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Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Langley.9205


I really hate Legendary weapons and love them at the same time. Thing is that back in my WoW years getting legendary weapon meant that u will be OP. I don’t think it’s the issue here. Also it meant time consuming mat grinding or parts farming which could take from months to years cuz they had like 0,000000000000000001% drop rate or every person was acctually lurking on them.

While time consuming part is alive and well, way to acctually get the weapon isn’t hard or unclear or much chance dependant. Moreover, every class can get one. So my point is: do u really want it? Time consuming part is ok, if u think about it. It’s legendary weapon after all, and it wouldn’t be much legendary if everyone would have one, right?

Just started playing and leveling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Langley.9205


OK, Kasama, but i don’t really judge proffesions based on 20-30 lvls. It’s just my personal experience so far and if you would read my post till the end you would notice me asking if it evens out somehow later on(higher lvls).

I have this game for a week or smth like that so i’m in no point of judging anything yet, since i don’t have full picture. I just wanted to ask if balance diffrences are so vast on 80 as on low lvls.

Just started playing and leveling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Langley.9205


Yea, ele is not my cup of tea too. I would also ask is it bug or intended mechanic to lock on targets even if they are in stealth? I saw that when i go stealth any channeled skill was still hitting me even tho i stealthed away from it.

Just started playing and leveling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Langley.9205


…is just wrong.

I started of playing as Mesmer and up to lvl 30 it was a bit hard, but since it’s start i though it has to be bumpy. Then i thought to myself let’s check out other classes just for sports.

So first i tried guardian and it was astonishing. Somehow nothing was hard anymore. Packs? Easy mode, Map events? Cake. Some map bosses? Ok, I died few times, but after getting grip of it doable. Unlike Mesmer I was capable to do stuff on my own. I just run with Gsword/scepter/shield. Leveled it to 25 and went warrior.

Warrior was another easy mode class. I don’t say it doesn’t require skill, but hell it was so much easier than Mes and similar to Guardian, I felt power once more. Gsword only, I don’t remeber a moment I had to switch to anything else, nor I felt urge for it. Leveled till lvl 25 and deleted. Ranger goes next.

I thought War/Guardian was easy mode. ROFL! Nothing beats leveling a ranger. When I was super concerned about going to TP every now and then as I was leveling classes above to upgrade my stuff, I’m quite sure you can lvl this one totally solo mode on every event leveling locations may throw at you, naked with weapon only. Sbow/Gsword but I don’t remeber myself using gsword for anything. 25 lvl and deleted. Ele is up.

Elementalist is just as squishy as mesmer maybe even more. Giving him like any melee weapons seems wrong to begin with. I really didn’t liked this class becouse daggers seemed like bad idea, and scepter/staff (no switch button WTF!) was dull gameplay for me. Leveled till lvl 15 or so and just moved on to Thief.

Thief was fun but overally it was 1,2 spam with occasional F1 and haste utility and heal to loose aggro, it was still twice as much buttons I used on War, Guardian or Ranger tho. Played to lvl 20 had enough. Double dagger and pistol/dagger worked well in one on one but if i had to handle a group, it got painful (short bow is bad aoe compared to any class above). Probably it changes drasticly when elite is up on lvl 30.

I didn’t tried necro. I just don’t like being creepy dude with minions back in gw1 so i skipped here as well. No idea, but since 2 out of 3 light armor wearing classes was painful i suppose outcome will be that this one is too. So, Engineer…

Flamethower is best thing u can get so till like lvl 5 and fast skillpoint farm it wasn’t so painful, but it was like Thief expirience, but progress was slower on 1v1 and faster on packs. Tho i did decent on events.

So why is it wrong? Am i seeing things or classes that are most op are acctually the ones with more weapons available to use than others and have mid armor+? It’s like you have this armor ranking (since there is no trinity like in other MMOs) when heavier the armor, closer to one-man-army you are. Does it change later on, like lvl 40+? Does this game struggle with balance that much on lvl 80? I ask, becouse it’s reasonable to see that coming if there are such vast differences now, on low lvl.

I’m still gonna lvl mesmer, but it kinda leaves sour taste, knowing how much easier it would be on other classes.