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Mesmers will not be the only portalers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


Yeah, Thieves definitely need portals…while you’re at it, why don’t the Thieves ask for the following, I mean since they have absolutely nothing going for them right now:

1. Jets
2. Submarines
3. The ability to fly just in case your jet’s out of fuel
4. Machine guns
5. “Lasers” coming from your eyes
6. More damage and survivability (we all know “how hard it is for Thieves to survive”)
7. Instead of stealth, the ability to instantly log out of GW2 whenever you’re attacked
8. Bat Man’s belt
9. Wonder Woman’s hair
10. A good hard kick in the sack for being clowns
11. The lowest skill cap in the game…oh wait…
12. A brain and some ruby slippers
13. The Colonel’s secret recipe
14. Find out why Kim Kardashian let herself get knocked up by Kanye…of all people, really? Really?

please nerf shattered strenght

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


Trolls like Leuca and the OP of this thread don’t even play Mesmer as their mains; they “play” one but they don’t really have a vested interest in the class other than fulfilling some gimmicky role in spvp. Most likely both play either Elementalist or Necro as their mains; players of both those classes feel the Mesmer should be the weakest caster and therefore they will do all they can to destroy it. TLDR: stop feeding these troll clowns and never respond to them directly. When you must respond to their ridiculous claims, you talk through/around them, that’s pretty much all they deserve. Later all, I have to go stack 212192371983719873 applications of might and beat GW2.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


Hahaha, wow. I played as an engineer in all 3 BWEs but have recently given up and went Mesmer. All I can say is that I don’t know why the hell I was wasting my time with an engineer when a 80 PVP mesmer is 2 minutes away. It almost feels like cheating.

Anyway I’m really enjoying the class but by far the most broken thing in the game in terms of IWIN is Moa Morph. I honestly feel guilty using it — it’s a one button win every time. In group fights it leaves someone absolutely defenseless as they get focus fired, unable to do anything for 10 seconds. And never mind 1v1; in those cases its a 1v0 for 10 seconds as your opponent runs around helpless. Utterly broken. I actually feel bad using it and often have to apologize in /map chat because I know the other player is raging.

So just saying, I’ll be sticking with Mesmer but let’s be honest here, Moa Morph is completely broken and needs a huge nerf. CC in GW2 is short but this spell is the exception. It should be 5 seconds MAX, or break on single target damage.

Translation: “I’m really bad at GW2 and got dominated by a Mesmer cuz I tried to peck him to death when I got MOA’d instead of running LoS like real players do and I don’t really feel guilty cuz I really don’t play a Mesmer but I said I do to trick you all into thinking I have a valid point.”

Next complaint please.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


As an HoD player, I actually liked the 1v2 action last week vs SBI and ET, or at least what seemed like 1v2 in EB. Some people were upset but there’s absolutely no fun in overpowering the opposition all the time, whether it be by having the fortune of housing a large night population or just outplaying your opponent. I thought we were going to lose and I actually hoped we would so it would flush some of the fair weather players out to either SBI or ET. If I was on SBI or JQ I’d hope that we could work together to smash HoD then turn around stab the other in the back and take home the win. But that’s just me. If one server shows themselves to dominant, for any reason, other servers SHOULD team up and take them down, regardless of how you may think it looks.

The Mesmer problem - Defensive Cooldowns + Heavy Damage. One needs to go.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


To start, this is not a rage topic, however, if this game is to become the fun and competitive playground that GW1 was/is, these discussions need to happen.

After playing quite a bit of sPvP, I’m finding that there is a general consensus that Mesmers are simply too good at the moment. Between conditions from staff and a phantasm or two with sword/pistol, their damage output becomes absurdly high. It isn’t burst damage, but once everything gets rolling, their opponent is forced to blow several cooldowns in order to survive.

So the answer should be this: hit the Mesmer with heavy burst damage before their damage gets rolling. However, this is simply not possible. They have nearly endless defensive cooldowns on weapon skills and slotted skills. Nearly everything they have causes detargeting or targeting of a clone, and even something as simple as a dodge creates yet another clone if the Mesmer is traited for it. In a worst case scenario, Mesmers have Moa Morph, the undisputed best Elite skill in the game for a PvP situation.

I decided to give Mesmers a bit of a try yesterday and today, and I’m finding that no one beats me in a duel. In bigger fights, I get my damage rolling, then simply stealth/run away behind a rock or a wall while my phantasms and conditions do plenty of damage.

In short, there is a very clear cut issue. Mesmers have more useful defensive cooldowns than most/all other classes and do more (and more reliable) damage than any other class, short of a Warrior allowed to use 100B on someone or a Thief allowed to repeatedly Pistolwhip someone. Mesmers need to be given a role. Either they deal heavy sustained damage when left to their designs, or they confuse and disorient the enemy team, causing fights to go poorly. By aNet’s pre-release talks, I’m assuming Mesmers are supposed to be the latter, since Necromancers and Rangers already fill the role of high sustained damage.

Please try to keep this topic free of downright flaming. It’s understandable if someone has disagreements, but there is a general consensus among many players that this is indeed an issue. If you see a fatal flaw in the thought process, please point it out. Ideas for specific skill changes are great too.

TL;DR: See title.

Another “insta kitten” who rolls a Mesmer then “can’t be beaten”. Sorry, raising the BS Flag on your claims of being automatically unbeatable now that you rolled the anointed class. I see the various angry Elementalist/Necro/Ranger that hops on a Mesmer, usually named “LoL Mesmer” or “E Z To Play Mesmer” or something equally as foolish and I end up beating them or they run away and get help (oops, guess not all people know how to play the easiest class/profession). The only players you’re going to beat with that “hide and let my extremely OP phantasms do all that MASSIVE damage while I sit over here and plan the end of the world and other various mischievous schemes MUAHAHAHAHAH” strategy are bad players or ignorant players. Hint: if you’re a below average player on one class, you’ll be below average on probably all of them…just throwing that out there. Oh, I know what’s next “Mesmer is the easiest of all and all of them are UNSTOPPABLE cuz even my handicapped sister who has 1 arm plays her Mesmer and she’s TIER 1 spvp…bro.” You got me.

Fact is, once you figure out how to separate the player from his illusions, fighting a Mesmer becomes as easy as other classes. I know it’s been beaten into the ground, but the phantasms aren’t very durable and save for the berserker, they, for the most part, just sit there and beg for a face full of AoE. The warden can pump out some nice damage but I think mine’s broken cuz people run away and he just sits there. sadface

Mesmer inbalanced?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


I’ve versed quite a few mesmers now and was quite easily able to work around the clone thing, as a warrior. But it doesn’t make a godkittenbit of difference. As soon as I catch up to the actual mesmer he either stealths, teleports, or stuns/roots me in place as he gets as far out of range as possible and then nukes me with a brand new summon of clones.

Dumb class that has way too much utility. They have the versatility of a thief paired with the nuke capability of an elementalist with seemingly no downside.

And don’t tell me they don’t have nuke capability when as soon as I get snared I get nuked from full hp all the way down to <10% in a single lot of blasts from their clones.

That’s a great story.

is this class an better magic class then ele?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


According to all the Necros and Elementalists crying on the forums, Mesmer takes zero skill to play and they lose to every Mesmer they face. Don’t play a Mesmer, youll hate it and you’ll only have to press 1 button and you’ll insta win. It’s true ask any of the sobbing masses of Nec/ele players that feel they should be the premier caster class in the game.

Mesmer, Thief, and Guardian are working as intended.

in PvP

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


Soysauce calling someone else a troll…pot,kettle,black. Good stuff.

Rerolling from Mesmer to Elementalist. WOW?

in PvP

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


Mesmers are fine. If you cannot figure out how to beat them, try harder. Still can’t beat them, well you’re probably bad at PvP, sorry. Same for Thieves: if you cannot figure out how to beat HS spam, try harder. Can’t beat the 100B from a Warrior? Get a brain and move.