Showing Posts For Legion.1460:

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


I will say this, What is the point when last night i was in WVW after halloween started and saw people superjumping /flying into our keeps and towers. I donot blame the Oceanic guilds for this i blame SOR and its lack of Honor. If you are on SoR and donot use hacks, then report the ones that do. They are giving your server a bad name. I have reported people on DB and SoS for hacking when i have seen it. (Yes i am a DB import). Also i have reported the guilds i saw hacking.

I feel sorry for the legitimate players on SoR, cause as i said it puts a black mark on the server. From now on when people see you win, whether used or not, Hacks will be blamed. For the Hackers out there on Any server i hope the ban hammer hits you where the good lord split you.

Blackgate Using ele exploits

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


OK well they fixed the lightning surge exploit.

Blackgate Using ele exploits

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


they have the invul buff check the photo

Blackgate Using ele exploits

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


So we capture Dawns Eyrie and deploy siege equipment to take out the siege equipment blackgate deployed in the Invul Zone. Then we get elementalists standing in the Invul zone using lightning surge to take down our equipment. This exploit 1 needs to be fixed by Anet and 2 Blackgate should be ashamed of themselves. want proof heres the Photos


The artificial advantage given to larger forces is too much

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


Tsym a guild on dragonbrand has DECIMATED a 80 person zerg with 20 people, It just takes Strategy. A 5 man group in large warfare (which is what WvW represents) is kinda limited in what they can do. Honestly you wanna do better get more people together and ORGANIZE! Use your abilities and think outside the box.

Mesmer Portal Cap

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


GhostRage, the rendering issue only happens when there is a large force loading in, and the keep in question was theres for a good 10 minutes and they never even looked for the mesmer. he did not exploit a bug, the other team was just dumb.

Mesmer Portal Cap

in WvW

Posted by: Legion.1460


I can tell you he did not glitch past the wall. you guys just need to sweep what you take for people hiding….. Second Blackgate and fort aspenwood are building seige equipment in invul zones out of reach from almost everything. Before you complain about people exploiting, make sure your team is not doing it.

(edited by Legion.1460)