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End of Story (Battle Arena issue) HoT

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

While playing the the last battle in the Arena, I was doing it with a friend in party.
I died so close to the end and was sent into the tree. I was given no options
and was unable to leave. My friend kept at it, while I typed in /stuck
It told me to remain still, and I would be transported in 30 sec.
Oh it transported me, to the point before entering the arena = (
My friend could not finish on his own.
For all intensive purpose’s we were both locked into the Instance
The only way out was to kill the game and relog in.

I am hearing many say that the whole area,
Meaning the story just before, and the end are getting stuck with no
way out.. Can we put in a leave the Instance option?
It would help people from being stuck.

Also all members in party *Must be inside that part of the map
If the party is anywhere else on the map, they will not enter the Instance.
(example) In Tyria if you are in party, and one member enters an Instance
All people in the party, no matter where they are get a notice to click off.
Not in HoT, All members must be at the site. Or they won’t make it in.
*Then that back out of Instance also comes into play, Ya can’t,,
The people inside need to all kill the game and start again,

So I hope you can place a leave Instance Icon up

Thanks = )

Winged Backpack / free gliders not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

Mattis (Scout) (Verdant Brink) will only show map.
I have my wings on, and active, but he just shows maps. no other options
06:30am (est)

Still Crashing 09:20pm (est) 10-29-2015

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

I made it into the game, but when I left one location (HoT) to divinitys reach I got the disconnect, same as Yesterdays, Now my login won’t connect. I sit in the splash screen til it says connection Issue. (same as yesterday) Please Help the people or Tyria.!!!!

We Love you Gaile Gray !! (Always have, Always will) <3
(Best GM ever!!)

(edited by Lady Xiena.6301)

Servers down. Mad King Says "Cowl"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

Candy Corn Patch… Kills all servers… Someone Save the Yaks !!
Log in servers down since last patch.. It’s a sad night for the people of Tyria !

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

same, patch overload, on Log in servers, GW2 has died = (

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

I get “Network error .”

What do?

Dump the torch event

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lady Xiena.6301

Lady Xiena.6301

No I think I have placed in enough hours now, to gain my reward.
I say It was a bad idea, to leave it as the only option, The daily should of had
2 or 3 more add on’s to allow options. But due to the time spent on all the
missions, I find it a total loss for people not able to do this one event.