Showing Posts For Lisanna.9048:

Guild Bank restrictions

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


my account is almost 3 years old now
and no, i submitted the ticket in game

Guild Bank restrictions

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


I recently came to understand that anet put a 500g limit per week restriction across all accounts on guild bank and mail withdrawals on gold. however according to the blog post:
“For the purposes of this limit, a week begins at 12:01 AM UTC each Sunday (5:01 PM PDT/4:01 PM PST Saturday).”
This time has long been gone and i am still unable to withdraw gold from my guild bank and nobody is responding to my ticket…

Skill Lag in world events??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


Has anyone else noticed the massive skill lags during world events/wvw recently?

Edit: I’ve checked and no it’s not my connection

Time to adress bannering of dead NPC's?

in WvW

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


being able to revive the lord makes the fights more fun imo.
If the devs remove this feature then all that will happen is that, after a zerg gets to the lord room of a keep the defending zerg will just give up on fighting and wvw will become boring, no chance for really good random fights.

The ability to res the lord = longer fights = more loot= more fun

Ppl who complain about the mechanic are still playing wvw anyway so they cant dislike the mechanic that much.

Party/guild Bug?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


I have to restart the game like 4 times to get it to work properly. I did send a ticket but no response from the support team on the issue as yet

Party/guild Bug?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


the past two days each time i log in the guild pane shows me as the only person in my guild. Also all of our influence and upgrades are gone completely!
and to make matters worse i cant join any party because i’m not able to see anyone else.

Ships of the Line STILL Bugged!!

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


this bug still has not been fixed after 6 months…

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


My Final Statement here since this is just going no were!

Why Was the First Guild mission type put in AoW it is seen as PvP guild content witch I agreed with PvP guilds got what they needed PvE guilds got what they needed. You now placed PvE content at the end of AoW it seems super stupid!

Small PvE Guilds are now being forced to GRIND to get this new content cause most would never have touched AoW upgrades before that being the case they need 75000 Influence to get the first Guild Mission type. My guild has a total of 100+ members 40+ active pulling an average of 900+ influence a day, We are a PvE Guild so never bothered wasting influence on AoW, Meaning that we wont unlock it for 90 days so 3 months. This is then pushing of all the upgrades that are any use for a guild.

Getting in new members to small guilds! This has now become harder as players are leaving small guilds to join large guilds that already have the influence to unlock most of the new content! So small guilds are getting smaller, Getting new members again even harder as now having to go out and find members that will join a guild that can’t already start doing guild missions, Would you join a guild now that could not?

So in nearly all cases for small guilds to move forward now so they can grow to become great guilds they need to grind, Oh wait didn’t Anet say they want Guild Wars 2 to have no grinding? That is right! In there manifesto for the game they said they wanted to get rid of grinding so why add it in now?

This is there Manifesto go to 1:20 and you can see all about having content NOW and NO grind!

So why has it come this way grinding and the killing of small guilds?

Just because you call it a grind dose not mean it is a grind. Your calling things that do not fit the idea of a grind at all your simply using it as a buzz word.

Then explain to us your definition of grinding since this does not fit

Grinding is running the same events over and over purely for leveling up and progression. This is not a true grind in that its something that leads up to progression now if your talking about running guild events over and over this is more true to the idea of a grind. Its like getting mad at part one of a story because you got to read it before you can get to part 2.

Grinding is a term used in video gaming to describe the process of engaging in repetitive tasks during video games. The most common usage is in the context of MMORPGs like Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, Tibia, or Lineage in which it is often necessary for a character to repeatedly kill AI-controlled monsters, using basically the same strategy over again to advance their character level to be able to access newer content. MUDs, generally sharing much of the same gameplay as MMORPGs, encounter the same problem. Grinding may be required by some games to unlock additional features.

So yes i did use it correctly

jski seems to be contradicting himself. In order to gain enough influence to be able to afford the upgrades what will players in small guilds have to do? thats right rinse and repeat the content that gives the most influence if they would like to have access to the new content before christmas

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


My Final Statement here since this is just going no were!

Why Was the First Guild mission type put in AoW it is seen as PvP guild content witch I agreed with PvP guilds got what they needed PvE guilds got what they needed. You now placed PvE content at the end of AoW it seems super stupid!

Small PvE Guilds are now being forced to GRIND to get this new content cause most would never have touched AoW upgrades before that being the case they need 75000 Influence to get the first Guild Mission type. My guild has a total of 100+ members 40+ active pulling an average of 900+ influence a day, We are a PvE Guild so never bothered wasting influence on AoW, Meaning that we wont unlock it for 90 days so 3 months. This is then pushing of all the upgrades that are any use for a guild.

Getting in new members to small guilds! This has now become harder as players are leaving small guilds to join large guilds that already have the influence to unlock most of the new content! So small guilds are getting smaller, Getting new members again even harder as now having to go out and find members that will join a guild that can’t already start doing guild missions, Would you join a guild now that could not?

So in nearly all cases for small guilds to move forward now so they can grow to become great guilds they need to grind, Oh wait didn’t Anet say they want Guild Wars 2 to have no grinding? That is right! In there manifesto for the game they said they wanted to get rid of grinding so why add it in now?

This is there Manifesto go to 1:20 and you can see all about having content NOW and NO grind!

So why has it come this way grinding and the killing of small guilds?

Just because you call it a grind dose not mean it is a grind. Your calling things that do not fit the idea of a grind at all your simply using it as a buzz word.

Then explain to us your definition of grinding since this does not fit

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


If people in small guilds want the new content that badly, why not just buy the influence? It’s a cheap workaround if everyone pools in a bit of their money.

It costs a total of 73g to get the 36500 influence needed for Art of War 5. If the guild has 10 people, that means 7.3g per person.

Small guilds are innately close knit, so I don’t see a problem in doing this as far as trust issues are concerned. In the case you don’t want to do this, then maybe you weren’t really interested to do guild missions in the first place. All in all, it’s a good workaround and quite cheap as well.

You still miss the point of needing to complete said mission…who’s gonna help u out if all they get is karma, exp and a few lousy pieces of copper as a reward???

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


So, if a large guild begins an event on the landscape and others come along and participate, do they get any rewards at all for playing or is it just the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped a large guild, that doesn’t need any help at all anyway, finish their event?

Or have I misunderstood and all the guild events are instanced, so this is a moot point?

its in the open world and if u decide to help then u get the same rewards as u would from any dynamic event

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


As this has probably been buried deep by know, I would like to quote Izzy again. I put aspects of his post that touch on the actual discussion in bold:

I know there have been some concerns about Guild Bounties being in the Art of War line. Our goal with this system is to give guilds activities and long-term progression that they can accomplish by working together as a guild. These missions are meant to be difficult and challenging to not only unlock, but to accomplish.

We would also like to make every guild upgrade line valuable to every guild. Currently, Art of War is very focused on PvP and WvW, but our plan is to continue to add more guild upgrades in the Art of War line to accomplish this. These Guild Missions are the first step. Along with this system, we also added a number of new guild upgrades that guilds can earn.

In the end, our goal for all of this content is to give guilds new goals and challenges to accomplished once they have researched deeply into each line, as well as require guilds to have researched multiple lines to unlock some upgrades. We expect guild members to have to work together as a guild to earn the influence needed to unlock these new missions, as well as overcome the challenge of the missions themselves.

In the future, we plan to continue to add more guild upgrades, as well as continue to add challenging guild missions, as we don’t want guilds to run out of goals and accomplishments they can achieve.

~Izzy @-’—-

Sure, that post describes your goal. And this discussion is about the actual results, so that you can see where the disconnect is.


Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


As this has probably been buried deep by know, I would like to quote Izzy again. I put aspects of his post that touch on the actual discussion in bold:

I know there have been some concerns about Guild Bounties being in the Art of War line. Our goal with this system is to give guilds activities and long-term progression that they can accomplish by working together as a guild. These missions are meant to be difficult and challenging to not only unlock, but to accomplish.

We would also like to make every guild upgrade line valuable to every guild. Currently, Art of War is very focused on PvP and WvW, but our plan is to continue to add more guild upgrades in the Art of War line to accomplish this. These Guild Missions are the first step. Along with this system, we also added a number of new guild upgrades that guilds can earn.

In the end, our goal for all of this content is to give guilds new goals and challenges to accomplished once they have researched deeply into each line, as well as require guilds to have researched multiple lines to unlock some upgrades. We expect guild members to have to work together as a guild to earn the influence needed to unlock these new missions, as well as overcome the challenge of the missions themselves.

In the future, we plan to continue to add more guild upgrades, as well as continue to add challenging guild missions, as we don’t want guilds to run out of goals and accomplishments they can achieve.

~Izzy @-’—-

Closing one thread to restate an old post that wasn’t very helpful to start with?
What are you guys doing over there? Do you really not see what you are doing?

I noticed the game went on sale again, as a B.A major i know that companies usually do that when they need to generate more income. If u need to do this what do u think will happen if u don’t address our concerns at all they game servers will die and and u will be forced to make it ftp…

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

and what about 1 man guild, we can continue to go down numbers like this. 10 active members is good number for this.
with this mentality everything will be done for solo group player, o wait this is already the case for 90% of the game: dungeons, fractals, spvp, group event. only wvw is for large guild and was pvp. now they add pve for large group this is fair and square.

you are pretty selfish only thinking about your small scale guild, big guild wish to have fun in large group too and not only in wvw. Not everything should be designed for group size event. SHARE THE CAKE WITH OTHER, IF YOU CANNOT YOU ARE SELFISH

You are defending the big guilds, agree not a single guild should be left out. But this does make you selfish as well.

I stated this before in this thread the influence should be based on the size of the guild.

There you have a fix.

That is also another solution, but the fact that they are saying nothing to try and calm down their customers speaks volumes about how much they value our time and money

How Guild Missions Should Look

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


So there’s already a decent amount of unhappiness on the Guild Quests, and I think from the current viewpoint this is a pretty fair assessment. For various reasons:

1. Putting the only event that doesn’t require Guild Merits in the War tab: This penalizes non-WvW guilds, just as placing it in another tree would penalize WvW guilds

2. Lvl 5 requirement: This simply just isn’t feasible for small guilds

The good news is it’s an easy fix and here’s how

1. Create 5 tiers of events, these tiers are scalable but start at a level appropriate to size. That is a 5 person guild can do T1, 10 T2, 20 T3, 30 T4, 40 T5 this already appears to be the case at least for the 3 Tiers of the bounties and you could keep it at 3 tiers (5, 20, 40) but that would leave some holes.

2. Each T1 does not require Merits to unlock

2. Each new tier requires ANOTHER unlock (with Merits past T1), this lets guilds unlock as they expand rather than requiring a large guild to begin with.

3. Create a separate tab for the “Guild Challenge” Guild challenges require the equivalent Tier of each other challenge to be unlocked.

This setup allows accessibility to the content for smaller guilds, while still requiring a lot of work (even for large guilds) to unlock the highest tiers.

Your idea is is quite plausible but from what i’ve seen from other developers and publishers of mmo’s, they will do nothing to improve the new system and will loose most of their player base as a result

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


Did we all forget that we can be part of multiple guilds at a time? Rep one guild for loot per week then switch back to farm for your small guild until you unlock the content.

This isn’t rocket science, use the tools the game provides.

ever think no rep out yo go, been there done that ( i got kicked for what your saying )

Find a better guild. Rep nazis are the most elitist of the bunch.

Why be apart of a guild if u dont intend to represent them? u might as well leave and not take up space on the roster

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

If I didn’t misread, I read somewhere that random people can join you in your guild events. As far as I know, almost everyone in this game will jump into an event infront of them :P.

Groups are still of 5 people, no where enough for you to organize a guild. It’s not like you can organize a raid of 25 guild members. Everyone would just be split into groups of 5 due to the current system. So when you’re doing your guild events, I’m sure people are just going to walk into it and help you…

What I read was that anyone can jump into a guild activated mission as if it were just another dynamic event. Their reward would be that same as for completing a DE, a few silver, some XP and some karma. They would NOT receive any of the currency that could be used with the new guild vendors, nor any other benefit that the sponsoring guild would qualify for.

Exactly, so ppl will probably not help u at all if they aren’t getting the same rewards.
I know i wouldn’t, why should i do the same amount of work if not more than the ppl who activated the mission to gain less rewards others?

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Just to add my 2 cents… Hope it’s worth something lol.

You don’t need a guild of 500 man to even get AOW5 or the influence needed for it. Lol, my guild of 8 man (usually 5 active max since we do activities in groups of 5), have no issues with this whatsoever… We even have 8000+ influence just sitting there right now and I have no idea how we got it since we’ve been busy with real life lately. Maybe all those random dailies and weekend gaming counted for something…

The point is, if you got an active, closely-knit guild of 5 man, you should have no issue with this at all. Sure, it’ll take a month but what’s the rush? The point is to enjoy the game and right now we’re not feeling gated.

If guild bounties were too easy to get, then won’t you have a rinse and repeat cycle of “Play content quickly, finish, stop”? (Not that the guild bounties are hard to get in the first place…)

you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

his is a quote from this site, posted on anet’s fb page:
Even with the best gear available and downscaled to level 60, the Flame Legion in this particular Guild Challenge are incredibly tough to kill so it is absolutely key to work together and coordinate tactics before you start.

It should be noted that this event has never been successfully completed, even by internal testers and developers and although we lasted for a long period of time (4 minutes remaining) we still failed multiple times, even with ArenaNet on hand to help.

(edited by Lisanna.9048)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

Thank you for reiterating my point, they are going back on all the promises they made when they first launched the game all the ppl that were trying to escape selfish play styles in other mmo’s will just leave gw2 completely with this patch

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


Im going to play devils advocate here for a min.

Let’s say Arena Net removes the Art of War prereq and the first guild mission is open to all.
A small guild with less then 10 people probably could not finish it. There would then be backlash.

Lets say this sub 10 player guild did beat the first tier? Then they try to go for the next tier and they could not beat it because they do not have enough players. They would need 15 to beat it. Back lash again because they would be stuck at tier one until they recruited more and they would say its unfair. Nothing wrong with that complaint btw.

What I am getting at here is Arena Net is kitten if they do and kitten if they don’t.
Guild missions are for 10-25 players. The Art of War prereq is steep for most small/medium guilds but I also feel that this would motivate recruiting and keep the guilds active. The rewards are worth it. If you are in a 5 man guild or less this would leave you out for now. It sucks but it is what it is. There still is a lot of content to play, plus you can participate in guild missions. You will not the guild perks but at least you get descent personal rewards for it.

From what I have read you do not need to be in a 500 man mega guild, all you need is about 10-30 players and you can do most of this stuff. You cant unlock all tiers but at least you get the opportunity at the rewards once a week. Sure, the art of war is the big issue right now but you shouldn’t let that stop you from working together to get it done.

Maybe Anet will change the prereq, if so will that make this issue better for most?

here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Acherons- Seafarers Rest recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


We are a new and small guild of friendly people, We do mostly pve content in the game but are open to WvW.

We have a teamspeak server for the guild, and while its not a requirement to have it is recommended (Things can get lost in translation when typing u know ).

English, however IS a requirement.

If you have any questions and/or want to join feel free to send me a message in game @ Lisanna.9048

We are still recruiting new members so feel free to send me a msg in-game if u have any questions or want to join

Have a Great Time playing

Acherons- Seafarers Rest recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


Due to some of the msgs i’m getting in game, i’d like to restate that we are mostly pve players and dont do WvW

Acherons- Seafarers Rest recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


We are a new and small guild of friendly people, We do mostly pve content in the game but are open to WvW.

We have a teamspeak server for the guild, and while its not a requirement to have it is recommended (Things can get lost in translation when typing u know ).

English, however IS a requirement.

If you have any questions and/or want to join feel free to send me a message in game @ Lisanna.9048