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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legendary Revy.7954

Legendary Revy.7954

I really miss the HOH, that was the real PvP, not this joke on gw2. I’ve spent my best hours playing and trying hard for 1 only match in the Hall of Heroes. And who cares about which heroes. But I don’t think they will create it again thanks to the 5 people team restriction. Not 8, 5. They could call it with another name, change something and keep the tournament mode, but it would be a loooot of work, with new maps, servers and so on. Would be great, but maybe with the next expansion. What about GvG? Lemme ask to you a single question. What’s this game name? Isnt GUILD WARS? Then please, give us some maps, and let the competition begin, with a real tournament and a “looking for a challenger” mode! Sorry for being that rude but I really miss the gw PvP, and I’m not english so…bad english, u know

Super Adventure Box, only 1 idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legendary Revy.7954

Legendary Revy.7954

I wanted to share an IDEA with you.

When they are done with all the worlds in the Super Adventure Box, why not leave it playable as a normal Dungeon instead of closing it after only 1 month? I think A LOT of people would appreciate it…and maybe make an upgrade sometimes…like once a year? With extra quests or I dunno.. an invasion from SAB’s enemies in the gw2 world somehow! Just an idea… or a request for anet team! Im just in love for that SAB and want to play it more and more..really miss it! What do you think about it?

(edited by Legendary Revy.7954)