Showing Posts For Kurse.3801:
Would that not be against the ToS? I don’t know if I’d want to resort to macros.
I never said anything about skills. I said Traits. As in this window.
I don’t know why I can’t get [img][/img] to work on that, but oh well.
Most specifically, I see people opening the traits window seemingly directly and switching between these two traits;
Dash and Bound. Still waiting to see if anyone can answer this for me.
I apologize if this is the wrong section to put this in, but something recently has been bothering me as I’ve been watching some streamers play thief.
I’ve begun to notice that they’re able to directly open the traits tab and effortlessly switch between their dodges, mainly Dash and Bound.
It does not seem as if they’re simply pressing “H”, then moving their mouse over, clicking on the traits tab, and then switching traits. It seems more as if the window opens directly to traits, their mouse is already hovering over the trait, the trait is swapped and the window is closed. Almost no time at all, which I would love to do as well since switching between Dash for mobility and roaming, and Bound for when I need to get into combat seems very useful.
I’ve tried asking in game but no one seems to be able to answer this for me. Is there a way open the traits window directly? Or maybe there’s a button to switch between tabs in the Hero menu?
Simple or not I just want to find out how people are doing this. Thank you for your time.