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EU Players with Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LimpPP.3190


I submitted a ticket and I thought it was going to go somewhere at first. I uploaded a picture of my in-game ping/PL from LoTRO, pingtest results to Dallas that show 0% PL and a 140’ish ping. Also, 3 pingplotter traces that show a 100% PL after 2 NCSoft servers, both at the 11th hop.

Start from the bottom

Maybe we aren’t looking at the same thing. I sat here and watched it the whole time on my 2nd monitor because GW2 I couldn’t play due to 30 sec to 5+ minute skill lag. There was ZERO packet loss until the 11th hop. 10th being a If my ISP was having issue, then LoTRO would have issues since it is also a US server. My websurfing speed would suffer do to PL. My other Speedtest/pingtest would also show this. Is this how Anet supports their product? Blame it on something else? Especially when it’s clear that there are 100’s of people reporting the same problem from Asia routes, EU routes, Middle east and Australia. I’m hoping this company is like any other, if there is a Tier 2, then push it up to it, because my patience is wearing then on a $60 product I purchased that I can’t play since the last patch, nor is it being competently being fixed. Everyday that passes I’m one step closer to a refund.

Response Ashe

Thank you for the reports.
Overall your connection looks good except for the 7th hop, which causes me some concerns. There is only very minimal packet loss, however, what I am seeing is areas in the green bars that appear broken. This represents your connection being unable to connect to that specific hop, this usually results in your connection trying to reroute through a different IP in order to maintain your connection. In some cases your connection may recover from this however, you may still experience lag or latency due to this.
Because the loss of data is happening prior to it reaching our game servers, you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance. I would suggest sending this PingPlotter report to your ISP when you talk to them. It will definitely help them with determining exactly what is happening and hopefully they will be able to get it resolved for you.


I thought something might be wrong with my ISP as well. But ruled it out once LoTRO work continuously with out lag or PL and the ping test to Dallas with zero PL continually. I did the first server for ~ 15-20 minutes. Didn’t wait until 30 since it was hitting a 100% PL. I was able to zone into 2 different areas that changed my IP. I ran them again for just a few minutes with the same results.

Response Ashe

Thank you for providing us with the requested files.
Yes, we are aware of the posts in the forums. ArenaNet is currently looking into this issue, however, we do not have any information to provide at this time. I took a look at the Game Advisor report you provided and it appears your connection may be suffering from packet loss. For reference, I have included the data found in Game Advisor below:
At this time, I would like to confirm these findings with a more advanced diagnostic report which will graph your Internet connection while actively playing Guild Wars 2. To do this, we use an application called “Ping Plotter.”


Attached as requested. Plenty of log filed in your forums…

Ping test to Dallas

Response Brian

In order for us to better assist you with this issue, please run our Game Advisor application. The Game Advisor will provide us with helpful information about your system and Internet connection.

Once we receive it, we’ll have a better idea of how to resolve your issue.


There is no need for all the attachments and to waste time scrubbing through the lines of computer details, tracerts etc. Read your own forums a lot of EU players are having lag issues. For the last couple nights it is unplayable and full of disconnects. I have tried rebooting my modem, restarting PC, none of which helped. This was all before I read the forums. Just to ensure it wasn’t my connection. I ran speedtest from to various servers in EU and the US, no issues. I ran ping test from Again, to various servers in EU and US. Here is the link to my Dallas test. As you can see ZERO issues, mean while at the exact same time, I am lagging in YOUR servers. I logged into LoTRO, and had a stable 140 ping with 0% PL. If there is something wrong in the servers currently or something with the latest patch(when it started) then there is nothing wrong with looking into it, owning up to it and correcting it. Yet, there areno Anet replies in the forums, poor customer support. If this is the support you provide to your customers then maybe I need to click on the refund link and go on my way.

Game will not download

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LimpPP.3190


EU Players with Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LimpPP.3190


I posted this in the other thread. if they want to say contact the ISP. Then they can give me a refund for this game. I can load up LoTRO and with it’s handy dandy little network icon. I can see my 140 ping and 0% PL to their US servers. I can do speed test and see I’m at 100% I can even do a ping test to servers in Dallas with ZERO issues(see below).

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LimpPP.3190


As of right now, 1830 German time, I can’t play. It takes 5 seconds to teleport through a keep door, 5+ seconds for skills to go off. Then I get disconnected. I did a speed test and ping test to Dallas servers. 0% PL, 159 ping and 1% jitter. I have had no issues with this game until this last patch.


(edited by LimpPP.3190)