Showing Posts For Krimlin.3257:
Good evening all!
I’d just like to report this little issue, see if anyone out there suffers from the same fate. I’d had this issue months back and luckily it was fixed but now it’s back again! In full force too! I suffer from the dreaded Black Screen of Death, have been for the past few days.
Currently, I’m not missing updates for my computer, run nothing in terms of 3rd party stuff, have graphics settings tuned properly (As they have been before the patch and this issue never occurred).
I’m just wondering if a fix is being planned for this/if the dev team know of this issue coming back!
Thanks for the support!
Logged in tonight after work. Had received mail from a friend while I was gone, read it and went to reply. Typed out my message, went to send it and an error popped up saying, “This player is blocking you.”
The player is on my friends list, my blocked list is completely empty, and she told me (Through one of her friends) that I am blocking her. I have no issues with ANY of my other friends, only one.
Is there a quick fix to this issue? Has anyone else experienced it?
Thanks for the help, if I get any!
(edited by Krimlin.3257)
Agreed. I’m puzzled on all the limitations they are putting on their game. Perfectly understand trying to scare away bots with antibotting stuff, fine, but you limit the game soooo much that itskittennear impossible to play for an extended period of time. I want to be able to stay on for 2 or 3 hours FARMING, getting money or materials that I need without some stupid hitting code coming into play. Come on ArenaNet, think about what you’re doing to your players vs preventing bots or even speed clears of dungeons. I mean really? Make it harder and even less rewarding? What kind of idea is that? If I want to make money running the same dungeon, the same way for hours on end, why can’t I?
Gold is hard enough to come by and you go and destroy a fast, simple way of getting it. Do you want to lose your fanbase within the first month ArenaNet? You already are to be honest. Listen to your players for once and undo everything you have done to limit players on farming!
Thank you for making this post! ArenaNet needs to see what they are doing to ruin their game by putting so many limitations on the game to scare away bots. You prevent bots, yes, but you ruin the game for your customers who paid for the game. Come on ArenaNet, you are ruining your game which will come back and bite you in the butt. Isn’t it clear after all the posts that you are driving your customers AWAY rather than keeping them.
Yay! Someone made a post like this. About time ArenaNet sees what they promised and how they disappointed so many of their players.
Come on ArenaNet… I trusted you.
I can’t see many WoW players sticking around when Pandas are on the horizon.
If you’re implying that I am going back to that, you’re wrong, although I may have misunderstood. I apologize if this is the case.
I don’t plan on going there. Have before, swore I would never go back.
Yay! Someone made a post like this. About time ArenaNet sees what they promised and how they disappointed so many of their players.
Come on ArenaNet… I trusted you.
I don’t mind it taking a long time and saving up to acquire something in game, but we need to keep two things in mind.
First, make sure there is a variety of ways and places to get what is needed. Be that gold or karma or tokens or crafting mats or skill points or whatever. If you don’t want it to seem like a grind then allow us to simply choose what it is we want to do and slowly reward that with what we will need. If you force us to go to a particular place and kill thousands of a specific mob to get say ectos then we will have a problem. As a positive example, the leveling in this game was great in this regard. We could pretty much do what you want and you would get exp for it. That is great design. On the other hand, having to run a particular dungeon’s explorables in order to get a specific token to buy a certain armor is perhaps not the best idea since people will obviously have to farm that dungeon to get a particular set. Let people do a variety of dungeons if they want.
Second. While we want to have choices, don’t punish us for choosing a favorite. That is, if we choose to farm a particular instance because we like it the best then that is our choice. If we want to stay in one area of the world and slaughter a particular mob over and over then that is our choice. If we are doing this because there is an imbalance then fix the imbalance rather than punish the choice. Some people like doing things repetitively. Why? I dunno. Why did lineage 2 do so well for so many years. And yes, it did well in Asia. I played L2 for a while and people would get a group together to go to the ancient battlegrounds and just farm for an hour or two. we would chat and have a great time as a group doing what would otherwise drive me nuts alone. But in a group it was fine. My point is, if people are legitimately playing the game, that is, not using a bot, then let them play they way they want to. Kill the botters but don’t punish the weirdos for simply doing their thing.
FINALLY! Waiting for someone to say this, I couldn’t come up with the words myself, but you sir/ma’am, did an excellent job with these statements.
I agree with the OP in regards to the fact that I was having PLENTY of fun up to level 80, more so than I have had in any other MMO before Guild Wars 2. Upon reaching that level, I constantly found myself wondering what to do that wasn’t a grind and I found running CoF to be the best (Yes, it is a grind, I know) thing to do in terms of getting money, looking forward to a new set of armor that was far better than mine, and just to get to know people, but once the patch hit…
Never again will I touch the dungeon system again, not after doing a hard dungeon only to get little to no reward, or even “paying” for the run through repairs.
I came into this game HOPING that ArenaNet, after a successful time with GW1, would deliver on their promises of “We don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys it, no one finds it fun.” (Guild Wars 2 Manifesto video)
What else does ArenaNet want us to do? We now have VERY little income after the latest patch. Farming is technically still grinding, to me anyway and I don’t feel like wasting the time I do have to play farming for items that someone is sooner or later make a bigger profit on.
I am, sorry WAS, slowly working towards a Tier 3 Cultural Armor set, and was doing fine with the CoF runs in terms of having an income but seeing as dungeon runs are basically useless now, I have very little to fall back on like some other people I know.
All in all, I’m not sure if I can stick with this at the rate it’s going. These changes are for ArenaNet, not the players. This game is about the players, at least it was before release, and now it… Turned to the side of big business.