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1 Copper Undercut Problem [Merged Threads]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leyic.1458


Thinking out loud as a producer:

The posting fee is not refunded, so there is a disincentive for sellers to adjust their sell offer. If there were an ability to repost which refunded the original fee, active sellers would be better able to move their inventories, albeit at a lower price. The consequence would be greater price volatility, pushing casual sellers out of the market.

The difficulty is that it’s hard to read market demand, so it’s hard to tell where the natural price is at a given moment. Sellers have to guess at this, and since most sellers emphasize profit, the amount by which they undercut tends to be conservative. Meanwhile, if the demand isn’t there, this leads to the market being flooded with goods with small differences in their prices.

The materials markets are better off as the demand is practically constant and one can watch the ebb and flow of goods and prices in real time. The markets for crafted goods are slower and smaller, however, meaning they’re more sensitive to fluctuations in demand, so the supply tends to lag in its adjustments.

It’d be nice if the natural price were held high, but that favors sellers over buyers in an already small market, so it’d backfire. It’d be better to move goods quickly at a lower price, but that requires demand that doesn’t flatline, and would benefit from quality of life improvements to help casual producers stay in the market.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leyic.1458


Server: Ehmry Bay

One of my characters is unable to represent any guild; the represent button simply doesn’t work. Another character can represent a guild but can’t access the guild chat, vault, etc. My other characters appear to be working, but I haven’t had them stand down since I started having these problems.

My guilds are:
Kittens Socks and Magma [KSM]
Eikosi League [dXX] (primarily on Henge of Denravi)