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Leveling an ele - Direction please

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kylun.2935


Thanks for the replies, I will try your suggestions and see how it goes.

Leveling an ele - Direction please

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I’d like to level my ele and I’ve gotten all of my weapon skills unlocked, as well as a feel for what abilities I have at my disposal with the combinations. However, I honestly have no idea what is going on with the traits. I just hit Lvl 10 and looking over the trees I’m lost. Is there a guide or list of suggestions somewhere that I could look over? If not, are there any must get traits or utilities that a non-elementalist wouldn’t necessarily pick from face value? I’d appreciate any direction or help.

Chaos Armor vs Retaliation

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


Correct me if I’m wrong, but is the icd not figured per target?

Reaper of Grenth

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I’m currently using a setup that is 10/25/10/0/25 sc+x/staff build that utilizes clone generation to force clone death traits, along with people killing my clones to add same conditions. I change my offhand depending on the application and situation. Staff is mainly for defense, though the phantasm does okay if the projectile lands. That said, I currently use mass invis almost all of the time. Time warp has its places and is used accordingly, but seeing how I have never played a class or setup that has taken advantage of poison or chill I didn’t know if the offensive potential of reaper of grenth could really ever make sense over the other elites. If it weren’t for the condition theme of my spec I wouldn’t even consider it, but a continuously applied pair of conditions seems like it would have the ability to put more pressure on opponents that are already dealing with your usual aoe conditions.

Reaper of Grenth

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I’m currently using a condition setup for pve and wvw, and I’ve been looking at elites and considering reaper of grenth since I’m human. Unless its necessary to take timewarp situationally in a zerg or group, would something like that make sense due to our lack of stand out elites. Has anyone tried something like this? Alternately, does timewarp increase the rate that conditions tick off (like in wow), thus increasing condition damage for the duration of the quickness buff.

[condition build] The Clone Spammer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I leveled with a similar setup, though not using a scepter, and getting back to this type condition setup is a breath of fresh air. I just played around with sc+sw/staff in pve this morning and couldn’t believe just how quickly piles of mobs melted. I haven’t yet gathered exotic gear, but it’s already easy to see how well this setup melds together. I haven’t seen many people running this type setup, but I’d suggest that it definitely needs a try if conditions are of any interest.

IC + Weapon CD Reduction

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


Does this same bug apply to Mirror Blade as well, or only iZerker?

IC + Weapon CD Reduction

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I’ve done my best to keep up with the recent changes to IC and our traits in general. That being said, I went out of my way to build into IC and CD reduction on the great sword. Once I got everything setup and looked at my skill timers I found that my cool downs are only reduced by 20%. Perhaps I have missed something in the last few patches, but am I not supposed to be able to double dip with those two traits?

Build help - viable for wvw?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


The following setup is GS/Staff (20/0/20/0/30) with knights gear and centaur runes. Staff taken for defensive purposes and GS as primary weapon for zerg type situations. I’d like to focus on ranged damage while my berserkers are tagging whatever they can get their hands on. With the new traits I have lost some confidence in my direction with phantasm setups so I would love some feedback, positive or negative, on this proposed build.

(edited by Kylun.2935)

Proposed build - needs critiques

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I think if I were to move 10 from inspiration and into chaos for the protection and staff CDs I would be more likely to take defensive runes. I feel like those points and the rune trade off makes the distinction between an offensive and defensive version of the base setup idea. However, I will keep those runes in mind since defensive runes with the higher phantasm damage would hit a middle ground. Thanks for the input.

Proposed build - needs critiques

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


Typically I try to play in zergs for now. However, this build is setup under the idea that I would be alone or with no more than a couple of people. I plan to follow the Chaos Maestro guide for zerg play, this is just for a change of pace when I feel like embracing a more offensive role.

Proposed build - needs critiques

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I’ll start by saying I’m currently level 76 and therefore cannot yet test my proposed setup. As I am leveling my mesmer as my first character I feel I have a firm grasp on the abilities of the class, but not necessarily the restrictions I will face when my traits may be spread too thin. From my play thus far in WvW I have absolutely fallen in love with the staff, and I like the idea of using Sw/Sw with it for the offense of that pairing. I would like to focus on phantasms and survival in this particular setup and would like to know if going 10/20/10/25/5 would be viable, or if that gets too spread out. The trait choices are (Link below): Empowered Illusions (Dom III), Phantasmal Fury and Blade Training (Duel II, IV), Illusionary Defense (Chaos IV), and Glamour Mastery and Mender’s Purity (Insp II, IV). Also, in this case I’d like to use knights gear with centaur runes. I appreciate any feedback or criticisms and hope for suggestions for how to change drawbacks in my proposed setup.

Direction for dungeons while leveling

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I just hit level 50 last night and have still never seen a dungeon. That being said I am trying to figure out if I should change from my staff+sw/f setup in group situations. My current setup is 10/010/0/20 taking crippling dissipation, debilitating dissipation, compounding power, and illusionary elasticity. Aside from my slot skills for necessary situational utility, is there anything seemingly obvious that I could do to better improve my group potential? I realize at level 50 there are only so many options I can take advantage of, but I always prefer to pull as much weight as possible. I appreciate any suggestions and insights.

Baby cats? I think not...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kylun.2935


I’ve played this game for 3 days now, and I just can’t figure out what a “kitten” is. Surely everyone doesn’t aspire to be or beat a cute, fuzzy, baby cat, so can someone please enlighten me on the meaning of this term?