Showing Posts For Kuthix.2015:

Performance improvements to come?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I’m not interested in how “pretty” the game looks. I don’t care if i have to turn every single graphical setting to the lowest setting to play. All I care about is being able to play this game with ZERO lag. Whether it’s zerg-fest dynamic events or WvW. Right now, this does not happen. I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro, and the game is barely playable. This is the greatest MMO I have EVER played. What little I have been able to experience has been absolutely phenominal. BUT….due to the fact that I can’t run the game with decent FPS, I have been forced to go back to WoW. I hate WoW. I swore I would never play pandas. But the fact of the matter is, I can run that game with no lag. It runs almost perfectly. I realize that there is a higher graphical requirement for this game, but I really don’t want to spend 600-1200 dollars on a new system just to play a 60 dollar game. PLEASE! I’m absolutely begging you, Arenanet! Optimize this thing to where I can run this game! I want you to take my money! I want to buy things from the BLTP! Save me from the crappy abomination that is WoW! Pull the plug on that gear treadmill for me guys! I’m on my knees here!….Seriously. I love this game with a passion. Let me play it.

Exploreable Dungeon Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I completely agree. The way it is, by the time you obtained every single dungeon armor piece/weapon in the game on ONE CHARACTER, newer and fresher content would already be available. Why should we have to grind more than one character? We share banks and crafting materials. Why not tokens? I still don’t like the grind it takes to get pieces, though. I think we should either get more tokens per run or the price should be lowered….I’m talking CUT IN HALF!

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I think there needs to be a limit… Convert your excess into refined materials (planks for wood, bars for metals), and that will give you more space. Once you have 250 woods, and 250 planks… Well, I do not think you’ll really need more than that and selling would be a good option. Or make an alt with 20 slot bags, and fill him up.

Anyway, I think the limit is fine, and needed. We really should not have to carry so much stuff :S

But the bank is shared for your alts, friend. What if I’m farming and saving materials for multiple alts? Sure, 250 would be more than enough mats for ONE alt, but what if I’m saving for 4 that use the same mats for their crafting discipline? The limit does need to be raised to 500 AT LEAST.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


They really need to add this for the simple fact that about the only two dungeons anyone cares about right now is Arah and CoF. What about the people who need stats from another dungeon? What about the people that just want to explore the other dungeons? They are SoL when it comes to the other dungeons because nobody is doing them because everybody THINKS nobody is doing them. If you could que for a specific dungeon then you could find a group for whatever dungeon you wanted to do. Fast, simple, cheap fun. That’s what video games are all about anyway.

Can hearts reset at some point?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I believe Hearts should reset daily. I think you should still get credit for completing a heart the first time for your “100% cleared checklist.” I just think that you should be allowed to do the hearts over and over again to help prevent the constant event camping/zerging. It would also allow for more variety. The reward for doing the hearts a second time and beyond should be substantially less than when you did it the first time, though.

What keeps you playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I just want to start out by saying that I love this game, and I especially love the devs that made this game. Thank you ArenaNet for TRYING to reinvent the way we look at MMOS. You guys worked your butts off trying to produce something that was as different as you could possibly make. I have only one regret with this game, and that is that I wish this was my first mmo. The sad truth a lot of us that are bored need to face is the fact that it’s not the mmos that we hate so bad. It is the whole genre itself. In my humble opinion, there is not much new that can be brought to the genre without turning it into another genre of game. These guys at least tried to do different things, but I just don’t think there is anything that can be done. I face some sort of grind in every mmo I play, and I absolutely hate it. I seriously have more fun playing League of Legends and Minecraft. I love playing with other people, and that is the important thing for me when it comes to gaming. I just don’t like playing with other people like this. I don’t like MMOs anymore. I made a vow that if I got bored of this game then I would be done with MMOs forever. I’m still extremely happy and proud to say that this genre died for me with Guild Wars 2 and not World of Warcraft. Once again, thank you ArenaNet for at least trying to breathe new life into this genre that I thought I loved for so many years.