Showing Posts For Kovyn Alander.2138:

Faster Mystic Forge options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

I totally agree with this. Especially when crafting lots of lodestones or other legendary items or even just bulk items to flip on the TP. The Mystic Forge needs some serious work. QoL changes are needed. The ability to craft a recipe multiple times, a recipe list of recipes you’ve discovered, and crafting more than one item at a time. For the love of Dwayna, PLEASE!

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

A better way to solve this would be to turn the pointless “Play whatever you like” segment into the most important part of the event.

Give people 30 seconds to construct a tune and then randomly assign everyones’ tunes to other people and have them attempt the swapped tunes for greater rewards.

Implemented as follows:
As the “play whatever you want” section starts, your character gets 30 ammo for or ringing bells and a one second recharge between consecutive bell swings. Every time you ring a note, an orb goes away from your character towards the end of the lane that note usually approaches from.

When the 30 seconds are up, you get to try someone else’s composition. If you get it right, you get 5 presents. If the person on the other end gets your tune at least 80% right, you get another 5 presents.

You have got to be joking. Seriously. Here, let’s try it out.


Now you play it.

1000 gems per cape

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

We already have a serious problem with ANET not being able to stray away from buttcapes and trenchcoats, not to mention being mostly stuck in the renaissance era of “creative” armors for most cloth and leather wearers, and you suggest something that would only ADD to the problem!?

Suggested Option for Outfits/Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

4 years of this, ANET. 4! We already have enough!

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

This part should be removed entirely (the last 3-4 minutes).

If ANet cared, there would be a “practice this song” option with accuracy/no damage instead and it would be BEFORE not after.

This makes complete sense.

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

The main problem I see with this is that now that it is so easy to acquire an unbreakable bell(this has been the case since last year) this section seems completely pointless. Anyone who wants to play whatever they want can just get an unbreakable bell for 57c and play it forever without having to bother with joining any instances.

I collected 4 or 5 of those last year. And then there was the second version which I have somewhere in my inventory…..

(edited by Kovyn Alander.2138)

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

kitten , no shame to the grind huh?
Personally hope that A-Net never does something like this, the main reason to do these winter events is for the fun, I am personally not gonna grind, this or the next year. But them having a more open and welcoming event, is never a bad thing in my eyes.

No shame to the grind because people do grind this.
No shame to the fun because people do this for fun.
The event itself more than open and welcoming to people of any and all skill levels.

I get that you might waste 4 minutes (or 1)

So you understand there is time wasted. That’s good.

but what is the reason to do the events if not for fun at this point?

I never said that it wouldn’t be fun? My argument is against removing the last portion of the Bell Choir event that wastes time on players part and possibly causes unnecessary network traffic. You’re trying to argue that I’m saying the event itself isn’t fun the way it is? Or are you trying to argue that those last 4 minutes ARE somehow…fun? When, as suggested, rewarding the player with a consumable bell that they can play at any time (for any reason and anywhere) would be the same thing as sitting in that instance playing the bell. The same amount of fun is had…or more since you could do whatever you want with the consumable. You’re not limited in movement or to an area/instance if consumable bells were rewarded.

Rewards is far from good enough to use hours on end on the event

I never said anything about the rewards either. Stay on topic. The “Play as you like” portion of the Bell Choir instance (which does NOT have rewards for completing so bringing up rewards has nothing to do with this).

(edited by Kovyn Alander.2138)

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

This portion of this event has no purpose other than for players to just spam (most of the time) the keys. They aren’t actually playing anything or they just sit there waiting for the instance to close. If people want to play they’ll have their own instruments or use the consumable bells. In fact, you could just give them a consumable bell for participation so they can play outside the event and save time for everyone.

In addition to removing this portion of the event, and the more important point, it would also solve the problem of joining a Bell Choir instance and not being able to gain anything from it because the whole point of being there is already gone. AKA Karma and gifts. The whole last 4 or so minutes of this event is nothing but people joining these near empty games and leaving. 4 whole minutes for an event that is practically done! That’s probably a lot of unnecessary network traffic.

So, by removing this portion of this event you eliminate people joining late in the game who recieve nothing, ANET saves themselves some possible network mayhem, and no more time is wasted. I don’t expect this to happen this year since it’s already here but for next year….hint hint.

(edited by Kovyn Alander.2138)

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

The concensus is, those who bought it recently can arguably have been duped. But those who bought it a long time ago had their share of fun with it.

Think of it as.. Before the multiboxes people had unbreakable tools. Multiples. And they enjoyed the fact they could harvest mine and log for years without ever buying or worryingabout the tools. Now that the multiboxes are a thing, they can easily move the tools between chars. But they won’t get refunded because they actively used the tools and had their money’s worth out of them.

But I don;t disagree, though, it’s not fun to have useless duplicates. Thats why I once suggested a gifting of already bought gem store items. To be able to give my second items to a friend who didnt have the money for them. My suggestion was: when you destroy a BLC item, that item in the shop gets a charge so you can gift it to someone else.

I sent in a ticket about this very thing with the salvage o matics less than 24 hours ago. We’ll see what happens but I agree that I should be able to have a credit if I want to “tradeback” the item in question to gift it or use the gems on something else that has more use.

Pointer visible during manual camera control

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

I thought we had gotten rid of this? Am I mistaken? Hadn’t noticed it in the last couple weeks then downloaded some patch and here it is again? Why isn’t there an option to hide the cursor when I manually control the camera?

[Suggestion] Inventory buttons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

Currently for the UI inventory window there is the lone gear icon in the upper right that has a drop down menu with 5 options. I have, on several occasions, clicked on “compact” when I wanted to “deposit materials”. Why not just make them seperate buttons that sit along the same line as the gear button? There’s plenty of space to do so that is going wasted.

Look at all that room. 5 buttons would be nice instead of that drop down menu because I’m just about fed up with it.

[Suggestion] Shortcuts for Trait builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

There’s a chance! That’s good news. I wouldn’t have thought to call it a template but that works too.

[Suggestion] Shortcuts for Trait builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

I think this would a benefit to the community overall in a small way. You could look up a build, try it out, and then forget what you had before. Or someone tells you a build and you forget parts of it but save the build so you can ask again later to finish it.

[Suggestion] Shortcuts for Trait builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

With the upcoming patch we are getting free trait resets any time we want pretty much. That’s rather helpful for those who like to play diversely with their characters.

Along with that I have a suggestion to take it a step further. That being that we basically have shortcuts to saved builds that players create in tabs that would fall underneath the Traits tab in the Skills and Traits section of the Hero Panel. These shortcuts would be named by the player to identify which to use for the situation at hand or about to encounter. “WvW”….“PvP”…“CHARRGORAWR”…“Dungeons”. You know.

So basically… Hero Panel > Skills and Traits > Traits > choose customized build and click an activate button. Let’s not forget a “New Build” button so you can add more later up to a limit of 3 or 5 or so.

"Search" text replaced

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

When looting items the usual “Search” notification is now replaced with the option that we use to loot with. I know what type of looting I’m using. [AoE] Loot on Interact I don’t need to read it every time I loot now. “Search” was just fine.

Can't buy gems since patch?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

Same issue. I have relogged to try and reset the TP but I cannot buy gems with gold. Redirects to an empty TP page.

Trading gold for gems is what I’m meaning. If the OP is getting the same blank page I am I assume he is doing what I am trying to do.

Gem amount input on Gold to Gem exchange page

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

I want to trade for a specific amount of gems. But because of the market introductions today, Aetherblade gear, the amount keeps jumping around. I am having to change the amount to try and find the exact amount of change I need for the gems I want. This is silly and just frustrating.

If there were an input on this page for Gems and I put in exactly what I wanted it would show me exactly what the price would be for those gems and then the price would be what fluctuates.

Can't buy gems since patch?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

Same issue. I have relogged to try and reset the TP but I cannot buy gems with gold. Redirects to an empty TP page.

Crafting window quantity "click-dragger-thingamabob"

in Crafting

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

I know how it works. I just want to know why the buttons were removed. Or why their isn’t an option to select either or.

Crafting window quantity "click-dragger-thingamabob"

in Crafting

Posted by: Kovyn Alander.2138

Kovyn Alander.2138

Why were the buttons removed and replaced with this. . . thing? It was much easier to get the exact amount of items I wanted to craft with just a couple of clicks.