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More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Razeil.3081 is still awaiting his perma ban being lifted if anyone can do something for him (not quite sure if this big stink we made had solved the issue or not but he was one of our guildies who was banned along with Falindae.6075). Any assistance from Anet and NCSoft, whoever may be watching, would be much appreciated. Thanks again guys.

Tugger: We are on Ehrmy Bay.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I find it logical someone could be offended despite myself not being offended. Just be happy your account wasnt permanently banned and take your punishment as you get it.

To answer your question, with a little research, I came up with numerous articles over here at the following link. No numbers but I do see a live chat support option.

I also found this link but not sure if it is accurate as it is old.

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Tugger, I hate to be direct with you but your name does violate a term of agreement that you agree to when you play. By accepting a legal binding agreement, you agree to follow the rules of the product that you bought. The customer is always right only applies in passifying customers who did not violate an agreement (like say a customer is paying for internet service and there is an outage. if they request a credit, they are entitled to it because they are in the right to request it). In your case, you chose to violate the agreement you accepted and someone recognized this and reported you because it was offensive to them and it did fall within reason of a bannable offense.

You chose to put yourself in this position. My friends did not. You two are in two different categories and you find yourself unable to accept some responsibility for your choice. Please stick to your own topic because this has been resolved here (or, at least we got a response) and I specifically asked for no arguing here because I wanted to keep this a mature thread and your obvious inability to accept responsibility for your actions will do nothing but perpetuate the issue you are having and possibly make it worse.

On that note, let’s stop here so we can move on with at least SOME dignity.

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

False Positive for Botting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I am sorry that this is happening, and I want, first, to point you to a post that I made earlier today, because while the form of messaging may not be clear, I believe that this situation does apply to some of you posting in this thread (or your friends or guildies). Here’s the post.

I don’t mean to appear to be making excuses for our errors. We have made them, and we do make them, and I agree with you that we need to reduce the number of false positives. That is something I will spend my tomorrow looking into, you have my word on it.

Thank you very much. Us guildies are like a family and look forward to this issue getting resolved and hope that future occurrences like this are few and far between going forward as being this is a new-ish game, processes will be revised and evolve with time.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Let’s try to keep this from being an argument. We have stated our cases and would like a response from the company, not an argument.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Honestly, though? I do feel a good deal of pathos toward Gaile. Having to deal with all this animosity as it comes in can’t be an easy task by anyone’s metering. Especially considering the mistake isn’t hers.

I do as well. In fact, I’m at work right now as of posting this (I do tech support) but this does bring up a big red flag about the process for determining botting that the company as a whole should see, not one single person and that is the wonderful thing about the internet and I hope they make this right.

Don’t post on the forum – it will not help.
Write a ticket and ask for review – that will help.

Already been done. This however needs to be made known that there is flaws in their system and showing it in public is known to produce a bigger push toward change in most companies

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

False Positive for Botting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I do have to agree. what exactly are the terms for which you use to determine botting? No offense to the two who were banned* but they aren’t exactly the tech type that I am and wouldn’t even know the first thing about botting. Falindae.6075 and Razeil.3081 are good friends of ours and I can guarantee you that they are far from botters. You guys need to re-evaluate your process for determining bots.

I also feel that you should provide the people who are falsely banned some form of gift as a “Oops…we done effed up” gift.

copy and pasted as this thread is about the folks in question

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

False Positive for Botting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I do have to agree. what exactly are the terms for which you use to determine botting? No offense to the two who were banned* but they aren’t exactly the tech type that I am and wouldn’t even know the first thing about botting. Falindae.6075 and Razeil.3081 are good friends of ours and I can guarantee you that they are far from botters. You guys need to re-evaluate your process for determining bots.

I also feel that you should provide the people who are falsely banned some form of gift as a “Oops…we done effed up” gift.

edited to remove “botted” as i meant “banned”

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I’m going to be very blunt here and again, I’ll remind you before this that I am just giving you my honest opinion. Like it or not, it’s not “trolling” or “fanning the flames” or whatever you want to call it. This is your fair warning before you go on reading it.

RNG is there to make things SPECIAL when you actually get that item that you really want. RNG is what is there to keep every single person from having something sought after right off the bat. To complain about RNG is to ask for handouts.

On the other side, for those complaining about the precursors even being there…with the amount of time it takes to get those, the casual player hardly has the time to do such a thing. Arenanet giving us a chance at an item like this at a one time event is rather nice, especially considering the high drop rate it seems to have had in some cases. If you were unlucky enough to not get one, I truly feel your pain as I did not get one…HOWEVER, on the same token, I do know that there will be more one-time events as long as all of this complaining seen throughout this event’s forum does not ruin it for the rest of us…and at those one-time events, hopefully those precursors will be there and each of us that either missed the event or didn’t get the drop will get to attend that one or the next one and get those awesome precursors…

…but please do not wish for our fellow players who got lucky enough to get them and the new players who are trying it out for the first time and may actually start playing it with their friends who invited them to have their awesome loot removed simply because you and a bunch of others didn’t get it. That is rather selfish.

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


As my opinion, I sincerely suggest that ROLL BACK all Precursor/Gold from Precursor which players got in the events. This is the only way to fan out the flame.

(Sorry for my poor english grammar)

I wouldn’t wish this on anyone and I didn’t get anything worth a ton of gold or a precursor. All this would do is satisfy a few people and piss off a few different people who happened to get lucky (which doesn’t happen very often for some people, so let them be)

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Also, it’s complete BS that I have personal and biological obligations that prevent me from attending the Claw of Jormag event every time it occurs. It is patently UNFAIR that I am not given a fair chance at the drop rolls of this chest because I was unable to attend. In fact, any looting system based on a random number generator is profoundly unfair. I’ve often gone as long as a day of playing without so much as seeing an exotic item.

I once heard about a guy that looted a spark off of a normal risen trash mob, but I have killed hundreds of these mobs in my time in game, yet I still don’t have my precursor.

I guess arenanet is such a kitten company that it doesn’t understand that the most valuable items in the game should be mailed to every character on creation, so that EVERYONE has an equal chance at obtaining the most difficult items in the game with very little effort or luck.

KITTEN this game. I’m done!

Honestly people. Grow up.

Are… are you comparing the claw of jormag chest with the ancient karka chest? Ummm…. what? Also, the claw of jormag spawns like every 3 hours. This event is OVER. FOREVER.

He is being sarcastic without even reading the post. He thinks people are complaining they didn’t get what they want. They are really complaining about being kicked off the server more than once in the middle of an event, to come back to nothing to show for their efforts (to sum it up) while others who got to stay connected were pulling out a lot of great things from those chests.

THIS thread is about the precursors. The “people kicked off the server to come back to nothing” is in another thread that I am avoiding or I will want to throw a table.

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Tyrick do you actually have a source for that? I think your wrong, nowhere have I ever seen there been a mention of a massive increase to precursor chance from all golden chests, I believe it was this event only.

Also @ Lethrface, just look at posts like LordYz’s or epicsmooth, and tell me if they are stating their opinion or just trying to get a rise, for the record, I don’t mind your view at all, that’s yours one of, thousands of players, just hope that you can acknowledge the fact there are tons who do care and who do feel cheated and that you cannot just tell them to ‘stop it’.

I have looked at their posts. They don’t appear to be trying to get any more of a rise out of anyone than I am. The only difference is they didn’t qualify their position in this situation as I did. They were up-front about how they feel. If they were intentionally trying to get a rise, they would just call you guys greedy cry-babies and leave it at that. It is unlikely (even if possible) someone wanting such a rise will put in that much thought to post as they have.

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I don’t get it. I can’t see where people who have a total difference of opinion from someone can be considered a “troll” or “fanning the flames” just because they are trying to make a point that MAYBE you should have other things to worry about. You should be THRILLED that they gave us a chance at these precursors. I didn’t even get a precursor but I was just happy to be one of the few (as it appears) to be able to be in the event from beginning to completion.

I have missed plenty of “one time events” on many games that I pour hours into and the awesome loot that comes with it and I do not feel any developers owe me anything.

Is this a sign that some of us have a difference of priorities in life? Possibly.

Do I feel that those who may have gotten disconnected deserve a little something in return for missing out on a chest (especially those who were stuck doing it in overflow servers and had no ability to get BACK to that same one)? Absolutely, I feel there should be a little something (maybe at least the ring and the 20 slot bag, considering the repair bills that went into it and not all of us are as lucky as my friend is who had me to be their anchor to get them back in the overflow and to the chest once the event had ended and everyone had gone off on their merry ways).

What I do not feel, however, is that everyone is owed a precursor just because they offered them in a one time event that (that took very VERY long on my overflow, roughly 5 hours if you count all the linked events we had completed to get up tot hat point) and they were unlucky with RNG (Random Number Generator, in case people are throwing that out there knowing what it refers to but not knowing what the acronym stands for)

And for anyone who missed it and who are angry about this, remember this was announced way in advance. Arenanet is not responsible for your work schedules or any family plans. I’m almost positive they try to fit these events like this in on peak days where most people are free to do this type of stuff. I will again point out that I have missed out on plenty of events in games that I pour plenty of my times (and money) into and I don’t feel that they owe me a thing for my inability to make it to events…just like say your friends were to invite you to a concert that was to happen in a week and you couldn’t make it for work and didn’t want to call in “sick” or whatever and suddenly you find out that was the headliner’s last show before calling it quits…your friends would not owe you anything (and neither would the band that performed).

No, this does not make me a troll for having such an opinion. It makes me a player who is willing to suck it up and tell my friends who got them “congratulations, bro” and someone who will wait for the next inevitable one time event for my chance for a precursor (which probably wont be happening now because everyone is up in arms over this one event so it’ll ruin it for the rest of us). Sorry for open honesty, guys. Some of us just have a different set of priorities and would rather you not take this stuff so darn seriously.