weapons are easily 30g+, but at the same time there are many that go for 1g+. This gamble is way more risky, the armor prices have much more of a safety net from both the higher costs of each and the profit from making an item worth 4g+, which isn’t uncommon.
(edited by Kore wa Sparta.3750)
Done it all. My question is, when is the next campaign coming up? I want to kill more dragons. Fractals level 40 gets boring for the same loot.
General is always the right forums. I have not the answer to your question but I do hope you have the answer to mine. How do you move your character with that keyboard set-up?
Pffffffffffffahahahah. I dont know if you can get it back. What you did is equivilent to transmuting an exotic skin to a rare weapon.
The better question is, why are you posting your price so high from the current highest buy order? The midline between where the highest buy order and lowest sell order is sometimes the best spot to place your sell orders at. If you don’t want to go that low, tough luck, because other people might.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kore wa Sparta.3750
Helping a guy out since he can’t log into the forums. Taken from reddit:
“My GF and my account have both been suspended/blocked couple of days after the Nov Lost Shore Event, still no idea why. I can think of no reason both accounts were suspended, my GF and I don’t even play on the same servers and take it in turns using my computers. The only thing I could think of is logging in using my mobiles tethered connection when my ADSL was down registered too many new networks/IPs I had to e-mail authorize each time I played for about 6 days.”
[Incident: 121124-002202] is the original ticket # from my account 2 weeks ago.
[Incident: 121203-002074] I just did today from my GF account
DirkDiggler.4512 [Incident: 121124-002202]
Evergreen Neverseen is one of my lvl 80s.
error code:45:6:3:2114
I just tried to login one day and was shown the account blocked/suspended page.
Queensdale gives me that feeling I felt when I first played the game. It’s sort of like awe, except more orgasmic. Yes.
I like kessex hills for the scenery. I always watch the Vistas. Everywhere else, I just skip.
Or will my 154 (soon to be 300+) black lion keys be for naught?
I don’t understand ships blowing up, but people actually do use items. Globs of ectoplasms for example are a huge part of the market. People are using them everyday to craft legendaries, or more recently, crafting back items and ascending them, which require huge amounts of ectoplasms. These ectoplasm never enter back into the market, as the items are soulbound. There are many items that follow this same pattern.
What happened to me was we had just finished killing the Legendary son of svanir in the snow fractal, got the chest and everything, everyone clicked okay. The loading screen pops up, which was normal. After it finishes loading, however, I was still in the cave where we had just killed the boss; I didn’t go anywhere while my team was in the next one. I attempted to fix this by relogging and headed back to dessa’s lab, but found that I had the instance to myself. Using the fractal teleporter also sent me to my own instance of the same fractal that my group was in: some floating asuran, i presume, building.
I’ve noticed that sometimes the warrior’s greatsword 5 skill will not hit the target sometimes, but instead the character will keep on dashing at the target. The elementalist’s earth dagger 3 also will shoot a projectile at the target, then make the character dash forward for the full duration of the dash sometimes, even after getting to the target’s location. This happens almost 100% of the time with large mobs, like Gigantes Lupicus, or even a Risen Giant. I’ve had rare occasions where it has happened on a somewhat large mob like an ogre.
How more than half of the map in Cursed Shore is being rendered useless.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Kore wa Sparta.3750
I noticed you only have 41% map completion. Why don’t you explore the rest of Tyria instead of mindlessly zerging 3 events over and over?
I always thought power sounded lame. Precision sounds cool though. Makes me want to stack it to be more precise. I don’t really care about being powerful.
I got to 25 wins legitly just by spamming f on the food fight tables. It’s not that hard. Then I found these wonderful cauldrons that put a costume on you. I turned in to an ooze and pressed 1. I hit everyone around me and instantly got 8 wins. I pressed it again and got 17. Once more and I hit 26. I was amazed. I did this all within 5 seconds. If only I knew sooner. I quit then, since I thought 25 was the limit because I got the achievement already, but now that I know there’s something at 500…. ooze time!
The TP doesn’t work that way. If you put it in for 16 silver, you will get that amount – 15%. You should have gotten 14 or so silver at the least. If not then you probably mischecked and put the item in for 3s.
Not a bad idea.
[Suggestion] Platinum medal and leaderboards for events.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Kore wa Sparta.3750
Getting a Gold medal for events is simply too easy. You get bronze for simply killing an exp rewarding creep that is related to the event. Silver if you kill about 3-5 more. If you’re simply doing the event and going through the entirety of it, you’re for sure able to get Gold. Heck, I even got a Gold medal for killing a shark that was attacking me while I was gathering materials, while not even knowing there was an event around. I propose a Platinum medal for players who actually deal major amounts of damage and aim to kill more creeps than others in an event. Gold simply doesn’t feel rewarding enough for me, sometimes I feel like leaving the event for others to finish after killing 5 mobs, which I know will give me a Gold medal and its rewards while I’m off doing other things, like killing 5 other event mobs to get the most of my time. I haven’t yet, but the feeling of wanting to do that is always there. I feel there should be a reward for people who heartily start and finish events, and utilize their skills to the maximum potential. Going along with this, there should be a leaderboard after the event to show who did the most damage during it. In adding this, the spirit of wanting to surpass others will encourage people to give it their all in events, and not just deal damage for a minute then sit around/afk while everyone else finishes it, which I have seen people do.
Tl;dr: Implement a higher tier medal that rewards you for doing the most damage, and give a leaderboard to show who did. The result of this implement should help people be more competitive in mob-killing events and promote more higher level skill play.
Combat, Dynamic Events... what's the point if they're easy mode?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Kore wa Sparta.3750
I just fought The Shatterer for the first time, with a total playtime of 75 hours. All I can think of is “Wow, Kol took longer than this guy.” Swingan my greatsword the size of one of its scales, and I’m a pretty kitten tall Norn, scratching at it and it starts dying, without even damaging me, and when it does, it deals 1/5 of my hp, which I regenerate back with heal signet in under 5 seconds. I am amazed at how weak this “Boss” is.
I like the idea of events getting stronger over time. Beat Kol and Ulgoth 25 times in a row? How bout they get 25 times stronger? I’m perfectly okay with that. Quite frankly, the events in this game are too easy. I’m pretty sure the Devs are leaning towards a more casual playerbase, which I dislike, since GW1 required at least some basic strategy. You can just press 1-5, or even just 1, and you’d speedclear through this game.
Ol’ Stinky’s NPC is missing in Kessex Hills. I’m 98% finished with the map, just need the skill point to get my chest. Many people have been distressed to find that he’s gone, so a quick fix would be great.
Server: Crystal Desert.