Showing Posts For Kyvyn.7210:

Unintended Monthly Achievement Rollback?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyvyn.7210


I love GW2, it’s one of the most fun, best designed games I’ve ever played.

I’m NOT disappointed by the fact some people might get double rewards (good for them), NOT because I lost 3 completed monthlies or rewards.

I have a full time job, kids, family, etc., therefore not a lot of time to do the things that I enjoy (this game for one), what does disappoint me is that I have to grind out monthlies again instead of enjoying other aspects of the game, and no, it doesn’t take that long to do them unless your playing time is very limited (as is mine).

I literally spent all my playing time past 2 days killing champs, group events, and mastercrafting, and was pleased to have finished them all only to have them disappear today

Custom Playlist w/ Windows 8

in Audio

Posted by: Kyvyn.7210


Same here, I’ve tried every article on adding playlists with no luck on Win8

Retribution is beyond broken right now [Merged thread]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kyvyn.7210


I also had the same trouble with the mob respawn rate and allies dying right from the start the first time I did this quest. After about 20 deaths on my Ranger I finally managed to complete it. Then I did the quest on a Mesmer and Elementalist with no problem at all which made no sense whatsoever. With them, I went straight for the Veterans ignoring everything else, took out 2 of them, (at this point ALL the allies were still alive, with my Ranger All allies were down as soon as I entered the courtyard) and the cut scene started, and like the other posts stated, there was a Veteran on the field after the mission was completed.
One thing that got me thinking was all 3 of my characters are Order of Whispers, but my Ranger did the “Azura weapon” prequest, while my other 2 did the “save Ben Tenstrikes” quest, just wondering if Retribution bugs depending on the prequest…