Showing Posts For Lantern Ghost.7602:

Fireworks Thread - Overflow and Achievement issues

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lantern Ghost.7602

Lantern Ghost.7602

Same here on Devonas Rest, I was waiting with my popcorn and everything. And nothing happens. }-(

Looking for a bow class...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lantern Ghost.7602

Lantern Ghost.7602

I can’t speak for Rangers in a dungeon, but those of you saying ranger is a bad class either have never played it (or haven’t played it long enough), or are playing with rangers who have no idea what they are doing.
First off pets, you need to pick the right pet for the situation. Spiders and Carrions so far are the best pets I have come across. Spider can hold targets in place as well as poison. Where carrions can poison and get themselves away from mobs. I use these all the time whether solo or not. I’ve found the trick with pets, summon the next one, just before the first one dies. Then when the second one is about to bite it, summon the first one back. It will be fully healed when the timer recycles. Remember pick you pets wisely.
As for bows, my ranger uses nothing but bows. I have no problems killing anything. Where Longbow is slow, short bow is fast, I switch between the two in most fights. The longbow AOE is the only attack where you need to be standing still to use, as said before longbow has a push back great when in a small space. Short bow has the leap back, great for out in the open (just watch those cliffs!), and also counts as a dodge.
As for the utilities, my regen circle is not that great, but when I use it it’s usually for myself, if others get in it so be it. I know a ranger isn’t any kind of great healer.
As for traps and sigils, you need to know when to use what. In a big Champion/World event most times traps are useless unless you can drag them threw them. The sigils will keep you and your pet alive longer, especially when you take the ability for your sigils to effect you.
Rangers are great solo or grouped. I have gone for condition damage, stacking them to max. So what if you get max bleeds, they are still taking damage. You have to remember conditions only last seconds, so they can be stacked over and over. I’m also stacking poisons and slowing them down. A ranger is an effective fighter, They can also save you, drag away the big baddies so others can rez you, or their pet can. I do this alot, pull aggro from the downed, kite it, till they are back up.
I also play a Guardian, between the two I enjoy the Ranger more, I have also played a thief but I have not played one to 80 yet.
And that’s my 2 gold on this.