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Music Broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liquid Space Tent.4637

Liquid Space Tent.4637

Hi guys and gals;
Hoping for a quickfix or to know if this is a common issue.

After the latest patch the music on gw2 doesn’t play, even on the character selection screen. My music slider is at 100% in options, I have tried moving the interval slider. I did notice that if I move the ‘sound quality’ slider at all, the music plays for all of a second and then stops again.

Please note, all other sound appears to work, just music is the problem.

Thanks in advance.

Personal Story reset!?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liquid Space Tent.4637

Liquid Space Tent.4637

I have experienced this issue today. I was getting close to fighting Zaitan and then the story screen (on hero panel) popped up… I closed it thinking it was random, but then the quest I was doing turned out to be the one before cathedral of silence. The weird part is, I am picking up these story quests from parts of Orr I have only just discovered as my story progressed. For example: I did cathedral of silence to try and free Orr, ended up fighting so the pact pushes forward towards Zaitan securing checkpoints. I am now on the West side of Orr, which I only discovered today, and I picked up a quest from that area and it sent me to the cathedral on a repeat of a mission I have already done. Someone came along for like 2 story missions, and they joined my instance, for 95% of my story I have done it alone. Just mentioning as I read that this bug had been fixed, and it is happening in a very strange manor (the missions being in different places etc).