Showing Posts For Lightblinder.7340:

Issue with On Red Alert quest.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lightblinder.7340


Same thing happenned to me a few moments ago. Apparently you can’t use it to attack ‘cause I’ve done this quest 3 other times on other characters in which I didn’t use it to attack and there was no problem.
Meh…it’s been one year since the first complaint and it still wasn’t fixed >.>

"Follow the trail" storyline quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lightblinder.7340


The quest tells me to talk to that npc, but only the option “greet” shows up. Already tried switching maps and relogging, nothing works.
I did a quick google search and didn’t find any reference to this issue, so I don’t know if either I’m doing something wrong or no one does this quest =P


Rata Sum prison Easter egg

in Asura

Posted by: Lightblinder.7340


lol, I did just that without knowing about it, you can imagine how surprised I got when I respawned at the jail.

(edited by Lightblinder.7340)