Showing Posts For Kortex.2570:
Seroiusly A-Net,
please don’t change the reset time! There are definitely not more players online at 10am than at 8pm on a friday. You need to check WHO is playing WvW and WHO is just standing in Lions Arch or doing some other PvE stuff. You will see that 8pm is a way better reset time than 10am. Sometimes i think that no one off the developers ever played WvW. (EotM doesn’t count)
It would be nice if the developers would work hand in hand with the WvW-community. Streams or feedback that someone actually reads and not wait till the thread has more than 100 pages.(i don’t mean this thread)
I hope you can understand what I wanted to say because english is not my native language.
Carsten Waterfield – Elementalist