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Did Orrian armor got censored? [Arah Female]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


And here we go another example of female objectivication at its finest. I’m an so sick and tired of the MMO standard of making armor for females skimpy and showing everything but certain areas. I am happy to see most of the armor in this game is just that armor. It seems some people would rather play sexy dress up than to play a game.

MMO comunity issue.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


GW2 is rated T, gotta get used to some childish behaviors out there.
Good parenting is almost non-existent nowadays, don’t expect the new generations to come up with a mature reply, just find a guild with mature individuals and ignore the rest.

I love the myriad number of excuses here, 4chan community, welcome to the internet, and the item I quoted above. How about this people take responsibilty for yourselves and maybe take advise from the Golden Rule:

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Mt 7:12

For those that enjoy treating others with spite and hatefulness I have to wonder what has happened to you in your life that makes you want to treat people with malice. Truth is the more you treat people with ugliness the more the ugliness comes back on you.

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


I’m 40 and I am in like with the game. I find that I can play at my leisure and really this suits more of my casual gaming style. I don’t feel like I am tied to the game and have to play it every day. I work a 40 plus hour work week and I enjoy my time offline doing outside activities. The fact I am not paying a monthly subscription is a bonus. I’ve played other mmos and really have lost a lot of interest in spending a lot of my me time dealing with raiding instances or pvp raiding. Unlike another game from the sister company NCSoft there isn’t forced world pvp content that dominates the whole game.

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


2 Dumb questions here. Did you create the guild? If so Do you still have the option to represent? I would think that if you create the guild you can still represent or stand down anytime. That is my presumption not something that I actually know.

A Gentleman's & Ladie's Guide to GW2's "Online Etiquette"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


Since this is a “Gentleman’s” guide, I’ll assume I’m exempt since I’m a girl. Yay!

Best response so far. I guess us ladies of GW2 are exempt.

In my opinion, the armor is ugly in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


I think that the problem is that for the ranger profession there aren’t many skimpy outfits for the female gender. Personally I am happy with that as I am sick and tired of seeing females in general being sexualized whether it is in a game or in the media and visual mediums. Really if you are wanting a Barbie doll to dress and play with go get said doll. My ranger who is a norn I find it refreshing that in the cold weather environment she is actually covered up so that she would not be frostbitten in the harsh environment.

GW2 Rangers Poorly Designed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


Why oh why do people play a hunter/ranger and complain about the main feature mechanic of pets. Pets are the primary source and quality of a ranger/hunter. If you don’t want a pet then play a thief or a warrior. Players like Drosser have no clue on what a hunter/ranger class really is. I guess they are stuck on the definition that Aion provided which btw goes against most mmo designs of the hunter/ranger class. Drosser if you really want to play a kittenized version of a hunter/ranger please go back to Aion.