Showing Posts For Lakanate.9671:
1. I’m a little surprised at all the “no” action at the suggestion of eliminating invulnerable monsters.
Gaining a tactical advantage should be a good thing. It breeds smarter players that aren’t face-smashing every single enemy.
On top of this, the mechanic is outright broken. I’ve had mobs go invulnerable in melee range while taking damage. I’ve heal tanked mobs with pets because they where invulnerable to me but not the pet. I’ve died several times because I simply couldn’t get out of the water fast enough and couldn’t damage the mobs for some ungodly reason.
If anti-kite is needed(and surely it is), then make mobs smarter, or give them abilities to prevent it. Have them move out of range, or give them a cripple, or a charge, or a pull, or a big heal triggered after being kited for a period, etc, etc.
Of course, simply fixing the invulnerability mechanic would make sense too. If it worked correctly, it’d literally be invisible for most players but would still prevent exploits.
2. Teleport fees are too high at max level. I do think they should probably exist, but they are not proportional to what they should be. As an example, my level 26 ranger pays the equivalent of one blue item to make a port. My level 80 warrior pays the equivalent of three green items based upon their vendor price. Gold sinks are necessary, but should never be prohibitive.
3. Dynamic leveling is usually ok, in my opinion, but as the poster above me mentions, it’s wonky sometimes. In the 55-65 and 60-70 areas(Steamspur Mountains), for example, mobs have drastic level difference directly on other sides of the dynamic borders, but their aggro range actually extends into the lower areas, which can leave you grossly over or underpowered compared to opposition that you aren’t actively looking for. I don’t agree with giving us power advantages through this system, however, and appreciate being able to visit lower zones and still more or less play the content.
4. Fixing broken events in any form is a bug fix, not really a cause for game mechanic changes. Timers would be a crude, but effective, way to band aid this, though.
5. I don’t think increasing mob level is really the answer, but a better difficulty ramp up based upon participating players might be nice. If one person is on at 3am, why not make it soloable? If one hundred are there at 7pm, why not have them face armies?
6. Trait points, in my opinion, are one gold sink that is done right. It is not too expensive to do, but it’s not free or available everywhere either so a person must actually prepare themselves for the goal at hand.
7. As has been mentioned, a bug fix. Would love to see these fixes moving on a faster timetable.
8. Agree with fading the camera. No, “part of the challenge” is not overcoming clunky game mechanics or picking the right race to not have problems. A well polished game leaves puzzles to player skill and intelligence, not their ability to overcome a lack of polish.
Very open minded poster here, actually, probably the most thus far… Quite literally, I too am shocked and a little frustrated towards all the no’s against #1… Sure, there is the risk of exploits, however that kitten mechanic has kitten me off to no end, I think there needs to be an entirely different system to replace this, one that will both reward players that are smart enough to gain the terrain advantage on enemies, and at the same time, block the ones who exploit. Someone who simply turns around and regens health as if nothing happened is a real slap in the face, especially if you were meleeing it the entire time.
What Anet has been pushing for it seems to be leaning towards the more realistic side of things… Such as these parkours and hill-scaling(assuming of course, neither were in the first one).
The rest of your responses to the OP’s points I fully agree with… Teleport fees in particular I don’t believe they need to be completely wiped out, but improved. Indeed, the costs of such get obnoxiously ridiculous at higher levels…
It really ought to be added to the game as a fee to change your appearance… If I’m not mistaken, it was so in Guild Wars 1…
A lot of people will appreciate it, me included.