Showing Posts For Krenn.7832:

Laptop: Item descriptions with strange prefix symbols

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krenn.7832


Are you perhaps using the ‘Large’ interface setting on the laptop, and not on the desktop? The large interface has several invalid letters, including replacing … with an accented capital E. It’s rather annoying, and has been reported before – the only workaround is to set your interface to normal or the largest size.

Feedback: Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krenn.7832


Please do not replace the current IP/Email authentication with this Mobile 2 Factor Auth system. As a privacy professional who has been fighting against Google’s attempts to turn every person on the planet into a product at the expense of their privacy I do not use any Google products and if you require us to use this service in order to play I will simply stop playing.

It’s compatible with any OATH-TOTP device or app, though, so you wouldn’t be required to use Google Authenticator. You could, for example, use a YubiKey:

"Dev Tracker"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krenn.7832


Preview for Hall of Monuments skins and/or Transmutation screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krenn.7832


I’d like the preview feature to be added to the HoM skins; since they’re categorized as consumables and not actual armor, you can’t preview them before using them. Or, since the interface they use is the same as the Transmutation Stones, a preview button on there might be even better – that way, you could make sure you’re using the correct skin when transmuting an object.