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Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laela.1506


Something terrible happened to me…

I pre-purchased the deluxe version of Heart of Thorns, played a bit in beta as a revenant. There was a notification telling me nothing I did would be saved, so I accepted the skin and everything on that beta character. Now that I have the game, I don’t have the extra things I paid for. They’re gone. I was assuming it wouldn’t have saved anything in beta but it did, then deleted my beta character for me.

This is a huge disappointment. I hope they can fix this for me, otherwise I spent the extra money on two seconds and didn’t even get to use the glider skin at all…

If anyone knows a solution to this please let me know. And ARENANET?! HELP?!

Ascended Weapon crafting Q

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


A long while back I purchased the wupwup reaver recipe. I have almost everything I need for it. But now I’m thinking I wanna change the inscription to a different one. Can I just use the discover tab with the same ingredients plus my new inscription and still make an ascended weapon? As long as the inscription is ascended there should be no problems, correct? The inscription I want to use as my replacement is the zojja’s berserker inscription. What do you guys think?


Fellow Females!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


My sentiments exactly!
I’m of a certain persuasion, taken… but I do prefer, and am better at, talking to girls like myself. If you’re bored, want someone to level with or do whatever in-game with, have any questions, or wouldn’t mind answering some of mine… let me know ! I’m 26, from Arizona, and I’m a talker. XD Azureasrai is my main character. My server is the Isle of Janthir but I can guest to you if I need to. This offer is open to anyone who sees it. Feel free to add me. Let’s have some fun!

Looking for ppl to play with

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


So… I have mentioned to other people in Guild Wars 2 that playing with people is what makes it fun for me. To do something for other people is much more fun and I get so much more out of it. Even if it’s just leveling my boring guardian so I can better help someone in the future. Before WoW, when there was rinky dinky games you could play – then the short series of The Guild came out… Well… I secretly wished I could have one of those groups of ppl. A bunch of different kinds of ppl that would never normally be friends just talking **** to each other and scheduling dungeon raids, trading items. Developing some weird bond of closeness that is just odd… XD I found the idea to be exciting. I always thought I’d be the healer. Long range, support type. I didn’t get to play WoW much, but I would spend all night on it while I had it – never caring about sleep, thinking about it at work – when i wasn’t thinking about my spouse of course cough cough. lol. I love to talk to ppl in game, waving, bowing, saying hello to random ppl – trying to add spice to their life! But alas… I’m too dorky at heart for the masses… If you want me to tag along with you on your adventure through tyria, or would like some company, some help, or just someone to say hello – how are you? and talk to you – let me know! Or if you’re willing to help a damsel in distress and would be willing to let me call on you in my hour of need, please present thyself. If you’re just flippin’ awesome, the same deal applies. Looking for gems. Diamonds in the rough! People who like people – or hate people, because let’s face it ppl aren’t all ponies and apple crisp, but might make me an exception… I’d love that. lol. If you need to know, I’m 26 – my internet is atrocious more often than not, but I’m determined to play as much as I can. I am generous, make bad jokes, I use profanity, and I am indeed a girl. Azureasrai is my main character. I am on the Isle of Janthir but I can guest any ol’ place. Are you my dream coming true? Wide Eyes Tearing Up….Lmao, just kidding… (see? bad jokes…) Ok maybe I’ll TTYS.

New here :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


I recommend the thief. It’s not easy but it’s more fun than I thought it would be. Warrior was fun because of all the weapon combos you can choose. My fav is the ranger, but it’s super easy – but it was my first and I was a freak about collecting all the pets. XD Necro has pretty much a double life, and minions… but haven’t quite gotten into my necro yet. We shall see. Ele was the hardest for me. So squishy! I feel squirrelly playing that class. lol. Guardian got really boring… Engineers are awesome in dungeons just lighting up the place with bombs. Very helpful in those scenarios where theres little baddies everywhere coming out of the ground. Hope this helped. It’s all a matter of a opinion though, for sure.

Support for newer players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


Oh, I could use someone of your caliber! Writes name down Ok, got it. TTYS, I hope.

Friend to play with?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


I don’t live in Australia, but I’m up at odd hours and I get up early. I may not be a perfect match, but we could always try. Your plan sounds ideal. I’d enjoy that. Let me know. My main character is Azureasrai and my server is Isle Of Janthir. If not, good luck in your search!

New Players/Trial Accounts Guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


I’m not quite a noob. But still so much to learn. I got a character to lvl80 a while back, didn’t know what to do after that. When I came back, so much had changed. The trait system… No Crown Pavillion, etc. I would love to have some more experienced ppl tell me about how I can make my lvl 80 character more awesome, and things like fractals, pvp, pve, eotm… certain dungeons I can never seem to find ppl for. I’m also helpful – as much as I can be. Azureasrai is my main character. Feel free to add me. Looking for some purpose in-game! Map completing is drudging, do you do speedy map completes with groups? or help ppl with that?

Looking to give/receive help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laela.1506


You sound so nice! XD Call me corny… but ever since MMOs came out I’ve fantasized about having a crack team of specialists in different areas to joke around with and kill things with… lol… So I’m dork – 100%. And this game is so much more fun when you socialize with ppl. I love helping ppl. But I still feel so sheltered, never having crafted much, never having done a fractal, trying EOTM once… lol. I want to know more. If you’re willing to impart your knowledge, I’d love that. I’m currently on the Isle Of Janthir so I’m assuming we can’t play together, but maybe you could give me advice when I need it? And if you need anything, let me know – u never know, I may be able to help – or know someone who can? Azureasrai is my main character. Feel free to add me – anybody, and just say hello! :-) And Arrogance, I’m disappointed such a great dude had to be on a different server! Lol.