Showing Posts For Llyweln.3078:
Over all which is better? Not cost wise, but dps wise when used.
a better spot to get a developer’s attention and response they are looking into it, and know.
Spoke with a kind person who had just finished making the Chuka bow…….the npc I wanted is just south of the waypoint. Thank you all.
Hm, then wiki is wrong……….
Scepter/Shield honestly because of the range…….
chuka cub training
I cannot find where this is supposed to spawn at, I do know its part of the event chain in Wynchona Woods.
I did too Chaba…..that wouldve rocked! Though I did giggle yesterday when a ranger started attacking me cause I missed the jump and went back to gumbie lol
guildie stuck in lions arch lol
same issue here….also with a few guildies who are loggin in for Teq…..
Im just glad theres another place besides Silver Waste to farm these.
My issue with silverwastes, is the only people I ever see in there, are few and far between, and generally just running their characters to the HoT entrance. Presently I’m working on collecting some bandit crests, but it’s slow going taking outposts with only 1 person. I made 60 crests in 2 days which to me seems like a terrible waste of time. Wish I knew how to find a busy silverwastes map. Is there a time of day that people actually play on it?
Best thing to do is use the lfg/world bosses Vw runs almost every 30ish mins…..give or take. Folks are always running taxis.
Crashing due to a "Invalid Character Motion"?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Llyweln.3078
Guardian the other day, elemental today, oh wells off to read a book
Crashing due to a "Invalid Character Motion"?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Llyweln.3078
After using the repair fix a few posts higher then my original, the issue seems to be fixed, so far Thanks Malykhai
Crashing due to a "Invalid Character Motion"?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Llyweln.3078
Have crashed now 3×........I’ve not had this issue since last year, which made me quit the game. Ive been back playing now for probably 2months. No issues till today.
—> Crash <—
Assertion: CharMotion has invalid matrix
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharMotion.cpp(249)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4580
BaseAddr: 00070000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 37556
When: 2014-08-15T23:31:18Z 2014-08-15T16:31:18-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:02:31
Flags: 0
Processors: 2 [GenuineIntel:6:15:11]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
Also, If you have questions, Dreamy is awesome ingame too..more then willing to take the extra step and help out. =)
Honestly, Please please cut down the drop rate so the price goes up!! How am I a poor player to make gold! (tongue in cheek)
I personally hate jumping…..even the bf laughs at me when I try. Just not coordinated enough. But, I am enjoying the new zone, go figure. I died so many times yesterday falling off a missed jump (laughing all the way too). Enabling my fall damage trait did help alot.
When I port out of Divinity or to a different zone, I get dropped to desktop. This has been going on since Ive gotten the game.