Showing Posts For Lexiculus.5296:

WXP upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Thank. This is the kind of information I was looking for. I currently play a guardian.

On a side note, I tried to build a ram the other day when a small group was fighting in front of a tower door after another world captured it. I learned quickly that everyone has to put in their supply to build it. =)

WXP upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


For someone new to the WvW scene, could someone suggest or explain upgrades for my WXP? Everytime I look at the list, I get a little overwhelmed. I read up on each level on the wiki page but I just don’t want to choose something that is unhelpful and be locked into it. Ultimately, I understand I would choose what would best help my guild/world but I find I am not in a regular group organized for this. I am level 6 atm.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Just curious…why do you utilize the Fire Sigils so much as opposed to the Air sigils? I understand the fire procs are aoe but it looks like the air sigils do more damage.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Thanks for the info. It looked like a good idea on paper. =)

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Jax, have you worked on a might build? I thought I read earlier that you were experimenting on one that included 2 runes of hoelbrak, fire, and strength (+60 might duration) and then include 2 sigils of battle, the staff, at least one consecration (for +might fire field blasts), and empowering might. It should keep some decent stacks of might up for a long time.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


So don’t take it to heart, I’ve been called a nub heaps in Solo Que. Your block list grows fast, but you will get to point where in Solo Que you won’t see it as much, you find better players tend to respect each other. I’ve found its the bad players who trash talk the most.

So if you lose a 1v1 or win and get call nub and everything else under the sun, there just kitten so I wouldn’t worry.

This. In TPvP, I was picked up by a group after the win and we went on a winning streak. then, one group member left and we got a random pug from the queue. Pug tore me up with his ranting and raving about my play. Then one of our group members pointed out that we won all the matches before this guy joined. He didn’t say anything after that.

Some people get so frustrated at losing that they end up taking it out on all the anonymous other players on their pug team. Like it was mentioned before, these guys get blocked and the world moves on. It’s hard but you just can’t take it all personal.

Meteorshower and the new conjure earth shield

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


TC, link for your info? I see people referencing a stream but…

Conquest encourages dirty fighting

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


If i want fair 1on1s ill go play on a duel server, its as simple as that,

According to the OP’s logic, I would imagine that a 1v1 dual would still be ‘dirty’ if you stealth or line of sight or teleport or retaliation or anything surprising.

I think OP would prefer a 1v1 golden gun match type with slappers only in one big room with no doorways or stairs. First slap wins.

I think I would be more sympathetic to OP if the issue was “I hate 4v5 matches in solo q,” and not “No fair! You’re a dirty, dirty player for sneaking up on me in pvp and that is why I am losing.”

PVP by it’s very nature is all about being unpredictable/unconventional. You learn to be proactive/reactive or die.

Conquest encourages dirty fighting

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


You can’t talk about dirty fighting in game like this. This game isn’t balanced for 1v1 so certain classes will have advantage over others, in other words one of them is using ‘dirty fighting’. With this thinking the only honorable fights would be if both players used same class, build, weapons, everything. You should just play for fun and if you can’t do so in normal servers join some dueling ones.

it doesnt matter what you call it, it is what it is. by all human references jumping someone 3v1 or sneaking up and smashing someone while they are distracted is dirty. but i am not criticizing the players (though i couldve worded my OP a little better to reflect that), i am criticizing the structure of the gamemode that makes it happen.

for example (class balance aside) if there were only 1 node to fight over the battles would be far more pleasant, over 2 it would be also, as our backs would be much less vulnerable. in 3node conquest there are no front lines and people are just flying around everywhere leading to numerous backshooting ganks. if it were a deathmatch it would nearly eliminate these occurrences because people wouldnt be directed and distracted by node captures, they would generally stick together and be paying far more attention to their surroundings and be far more hesitant before jumping into battle. this is all speculation of course

I find this whole topic hilarious. To think that someone playing a pvp game mode calling players ‘dirty’ for using in-game mechanics to win. Wow. The only time I would call a player dirty in any pvp match regardless of the game type is if they were cheating via hacking or some odd exploit.

Good pvpers are going to do whatever it takes to increase their chances to win using the rule set outlined by the in-game mechanics. There’s no honor there…only logic.

And deathmatch is not some kind of holy-angels-on-harps-with-bright-white-lights option to ‘honorable’ battles where you directly face your opponent, fire your gun and then wait for them to fire back while you reload.

And let’s make sure we are using the word ‘gank’ correctly here. Are you a low level character getting killed by higher level players while you are questing in a low level zone? Are a number of other players camping your corpse preventing you from progressing? Are players camping your spawn point?

Can we PLEASE get new game types !!!

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I would enjoy a version of Keg Brawl in pvp with pvp rewards. I loved Hutt Ball in SWTOR.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Yeah, I really don’t like playing bunker when I can’t communicate effectively with most of the team. Usually, if I have at least a couple of guildies on my team, we can move around well and I can get support rather quickly. Sadly though, hot joins and even most solo queues are frustrating as a bunker because the support/movement just isn’t reliable.

And then you have the ragers in solo q who * because I died and gave up a point while facing a 3v1. Sad… and then I’m left wondering why we haven’t capped any other points while I am single-handedly dodge dancing my way around 3 enemies.

Sensotix thinks (for the first time ever)

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I agree with Sensotix. It puts things into perspective knowing that I didn’t have to pay a sub or utilize the cash shop to enjoy this game.

When do you activate Virtue of Justice?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Since I don’t have renewed justice, I like to pop VoJ about midway through the fight when my enemy’s health is low for some late-fight burst. It usually catches them off-guard.

When do you activate Virtue of Justice?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I understand that different builds/weapon sets/game modes may alter your choice but in general, when do you activate your Virtue of Justice?

1. Never—What? I have an F1 button?
2. As often as possible (keep it on CD)—My finger hurts, ouch.
3. At the beginning of the fight—We don’t need no water…
4. When the enemy’s health is low—Aww…you so dead.
5. When friendlies are around—Hey, you guys, help me kill this guy.
6. When the opportunity is right—Now is the perfect moment!

Feeling weak, as a spirit bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


While I believe there are other viable ways to build a bunker, I really feel like the spirit shield is far from useless. It has been a difference maker in many fights where ranged attackers are forced into melee range if they are trying to take the point. In a number of fights, the ranged attacks from rangers, engineers, thieves, warriors and those pesky phantasm mesmers are completely nullified with my shield while I am dodging the melee fight on the point. If you take the 20% CD trait with the +50% duration trait, the shield provides a near constant protection from projectiles for 30s.

Feeling weak, as a spirit bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


This is exactly like the spirit bunker build that Silven posted on his guide. I have been using it now for the last week or so and I’ve come to really enjoy the ranged protection that the spirit shield provides, especially on Khylo at the mid-point. My teammates have also learned to abuse the spirit shield when fighting any class that uses projectiles.

The single biggest thing that helped me was learning to dodge a lot and swap weapons to dodge more when your endurance is low. When I learned to dodge often and appropriately, it drastically increased my survivablity. Between dodges use shelter/renewed focus.

Also, if fighting condition builds, use your shouts/Virtue of Resolve to clear conditions appropriately.

You are able to hold your own much longer than anyone else on your team but you will still need to rely on your roamers to come back relieve the pressure on you.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I never thought of the scepter like that but it makes sense to set up a burst/focus fire. Now I only need to communicate that with my teammates…sometimes that huge target mark isn’t enough.

I also have to consider that if I take the scepter, I could also take the shield which would offer an additional knockback. It may be hard to give up my staff though since I’ve come to enjoy some of the other benefits it brings to the team.

It is good to be thinking about these things to improve my game. =)

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I usually find myself using the staff instead of the scepter for my bunker build. It offers some decent ranged aoe and nice support/control. It hits suprisingly farther than the visual you see when you use it. It doesn’t do crazy damage but I find that in many situations, it is more beneficial to me than the scepter.

When I bunker, one of my favorite things to do is to give staff 4 (empower) + VoJ to my roamer and watch him melt opponents with all those stacks of might and then staff 3 to help him sprint to assist another point.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


The scepter does have its uses but I don’t usually rely on it to put out tons of damage. I usually use the scepter for the immobilize/smite and the defensive skills on the focus/sheild. Immob/Smite combo can put out some decent damage and control but it’s not consistent enough to rely on as your main damage dealer. The scepter’s auto attack just doesn’t cut it when most of the your enemies are moving a lot in PVP. The auto attack is much more useful in PVE where the enemies aren’t moving as much.

Some of the others in the thread can provide more details but this is just my two cents. =)

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I never really messed around with the spirit shield so I thought I would try your build last night. I have to say that on Foefire, it fit very well into my playstyle. The spirit sheild forced some of the ranged enemies to come down off the high ground around the midpoint. A number of my teammates were also able to abuse it during scrums on the large midpoint.

It was an easy switch since I had been using the Bane Signet for the knockdown effect on Spirit Watch.

One of my teammates said he saw the spirit sheild reflect projectiles. I really couldn’t tell but he said he saw an engineer get hit with his own net. I didn’t think this was true but he swore he saw it happen.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I notice a number of bunker builds use the Rune of the Soldier (#6 shouts remove a condi). With all the other Condi removal traits (Absolute Resolution, purity, Pure of Voice), I was wondering if Rune of the Warrior might work better since 6 decreases your swap time by -1sec which allows for more frequent weapon swaps and thus more healing with Sigil of Energy/Selfless Daring.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


The might stacking hammer sounds really interesting. I would like to see that build when you are done with it =).

Not finished yet but this is currently what I’m testing.

I love the idea of might stacking on crit but the low precision is what keeps me from picking it up. I guess the increased might duration would compensate for the low crit chance.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Thanks. I enjoy reading the updates and trying new things. It keeps things interesting for me.

The "Unkillable" Build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I might argue that you would get more consistent aoe healing out of the sigils of energy and dodging than you would out of some of the sigils you listed, specifically sigil of superior water when your crit % is relatively low.

Spvp Deathmatch new mode

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Of course it doessent effect the outcome. There are tons of people in wvw that play for the fights spvp can’t offer. Death match or similar would work fine.

I am glad that WvW is in the game. I just don’t think your argument holds weight here when you suggest that ‘SPvP doesn’t have DM so I’ll go to WvW for DM.’

WvW is an objective-based game mode on a large scale. It is not team DM. It allows for imbalances such as the size of your group and the stats on your gear—not necessarily on build or skill.

You could argue that the option is there for a group to focus on downing players but the idea is that it will all lead toward completing the objective. Much like sPvP.

Spvp Deathmatch new mode

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


Didn’t they talk about this in the last SotG? They tried deathmatch, and it basically went like this:

1) Teams stand around staring at each other for a little while
2) Someone gets impatient and both teams run at each other
3) Everyone uses their elites
4) Huge clusterkitten
5) Elites wear off
6) Whoever happens to have more players left over wins

Doesn’t sound fun to me. I didn’t like WoW areas for similar reasons. Battlegrounds were great.

I second this post. Until someone posts specific data not compiled from this message board, I will wholeheartedly disagree with the sentiment that ‘everyone wants DM’ or that ‘DM will save GW2 pvp.’

When will we see THIS kind of PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


We’re still stuck with one Game Mode: Conquest. Even if it’s not a bad game mode, it simply cannot stand on it’s own. It is heavily based on capturing bases. Engaging in an actually challenging PvP fight is rarely beneficial for the team and one side usually ends up outnumbering the other after a while. It’s fine as a strategic Game Mode, but not as the only Game Mode as it barely provokes good PvP battles where your PvP skills matters.

I agree that it would be fun to have a variety of game modes (CTF, Defense/Offense, etc) but I disagree with you in that conquest does not promote good pvp skills (see below).

But a more important option would be to add Team Deathmatch on a small map, just like a gladiator arena form ancient Rome!

The reason why these Team Deathmatch Arenas would be such an important and needed feature is that it adds a lot of depth to the PvP combat and raise the skill cap further. If one member of your Team is Defeated, you’re in some serious trouble which makes it key to kill one of them off while making sure that your Team Mates are alive and out of lethal danger. In this format, knowing your opponent would benefit you a lot and that’s where a ton of depth comes from.

This argument holds for all team PVP game modes so I fail to see how it adds depth only to the team DM game mode.

DM works well in games like Halo and CoD because everyone can shoot a gun from a distance which promotes movement, cover, positioning, skill with certain weapon-types all across the entire playable map. A game with melee-focused characters is going to require them to clump up. It’s part of the reason why I never enjoyed the arena in WoW. While I am glad other people had fun with arenas, it wasn’t fun for me.

How long will the Thief be in Stealth and when should I dodge his opener? Will the Guardian be able to block this attack using Aegis… Maybe I could make him use it without launching my real burst? Should I save my Blowback for the Warrior with that nasty Axe in his secondary Weapon Set, or to interrupt that Mesmer’s Utility Skill that I know that he has?

A good player will do all of those things in Conquest right now. In fact, I would argue that this thinking holds more weight in Conquest mode when you will usually face 1 or 2 enemies on a point as opposed to team DM where you are facing 3+ enemies.


While I would enjoy seeing some other game modes, I feel like my PVP skills and strategies have been/are being tested with Conquest. I find that each time I play tPVP, I am incorporating new strategies and abilities I have learned from previous matches, message boards, and video streams in an effort to improve my gameplay. While I do not understand the support for team DM on these boards, it could work as an option in custom matches.

While there can always be improvements in any game or game mode, I do not feel like the state of PVP is as awful as some people make it out to be.

Reward me for Defending - Being a Team Player

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I agree that defending a node is an important role to play but I disagree that players should get more glory for just standing on it the whole match. When I started TPVP, I used to get upset when my numbers were not good as I spent whole matches holding a point. However, after gaining more experience in TPVP and watching streams, I realized that standing on a node when it’s not contested is bad for your team regardless of spec.

If your node is not contested and you see no incoming threat, you should be assisting your teammates in other areas of the map even if you are bunker spec (which would get you more glory by assisting with kills and point nuetralizing/capturing, etc).

Yes, the other team may try to take an empty node but then you get back there to defend and keep it or go take their uncontested node. (which again would net you more glory assuming you effectively defended or recaptured the point).

Anytime you are just sitting on one point that is uncontested, you are potentially giving the other team a 5v4 scenario on the rest of the field.

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


I enjoy reading what others are finding out or have learned about the guardian profession as I am rather new to the game/pvp.

I am curious though why many of the builds that I find do not include sigil of Strength and/or Sigil of Battle (might boon). It seems a lot of people prefer Air or Fire, especially in dps builds. To me, it seems that I could get more over-all dps by timing Inspired Virtue with a weapon swap and the continued potential for more with a successful Sigil of Strength tick (assuming dual-weilding with Strength and Battle sigils).