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Everything disappointing me in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latsch.6874


Sorry, but this thread is really pathetic couldn’t help but laugh.

Have you even played other MMOs?

The amount of polish and content GW2 launched with easily beats games with 3 years under their belt. Calling it a paid beta, failure or a buggy mess is just hilarious.

Good riddance. One less whiner ruining the game for the rest of us who appreciate it. I’m sure it will be fun playing that perfect fantasy game inside your head for the upcoming months.

you actually realize that your only argument is:
this game is the best just because others are worse?

seems pretty pathetic to mee

@Rocklin: yeah some of the Stuff is not totally necessary, but the statement of gw2 was to bring people together, to make teamplay they highest priority and those arguments of mine just state that the concept to realize that is lacking already in the basics

@others: I know you flamers and haters are only afraid that more people will realize how cheap developed the game actually is and will follow my lead and quit, but this might be necessary to some game developers to realize there is quality needed to satisfy they customers and not only shallow promises

Everything disappointing me in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latsch.6874


This for me is the worst part in the game.(and the last patch confirm this)
The funny thing is that in a game adevertised with the formula: play what you want to play, every class fulfill every role; with every “balance” patch, they are simply cutting down build variations, to push every class to fulfill only one role.

Now after 5 years of development, and 5 months of release (but its better to call this period: payed beta) i dont think this is an acceptable result.

you know that they even admitted themselves that they will push the classes to fullfill one role only and they broke they philosophy?

look here they described how the proffessions should be in they mind

you dont want to play a high single burst damage thief? as they would care

I played a few mmos, they failed as well, this is the reason i bought gw2 in the first place, because of the promises! – I simply say there shouldnt be any lies in the first place

and to you guys who dont believe it that i quit, yeah i cared, i had hopes and they managed to crush it, hope they are happy with my money i invested,

sry but its deinstalled

(edited by Latsch.6874)

Everything disappointing me in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latsch.6874


So why are you still here? Not trolling but is a serious question? If I hated a game as much as you hate gw2 I wouldnt bother with it

ok to make this point clear,
this is acutally my leaving-feedback

I quit this game today and actually all people I know left/deinstalled gw2 as well

Everything disappointing me in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latsch.6874


4. So called “Balance” Patches:
- They nerv shining proffessions without giving any kind of compensation, lowering the Damage but still have high Intiative/Cooldown Costs
- No stability for Builds, one day its a good build, on the next week its complete patch destroyed -> time investement loss (and it doesn’t STOP just look at the introduced ascended gear without even asking the comunity about it in the first place)
no one likes surprises
- AOE Boon and Damage – Max. People nervs, ruin Strategy in pve and wvw: no party pfererence over random people, take away ambush stealth strategy of large groups and surprise attacs in wvw.
- Allways incomplete Pre-Patches which include actually more Steps to work properly break the game in the meantime

6. Dungeons:
- Fail Instance Design: Whipe Partys if the Party leader leaves or the one who opened the Instance leaves, in both cases the immense invested time goes down the toilet -> Just pass over the leadership/story progressor to a random next person in the group
- Fail Party Design: Voting for Kicking just require 1 person to approve, not the majority -> safety from kick abusing only for party leaders? how fair is that?
- Fail Waypoint Return while someone is in combat while the Still in Combat mode length is way too long and doesn’t reset properly

Let’s see how many waypoints will get implemented as compensation which will not be used anyway if revivng is needed. >_>

7. WvW:
- No proper Log Out handling: Just punish People = Kill them instantly with Repair Costs, for the incompetency of development. If its actually proper handled everywhere else with just letting the character simply present. If there was an enemy it would kill him anyways, if not there would be no punishment.
- Endless Running and smaking on doors philosophy
- No rewards for defending

7.5 PvP:
- No Guild vs Guild PvP
- No 1 vs 1 PVP
- Differenciated Skill Damage/Impact as in PVE, which prevents of people learn they classes properly
- No Chance for 1 vs Many-Combat because of downed system, if you ask me they should remove it in pvp only!

8. Economy:
- No proper 15% Fee display on black lion, only 10% display of actual 15%!
- Flooded economy with unappropriate prized items (too low sold)
- No discription about Fist Placed -> First Sold, BUT Last Bid -> First Bought causes inbalance
- Not enough selction possiblites in Black Lion (No difference between heavy, light, medium armor)
- crafting only as money sink, no usefull Items to craft in the first place, all Gear becomes useless on the next day because you outlevel it faster than you can gather material for it to craft, only needed for Legendary

9. General PVE:
- Inappropriate low rewards for completing Hearts / Events
- Inappropriate Loot drops which cant be worn by your proffession
- Horrible Gear Design
- No underflow Handling for deserted Areas / Maps on the Corner of the World
- No party finding System for General PVE areas

10. Combat System:
- Critical Build are preferenced over Condition Builds, some Condition stack only duration and those who stack intensivity are capped buy 25 Stacks -> this speaks for itself
- The need to Loot in the first place, why not simply put everything in the inventory from the start, often you end up dead before you get rewards for succeeding
- DC -> loosing Loot issue, really annoying in Dungeons if you manage to DC right before the Boss is dead, which happens surprisingly often like this game wants it exactly then to happen or maybe because of data transfer overload on the game side, usually its not because of the bad internet connection
- underwater fights, simply optional and not fun
- as mentioned before often you stuck in combat mode for no reason
- too many useless traits

So if you ask me this game manages to game breaking fail in every aspekt and corner
Feel free to complete

(edited by Latsch.6874)

Everything disappointing me in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latsch.6874


The List is long by now I would love to make a Blog of it and write it all over the whole Internet, but I will start here first:

1. Guilds (As the Perfect Start considering the Name of this Game)
- Representation fail concept:
- Doesn’t Allow to See the Chat of Every Guild you actually are Part of and is absolutely unintelligable to explain for new players.
- Devides the Player Base from forcing them to Represent a Guild to give them Influence.
- Complete and utterly fail of Teamwork
- Doesn’t offer any kind of Event Planing
- You can’t send Mails to the Guild Members because you get blocked of excessive Messanging.
- No notification of the daily Message changes.
- Not enough space to write enough Information about the Guild: Promotion Requirements, Planned Upgrades, Votes, Time Shedule for Events, Organize Groups
- No Space for Forum Links, No offer of Voice Chat
- Not enough Information about the Guild Members: Last Log In Date, Last Representation Date, Influence Earned, Successfully Invited Members, Used Boon Banners, Coins donated…

Ok they plan to implement a fiew things about that, let’s see what we will get after 1 year of waiting.

2. Personal Story (so high commercialed):
- No Intro, No Help, No Ingame Dokumentation (and there are way too many people which never bother to read the Wiki)
- You get thrown into the World in a separate instance where everything seems to start with panic and saving something, you never played the game before you dont know anything and cant figure out the simplest things or even ask someone in map chat because the expierenced players are all in another incstance and wont be able to respond. >_>’
- Horrible Voice Actors without any emotions
- Film Sequence where you see two Dolls moving they mouths… even southpark has better Animation
- No real Charakter evolving, the difference between Charismatic, Brutal or Noble is a joke and doesnt impact anything
- No real Personal Story choices, you just descide which kind of Quest you actually do next, Quest A or Quest B without any impact at all, the End is the Same
- Home Instance, what home Instance? Does it feel like home? Why is it even there?
- End Boss fight is a Joke where you have press 2,2,2,2,2,2 to finish the Dragon which kept the whole Guild Wars 2 World in Fear
- No challenge, no longtime Goals, no passion, shallow stories with predictible content, boring text, too much strategy, no fantasy, no emotions

Guys really if you think the personal story is not that bad, you should try some Games where people put some real work inside, like Vampire Masquerade (100 years old and will blow your mind), SWTOR, DeusEx HR, … if you just compare it you will stare at this “story” – if you can even call it like that, and think wtf it supposed to be new and initiative and its shallow

3. Dynamic Events:
Everyone claims that this is the innovation everyone waited for and finally get rid of the old mmo style.. I dont really see it, there are only 2 choices you participate in an event -> it succeeds & the npc sell you some reward, it failes which triggers another even where you can resque the dead npcs… after some time the first one starts over again, that’s it. It doesn’t change the world, doesn’t impact anything, so you made the heart quests and “helped” but the mobs will still attac and terrorize the world forever.

Why not make it instance based like in the very beginning, you saved the world you get into a permanent instance where everything is fine?
You finished the whole personal story, killed the Dragon and the Risen, but they still terrorize the World..
Obviously its not thought trough…

Yes you can actually argument against it, but then there should not been any false promises about this game in the first place. Dont promise the heaven if you really deliver just junk.

(edited by Latsch.6874)

Overflow servers in Lion's Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latsch.6874


the thing i hate about overflow you stuck a lot of longer in the loading screen, i assume it tries to get you inside of the actual server then it descides no its too full then it loads for a overflow server which is not full, so it takes FOREVER till youre finally on the dmn map!

i would be glad if it would direct me direclty onto an overflow just make it FASTER!

the worst thing is, you cant go to WvW when youre on an overflow

Please fix the thief. This is unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Latsch.6874



there is this nice function which is called “TAB” when he pops up just use a stun or something comparable even if he goes invisible you will know where he standed and he will still be then on the same spot … attac this spot watch your fight log >_>’

lol @ you, embarrassing
not able to kill 1 player with a zerg on your side for 30 minutes

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Latsch.6874


have you guys even been around this game or are you just trolling?

the mesmers were nerfed like a week ago they can now only port max 5 people at most

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Latsch.6874


pvp dead? seriously?

have you been in wvw recently? thats what i call dead,

pvp was never alive man it cant die!

actually my closest friend left for good since a while and i quite envy him so he didnt had to see how terrible the game is developing, maybe he had a sixth sence for it to come


Time for more Combos!

in PvP

Posted by: Latsch.6874


thieves dont have stability skills / traits…
if they got the buff then only with teamwork and if you complain about that, then you need some teamwork too, someone to watch your back when you fight TEAMS as well

Time for more Combos!

in PvP

Posted by: Latsch.6874


A true gamer doesnt complain about good combos,

there is just the need to give EVERY class a deadly skill-trait-combo, THEN its balanced

just to point out the meaning of the word: COMBO!

You need to successfull land a long combination of skills without a fail to get your opponent down,

its not easy to land:
1. Steal
2. CnD
3. Backstab
4. Deatblossom
5+6. Heart Seeker

To get an opponent Down, 6 Skills to use without getting interrupted, routed, knocked down, imobilized, stunned, dazed …

If you dont manage to land 1 of those effects on your opponent, dont embarrass yourself on forums!

This game lacks of more good combos like this one and thats it.

Suggestion for future Clocktower-type puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latsch.6874


sooooo… this is what we got with FoTM?

really guys, is that what you wanted?