Showing Posts For LIVE.4875:
Am now actively looking for an alternative to GW2. Sad, really.
Archeage is a question mark, ESO is abysmal, Wildstar I won’t touch…and I’ll never go back to WoW.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Try going without an MMO for a while, I’m trying out the walking dead season 2
and maybe some Dota 2 or League.
I created a new Guardian before the patch. I was sort of excited about leveling it up. Then feature pack 2 hit. It became an exercise in futility and annoyance. At the end of the evening, I was browsing the black lion shop. I saw several things there that I’d normally have bought and I thought to myself:
“Do I really want to invest more money in this?” And the answer I got for myself was a resounding “no”. Instead, I came to the conclusion that I do not see a future for GW2 on its present course, and decided to deinstall the client.
Basically, I am voting with my wallet. “You’re not doing a good enough job.”
I kind of hope everybody who dislikes the recent changes does the same, maybe that will get through to ArenaNet. GW2 was a good game, once, and it’s a shame to see what happens to it.
Good luck.
No you can’t have my stuff.
It did, and you helped convince me. Thank you
Your right, I already dealt with crap devs before at War Z.
I’m not gonna get duped by another dev team with lies, empty promises, and nothing new but just revamped content.
Better get as many refunds as I can before I leave.
This accusation gets tossed around a lot – that certain people who post such high praise for Anet’s decisions might be rewarded in some way. I haven’t reached a decision on this yet, so I thought the best approach is just to come right out and ask.
Will someone at ANet please tell the rest of us if you reward certain people for their forum comments? If you could just issue a flat out denial then that might diminish the number of accusations, especially right now.
Your bang on, and did you notice how quick ppl denoted you?
They’re so desperate they have employes posting on this forum on diff accounts
but from the same IP address from Bellevue, Washington.
Chris, your answers to every well written response is one sentence.
Chris, you have a lot on you’re plate.
Chris you should listen to your customers
Chris,Take a lesson from Valve: One of the things we learned pretty early on is ’Don’t ever, ever try to lie to the internet – because they will catch you. They will de-construct your spin. They will remember everything you ever say for eternity.’
While I think a great many players also agree, the CDI for guilds was talked about before the patch.
Yeah, but I didn’t care about it then either. CDIs are great, but there is nothing they could do involving guilds that would make the game any better, and the only thing they could do is make things worse (by adding new features that you need to be part of a large guild to benefit from), so I’ve never cared about a guild-based CDI. Before this week, I would have wanted a CDI on the destructive changes to the Traits system introduced in the last feature patch.
This new patch is a major issue though, and they need to have a major sit-down explaining why we shouldn’t hate the things we believe we hate about it. Why should we like the new level-gating system? Why should anyone? Why should we appreciate having to go several layers deep to see what we just sold rather than having it as a top-level option? These are all far more important topics of discussion than anything involving guilds.
To you maybe but the world doesn’t revolve around either you or I. I promised the CDI and we are doing it. There is plenty of awesome stuff that can come from it so it is a pleasure to be able to read what members of the CDI have to say.
if you don’t see the value in it then don’t partake.
It’s sort of like planning a family meeting a week in advance to talk about how the kids could help out mom more around the house. You promise your wife it will get better, and set a date and time. Then, when the promised time comes up, the house catches on fire. Rather than addressing the fire, you stubbornly sit your family down in the burning living room to make good on your promise.
That is the degree of sense you are making. It is such a magnitudinous sign relating to the disconnect between what is going on, and what ANET wants to do.
No. It is nothing like that at all.
When your customer tells you, flat out, how we as a community currently feel, and you dismiss them, then go further to say ,“your wrong” and leave no input or explanation other then your arrogance and possible pride.
Then the definitive thing we as a community know about you is that your in Denial.
And we won’t have the patience for you to go through all 5 steps. So fix things by being one of the first companies to actually take the next step in business and truly listen to your community.
Right now its screaming from bugs/glitches, and hungry and starved for content
Is their silence… There is not one industry that would have this happen and then turtle up like this and not respond to what their paying customers are talking about..
Not one.. The fact that they can not even have someone from their company say something along the lines of “we hear you, we are taking it all in” is embarrassing.
Mistakes happen… We ALL do them. They need to understand the next few days is critical for them. Get in front of this mess. Fine, you messed up… Your paying customers are telling you what you did wrong.. Listen up.. Be transparent. Tell us what your plans are to fix it.. That will buy you the time you need to get control of this trainwreck..
I think it would be a great idea to send Totalbiscuit questions about about current affairs and see if he can publicly discuss the current state of Affairs at Anet.
I think he would do a fantastic job in interpreting how a company gets here what it can do to change and whats its major flaws are, I’m sure all the answers are even in this forum.
Is…. is this post serious? I’m really unsure, because I have no idea how Anet could be more clear about the purpose of a feature patch being unrelated to content patches.
Even if it isn’t, your stance of, " I can’t believe this, are you serious" attitude only agitates readers and the OP, it screams I don’t respect you, and in response no one will respect you.
Its amazing ppl are happy about TP changes.
Ill just leave this here.
GW1: released in April 26, 2005
GW1Canthan: released in April 28 2006
GW1Nightfall:released in October 26, 2006
(by April 2009 6million copies sold)
^^^ all that content, all the skins, gear, levels, setting restrictions for terrain, art and development and so on.
Gw2: released August 28, 2012
Gw2: releases small content and major patches to edit infrastructure over 2 years
Gw2 serious content expansion: still nothing, just conjecture from ppl I’ve never met on these forums
By August 2013 they had sold 3.5million copies of Gw2
I can’t help but be worried about the big “BUY MOAR GOLD!” Button at the top. Im hoping its just a link to the Currency Converter though.
Ahh … to late to post it here that my inner Prophet says :
more people will rage about that than be happy with the changes
Your signature made me think, then it made me sad.
Good for you, thanks for sharing with the class.