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Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Welp, I’ve been burned then by Heart of Thorns. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you, ArenaNet.

I wanted to see new Legendary weapons, and I wanted to see them developed so I may, may have had the chance to chase after a Legendary that would tickle my fancy. But considering that everything else that was in the pipeworks even before Heart of Thorns is now left to stay in development hell (Fractal leaderboards, Fractal backpiece, continued live updates every few weeks versus the current quarterly-seasonal approach, PVP map updates and game modes, available daily activities), I can safely say that I have been burned by the premise of the expansion pack and what it would deliver.

The gameplay itself has turned people away from Heart of Thorns compared to release months. People are avoiding events towards HoT metas. The EXP and mastery requirements become too much for my casual self to tackle. People would rather run existing pre-HoT content because it is more profitable to do so, and I can’t blame them.

I’ve enjoyed the game. I’ve enjoyed Heart of Thorns opening up. But eventually, I’ve burned out. And all these decisions on not delivering on what was promised to be ‘coming next’ for this expansion pack alone should have made me weary. Considering ArenaNet’s track record with dropped or otherwise (permanently) delayed developments, I should have been weary to begin with.

Guild Wars 2 has an amazing non-competitive open PVE world that feeds and nurtures a generally friendly, casual playerbase. And they’re just building on that without delivering on what may or may not have attracted people in the first place to buy or pre-order the game or the expansion. But maybe it’s not ArenaNet that’s to blame – rather NCsoft. I don’t know.

Orrian Syllabary Project finished!

in Community Creations

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Neat. The syllabary kinda reminds me of Korean morphophonology.

Now I’m wondering if this was intentional in the linguistic design. It’s certainly more involved than the Krytan substitution cypher we have.

Great job on compiling the additional syllables!

Mace Concept: The Hand of Maguuma

in Community Creations

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Collecting the resources and items needed for what amounts to be a stone combat gauntlet should feature feats of both brawn and brain. Many Junk items exist and have been used in the creation of other Precursors, and could be used alongside mid-tier metals to craft the foundation of the Leystone Fist. I would imagine the failed Precursor to be less of a proper pitted, holey and radiating weapon, and more a stone punching gauntlet that has petered and burnt out. Or, barring that, quite literally, a burnt out stone on a haft.

All noted collections and concepts are just general ideas. As always, nothing is set in stone. Someone should be fired for this pun.

Hand of Maguuma I: Handling Ley Magic
You have seen the raw magic coursing through the magic-blasted stone underneath Maguuma. You can only imagine just how such power would be in your own grasp. Understand stone, shape it and command it, and take charge in the creation of the Leystone Fist.

The first collection could focus on general HoT Maguuma-centric exploration and gathering minerals. Conquering Leystone wielding champions and Hero Challenges featuring minerals, as well as Central Tyria earth elemental enemies and Destroyers ought to fulfil the ‘brawn’ requirement of a Precursor collection until the initial weapon is crafted. Junk items of choice could be pebbles, gravel and stones. Perhaps even event items such as crackling lodestones or volcanic earth elemental cores could be used for some intermediate Mystic Forge item, or to be handed in to an NPC or another. Conquering particular earth elemental veterans also is a consideration – ranging from the Harathi Hinterlands world boss to the Elusive Elemental in Tangled Depths.

Hand of Maguuma II: A Thesis On Ley Magic
Unwieldy. Too heavy. Your first attempt at creating a leystone gauntlet definitely needs reconsideration. Seek out masters and works on ley magic in the world at large, and study the raw power of Maguuma coursing under Tyria. Then write a work on the subjects of handling and channelling leystone magic proper.

From then onwards, the collection could focus on finding out about the nature of natural magic in Tyria and its mantle. This could tie in to Scarlet Briar as well – visiting her old hide-outs and the various notes and books she has left behind in her wake to inspire the creator in writing and perfecting a means to create the Precursor. This could probably include writing a proper Thesis to present before the asuran Arcane Council. Maybe strong-arming and /threatening a particularly susceptible member here or there. Copious amounts of rum, whiskey and/or scotch may also be involved in writing this thesis, if my personal experiences with writing a scientific paper are any indication.

Hand of Maguuma III: Leystone Fist
Eureka! Why did you not realize that the leystone rocks are both channeller and container? Craft from samples of ley magic infused stone the mantle and the containment rod of your Leystone Fist. And with it, your chance to grasp true elemental power with the legendary Hand of Maguuma.

The final collection could focus on collecting stone samples from key areas within Dry Top, Silverwastes, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and Dragon’s Stand. One particular Hero Point readily comes to mind, as well as one particular Adventure. This collection could also actually include the actual building of the specialized legendary crafting components – a slight reshuffle of the usual collection-craft-collection order of Legendary crafting.

Legendary design, Hand of Maguuma
(Fist of Maguuma also works)
I’ll be honest. The moment I saw the transformation on the character textures by Astralaria (similar to the charge in the chest and throat of HoT wyvern enemies) and what the tech provided by Nevermore did with regards to particle effects, my imagination went into overdrive.

I would imagine to build upon ‘less is more’ in the weapon’s design, reducing the mantle cover of the Leystone Fist until little more than a control rod is left fitting in the character’s palm. Barring that, build up from what we do have, and add actual magical digits. Three or four fingers, perhaps. Because we have a precedent in the four-finger department.

The weapon concept is based on a craggy capsule around the character’s hand, with the tell-tale honeycomb weathered or pumice-like structure of the leystone, featuring large, circular holes, and ultimately the projected lines of blue energy radiating outwards from it.

From there, the key design features of glowing, flowing energy along the upper and lower arm and the hand (specifically not shoulders) could interact with the rotary, floating pieces of leystone drifting over the character’s arm.

Additionally, a massive stone fist that clenches and unclenches when not in an attack animation, and closes into a fist during a sweeping blow would be a rather unique weapon animation.

    Image is a proof of concept, and ultimately shows the depth of my skill of digital drawing and Photoshop kitten-ry; or more pointedly, my lack of such.

Barring all that, a model could be built from the initial leystone mock-up, add fingers and stones floating along the lower arm in general. A full overview of the above is also available in a single Imgur album, available here.

Design issues

  • A weapon fitting around the arm of a character model might interfere with existing gauntlet meshes. Intersecting models (clipping) must be actively avoided.
    Again, oversizing the weapon so the present hand animations are hidden away by the gauntlet are an option. Ultimately, though, people tend to focus on their Legendary to look awesome as heck. People may just toggle their gloves off just for the sake of wielding (or in the case of Warriors, dual wielding) their precious Legendary. Preferably, no new tech ought to be developed for this. Use what is available.
  • Idle dual-wielding weapon animations for some races feature the character throwing up the main hand weapon. In others, elaborate rolling with a loose wrist. Either which way, the weapon model must not (heavily) interfere with this animation cycle.
    Again, either the weapon can be easily removed from the hand (clipping issues, no special tech considerations) or the weapon is adjusted to always stick to the hand and lower arm bones of the character model when held. This exists in toys already. The KISS school of design should be key.
  • Combat animations with this weapon, when fitting around the arm of a character model, must consider existing animations. Floating particle effects emanating from ‘nowhere’ must be actively avoided.
    This does not really differ from the considerations posted under the Precursor header. On the other hand, a little more freedom may be available when considering we’ve moved from a (mere Precursor) punching gauntlet to a (Legendary) magical stone fist.
  • A weapon’s typing must be readily identified in player versus player gameplay. Even in massive zergs in WvW or in the competitive arenas of PvP, a weapon must not be confused for another.
    Recent modifications to Legendary weapons’ particle effects (adding new effects here and there, reducing visual noise otherwise) seem to indicate ArenaNet is looking at making weapons both quickly to identify, as well as making them appear more unique from one another. I am not certain if this particular consideration will heavily impact any changes to initial Legendary designs further on in actual designs put forward.

I must thank my guildmates from the Gendarran Free Company for their time and their aid in providing me the necessary animation notes and observations, as well as assorted action shots for making mock-ups. You guys are awesome.

Additionally, thank you Markkei.5243, for providing some technical details and some information on (attaining) your Astralaria Legendary.

Ultimately, this has been a small art project just for the sake of it. I am prepared for full disappointment. Mostly because we’ve already read about new Legendaries already being in full development already! But hey, all for the sake of trying to at least do something with my meagre art skills, right.

Mace Concept: The Hand of Maguuma

in Community Creations

Posted by: LoCo.8012


The Hand of Maguuma,
Precursor/Legendary Design, Heart of Thorns Mace

I understand that, ultimately, with regards to Guild Wars 2’s ongoing game design, players have zero agency and very little actual input. Feedback is asked, and by ArenaNet acted upon as they see fit. However, on seeing the Astralaria being released and having various effects shown off that the new GW2 HoT engine is capable of with (and with the Nevermore as well), I was inspired to at least work on something of a collage.

What of? A new Precursor/Legendary for the Heart of Thorns expansion, for a mace.

In the following post I hope to present to the community (and maybe an artist, who knows?) a little bit of creativity and wishful thinking about just what more we can see from the new Heart of Thorns legendaries. I intend to do so with both fleshed out design considerations, art mock-ups and inspirations. I also fully understand that any and all art and content made in mind for Guild Wars falls under the general trademarks regulations of general copyright, but honestly, this is just a dumb forums post and an idea I barely can make any claims about beyond ‘I posted this on the forums once.’ Any and all names or considerations for general design are just that, names and considerations.

  • Guild Wars 2 is © 2010–2015 by ArenaNet, LLC. All rights reserved. Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, ArenaNet, NCSOFT, the Interlocking NC Logo, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCSOFT Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

That all said? Let’s get this underway.

Precursor design, Leystone Fist
Initial inspiration came from the Living Story updates, with Maguuma’s leylines being projected through and around pale sandstone formations in key areas where Mordremoth’s influence and its hunger for ley magic were being portrayed. ArenaNet cleverly played into this aesthetic for weapons and gear with the initial release of the Ley Line weapon skins.

The major design consideration I wanted to present was of a stony punching weapon like a bracer, or a gauntlet, that ultimately infuses the user with ley line magic coursing through their arm. Preferably without lifting existing weapon skins wholesale from the library or invalidating Black Lion item skins.

Still, I very much would want to make a case for matching the Precursor with the existing Ley Line weapon skins: the white and yellow, slightly moss-overgrown rock is a very eye-catching aesthetic that can stand out from a character’s model through coloration and armour selection, and allows for easy matching with existing model skins for aesthetics’ sake itself. Additionally, as a main-hand weapon (for Guardians, Revenants and Warriors) and off-hand weapon (for Warriors only), this allows matching them up with other craggy weapon skins as required.

Weapon design is heavily influenced by existing designs for oversized, hand-held cesti: a punching glove that fits around the forearm and either fully encapsulates the hand with a glove, or covers the back of the hand and the knuckles and digits with heavy-hitting (often sharp) materials. Several weapon concepts have been made available for review below. These include general gauntlet designs based on actual cesti, as well as more elaborate designs for war gauntlets to be worn over actual armour in the game. Some weapon concepts are based on capsules around the character’s hand, with the wear and tear of stone and battle showing in cracks or chips on the stone gauntlet.

    A stone gauntlet, fully encasing the forearm and the hand of the wearer. It consists of either interlocked or carved-in plates of stone that mimic the general shape of a fist.
    Redline shows the general position of the arm within the gauntlet.
    Mock-up texture uses pumice as a stone base for reference.
    A stone gauntlet, fully encasig the forearm and the hand of the wearer. It consists of a heavy, ornate bracer and a bullet-like rounded mantle covering the fist. The cestus mantle could have grooves, or a more elaborate pointed head.
    Redline shows the general position of the arm within the gauntlet.
    Mock-up texture uses a mossy granite stone as a stone base for reference.
    A stone gauntlet, fully encasing the forearm and the hand of the wearer. It consists of a single piece of stone that is actually carved into the shape of a fist. Yes, it is literally a stone fist. Stone textures could show wear, cracks?
    Redline shows the general position of the arm within the gauntlet.
    Mock-up texture uses mosses and weathered bricks as a base for reference.
    Comedy option fist-on-a-stick mace design based on concept 3. Could be used when general technical limitations are an issue? Grooved handle could be considered for general grip; handle follows the actual hold of the carved fist.
    Mock-up texture uses mosses and weathered bricks as a base for reference.
    A stone gauntlet, fully encasing the forearm and the hand of the wearer. It consists of several pieces of leystone staying in general gauntlet-like formation. Perhaps too fancy for the Precursor weapon design? Redline shows the general position of the arm within the gauntlet.
    Photoshop mock-up shamelessly based on elements from assorted Ley Line Weapons.

A full overview of the above is also available in a single Imgur album, available here. Already, of course, these all could come up with some major design issues.

Design issues

  • A weapon fitting around the arm of a character model might interfere with existing armour meshes. Intersecting models (clipping) must be actively avoided.
    This can be (mostly) averted by considering to make the Precursor’s model oversized. Fitting them over the arms does not have to impede existing armour designs, and could actually compliment the armour designs of other heavy bracers, or the Leystone armour that is obtainable in Dragon’s Stand’s meta-events.
  • Idle dual-wielding weapon animations for some races feature the character throwing up the main hand weapon. In others, elaborate rolling with a loose wrist. Either which way, the weapon model must not (heavily) interfere with this animation cycle.
    Each of the five races has a unique set of animations associated with their idle, dual wielding (or one single one-handed weapon held) stance. This presents a number of problems with regards to the weapon model being held, and how the model lines up with the character’s arms. Either the weapon can be easily removed from the hand (clipping issues to be kept in mind, no special tech considerations, see also the Sonic Tunnelling Tool, which has very little animation issues from a ‘hold the weapon’ point of view) or the weapon is adjusted to always stick to the hand and lower arm bones of the character model when held. Obviously, the easiest solution must be considered before mucking about with such silly things as technical exceptions. Especially for a Precursor – this is not a Legendary. Keep It Simple, Stupid design should be key.
  • Combat animations with this weapon, when fitting around the arm of a character model, must consider existing animations. Floating particle effects emanating from ‘nowhere’ must be actively avoided.
    For this issue, I’ve looked at the animations of Warriors, Guardians and Revenants alike, observing them across many angles in combat. An overview of the mace skills can be seen here, as well.
    • Guardian True Strike, Pure Strike, Faithful Strike cycle features repeated downwards bashing animations and sideswipes. An arc is visible along the weapon’s head and haft along the blows, culminating in a blow of blue mists emanating from the enemy and the weapon.
      The various attacks’ arcs will be a returning issue in Precursor design. Unless if the arc shapes to the weapon’s relative size (very unlikely across three different models tested), some sort of an arc will always show. Either this is taken for granted (but going against general design aesthetics of not having floating particle effects appear out of ‘nowhere’), modelling wizardry is applied, or the Precursor is shaped less like a cestus and more like an unwieldy stone being held on a short haft as per other design sketches and mock-ups.
    • Guardian Symbol of Faith features a downward strike onto the ground, followed by a mystic symbol being placed on the point of impact. No particular particle effects seem to billow out from the weapon, but rather the character itself.
      No particular animation issues come to mind here.
    • Guardian Protector’s Strike features a fist-raising posture with the main-hand weapon held aloft. At the end of the charge, the character strikes upwards (spinning optional, as asura do), with lines of blue emanating from the character’s lower body and radiating outwards.
      Because of the lack of weapon-centric particle effects, the initial design of a cestus really makes the weapon a brawler’s choice of arms (even if Guardian mace isn’t all that hot). However, the mace is generally held at a slight angle along the arm of the character, making aligning a cestus styled model along the character a potential modelling nightmare.
    • Revenant Misery Swipe, Anguish Swipe, Manifest Toxin cycle features rapid sideswipes moving into overhead blows. The arcs coming from the weapon head are billowy and cause bloody, red eruptions to spark through the enemy from the relative point of impact due to Torment applications.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before.
    • Revenant Searing Fissure features a downward strike onto the ground, followed by a cracking red fissure being made in front of the Revenant from the point of impact outwards.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before.
    • Revenant Echoing Eruption features an acrobatic, overhead blow downwards, followed by the similar billowy arc from the weapon to follow in its wake. A projectile surges forwards along the ground through the enemy that looks like a rush of mists or winds.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before.
    • Warrior Mace Slam, Mace Bash, Pulverize cycle features repeated bashing animations and sideswipes. There are wide arches extending from the weapon’s tip down to the haft.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before.
    • Warrior Counterblow features the mace being held aloft in the main-hand, in front of the character, with a glowing emanation from the hand. A counterblow occurs when struck in melee range, featuring a rapid overhead blow to an opponent.
      No particular arcs visible, and the glowing emanation comes from the hand, so that’s a plus!
    • Warrior Pommel Bash features a quick sideways and downward slam onto an opponent (unique across charr, humans/sylvari, norn, asura) with no special graphical emanations.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before.
    • Warrior Crushing Blow features a sweeping sideways blow towards the opponent.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before.
    • Warrior Tremor features a long wind-up towards a downwards slam from the character, sending out a distortion effect as well as sweeping sands being sent up and outwards.
      The emanation for this attack is close to the hand of the character model. However, once again, the arc goes along the weapon model’s head and haft.
    • Warrior Skull Crack (burst) features a sideways and downward slam onto an opponent (unique across charr, humans/sylvari, norn, asura) with an exaggerated outline growing outwards from the weapon’s head until impact.
      Similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before. Perhaps even more so due to the emphasis of the arc’s and glow’s effect on the head of the mace.
    • Warrior Skull Grinder (primal burst) features a leaping strike with the weapon being swung over the shoulder from the back to the front. The mace head shows an enlarged, exaggerated outline of the weapon’s area, as well as some red showing in the weapon’s arc.
      Again, similar issues with arcs with regards to weapon model size as before. Perhaps even more so due to the emphasis of the arc’s and glow’s effect on the head of the mace.
    • Warrior Rampage is a special mention, because of its auto-attack cycle featuring the same, but slower mace auto-attack cycle, without the weapon arcs. Of course, that’s more a ‘transform player and give associated weapon skills’ skill, but it’s something I’d like to keep in mind!
  • A weapon’s typing must be readily identified in player versus player gameplay. Even in massive zergs in WvW or in the competitive arenas of PvP, a weapon must not be confused for another.
    In targeting players, one can quickly deduce which weapons are and are not available to them. In that way, confusion about available gear and combat options are already minimized. With that in mind, won’t a fist-sized brace or gauntlet be confused for a focus? I think not. Guardians cannot equip foci in the main-hand. Revenants cannot equip maces in the off-hand. Warriors cannot equip foci in the off-hand. Additionally, standardized lower-poly models when loading character models, as well as standardized PvP appearances are already considered in armour and weapon aesthetics by ArenaNet. I do not believe, as such, that making a fist-sized main-hand weapon would also be too confusing in general PvP gameplay.

Question for experienced artist

in Community Creations

Posted by: LoCo.8012


  1. I’m mostly self-taught, but I have plenty of references in anatomical books, biological books, and some collected works in varying styles of art and tools used. Usually, if you draw, you start out classically. While not all skills in drawing transfer over to or from a digital medium from classical drawing (Ctr-Z, oh god), general drawing motions do. And if you have a good drawing board available to you, you’ll barely miss fidelity.
  2. Get a good workstation. Any kind of spacious and high enough set a desk, a good seat, that’s a starter. A solid drawing tablet comes second – I’m still using an old FT-0405-U Wacom tablet, but there’s drivers for it still, and the sensitivity is excellent for my amateur arting about. Consider also a solid computer with multithreading capabilities, good RAM, and 64-bit compatibility.
    If you’ve never saved a Photoshop document as a PSB, or if any of your saved Photoshop documents or TIFF files have never exceeded the 1 or 1.5GB mark, then you don’t need more than 16GB – 8GB might do as well. Although, I would suggest upgrading your RAM to 16GB. If you’re upgrading, why not upgrade properly? Plus, desktop RAM is dirt cheap.
  3. I use a combination of Photoshop CS6 and, depending on plug-ins required. [ GNU Image Manipulation Program is apparently blocked by the forum’s filter ] is also a solid program, but I prefer Photoshop for ease of reference with tutorials that I look up online when I am stuck trying to work out features or to experiment with unfamiliar options.
  4. Practice! Keep at it! Even something as simple as just mucking about with layers, masks and filters is a good start.
    Build a library of resources for textures, and look up what brushes are available. Use them, see what sticks.
    Additionally, never ever draw or edit destructively, ie. delete and draw over an image itself, without either considering a back-up of an image in a layer or making additional layers where you make edits on.
    Name things sensibly! Use folders!
    And save often!

(edited by LoCo.8012)

5:11:3:159:101 in Diessa Plateau

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Can confirm, I also have the same bug and the same error message. None of my characters can enter the Diessa Plateau in any way, shape or form. Not via WP, not via map transition.

I guess I’ll grab that Rhand Water another time.

Guild Halls Discriminate Against PvP Guilds.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoCo.8012


I think there is a few stuff they can’t get… Like shovels for example… Not sure though.

Correct – upgrades are constrained by Aetherium capacity, and if you can’t upgrade your mines, you may not be able to obtain much in the fashion of guild hall upgrades.

Bolded emote grandstanding aside and claiming people will quit a game they played for years because a new toy is not available to them via one gameplay mode only, a new PVP track may need to be introduced for such resources to be obtained via PVP. On the other hand, I don’t see the problem with running PVE content if you want in on all the GW2 content – even crafting Legendaries or certain items requires making gameplay concessions: getting in on WvW, or to spend a nominal amount of time trying out the Fractals of the Mists.

Guild Halls Discriminate Against PvP Guilds.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoCo.8012


I just got brain aneurysm.

At least mine was self-inflicted.

Heart of Thorns player character voice acting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoCo.8012


I can’t have been the only one to have noticed this, right?

Following open beta events, and having a go at the new elite class professions, I’ve noticed among both female charr and the female asura that the delivery of new abilities’ lines, as well as the open world and Personal Story spoken lines seem markedly different. I’m talking an octave or so lower, or in the charr lady’s case, a noted difference in the vocal modulation.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I noticed the voice actor didn’t change at all!

The voice acting may sound a bit more grizzled that way to some. But the line delivery is quite jarring next to existing spoken lines (notedly for buffs/debuffs).

I’d imagine revising the voice files to be a pipe dream with more pressing matters like content balancing, new content being added and developed, crash occurences needing investigations and whatever else is done by the various live teams. Still, what gives?

(edited by LoCo.8012)

Guild Halls Discriminate Against PvP Guilds.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Giggles… Ahem.

It wouldn’t be fair to have one not go through the same ardours other guilds have to go through. Smiles… But worry not, you can get it too! You PVP? You can get all the materials via the Reward Tracks! Titters!

Krytan Region Track
Shiverpeaks Region Track
Ascalonian Region Track
Maguuma Jungle Region Track
Ruins of Orr Region Track
Maguuma Wastes Region Track

Covers mouth daintily… You can get all those resources too, and then some, via trade as well! And following that, the process of levelling up the new crafting professions for those much-wanted… Smiiiirks… decorations.

Deep Strike grants Signet of Might

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Still not fixed, and was amazed, then saddened, to find this is the case.

Ah well, free power buff for Tequatl in the meantime.

Alph, Blig, ??? - The Krytan Alphabet

in Lore

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Good points, those. As I said, it might well be conjecture on my part, anyway.

Suppose there’s also Zuhl as a more likely candidate for the designation of Z.

Alph, Blig, ??? - The Krytan Alphabet

in Lore

Posted by: LoCo.8012


The amount of detailed writing in Guild Wars 2 astounds me at times. From warning signs to notices of commerce and the daily menus at small establishments (sadly mostly in Divinity’s Reach), New Krytan is visually represented in full detail for just that little bit of immersion in the game’s setting.

Even though it’s just a visual substitution cypher. A neat one, though!

But for the longest time, I’ve been wondering just what the Tyrians call the Krytan characters, themselves. I’ve kinda, sorta settled on using the common designations of letters in our world, but then I see all manner of other designations, in the game itself, for letters. So that leaves me wondering what the other letters are called.

What names do the letters go by in Tyria? I think I got a few of them down pat, notedly Alph, Blig, Nopp, Scoln and Zhed, but this could well be silly conjecture on my part. Think we can fill in 25, 26 letters in all? Do you also remember what the source of that might be? Help a roleplayer out who cares too much about their dumb immersion!

(and let’s hope I can still edit this post after posting because boy howdy will I look dumb if I can’t edit this post with the finds of other people later)

  • A, Alph, source
  • B, Blig, source
  • C, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • D, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • E, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • F, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • G, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • H, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • I, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • J, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • K, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • L, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • M, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • N, Nopp, source
  • O, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • P, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • Q, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • R, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • S, Scoln, source
  • T, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • U, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • V, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • W, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • X, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • Y, ???, [url=]source[/url]
  • Z, Zhed, source; Zuhl, source

(edited by LoCo.8012)

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Nobody would be forced to to be exposed to roleplay, because the roleplayers would remain in their specific servers, rest of the maps work in the megaserver system.

I understand they can decide what maps are effected by the megaserver system, seeing they decided to experiment first on a small part of the maps, so I guess would be within the system capability to exclude the city maps from it.

Everybody mostly happy.

That’s dumb. For two reasons. For one, it undermines the purpose of megaservers designation to reduce server stress and fill up main maps to begin with. And for two, exposition to each other’s silly make-believe is not inherently a bad thing.

As for my feedback, I’ll be very honest. I have looked forward to the Quality of Life improvements of the feature patch and remained cautiously optimistic about the megaserver implementation.

Dead maps would get filled with people! Yay!

More people will just play along and try out events! Emergent gameplay ahoy!

People can be pitted together for major events like the world bosses, and we get to teach newbies! Awesome!

But then you find that when you run a 30-group emergent gameplay event of people typing up silly stories and emotes and local chat messages, and people are scattered across multiple instances of the same map with no way of joining. Mind, we came from the same server. Most of us are guilded together in the same guilds. But not even partying up and trying the good old fashioned taxi’ing onto the same map instance works. We couldn’t join together. That’s kitten.

I hope this is just a matter of a hiccup in the sorting algorythm of the megaserver implementation, that it still needs to learn which servers tend to gather or group up where, and which players tend to play with which others. Because as it stands, this does not bode too well for the other half of the fun I have in GW2 after its intended content: typing up dumb stories and silly emotes and banter in local chat as a character among my peers in this dumb game I’ve grown to love so much.

Gasmask thread appreciation.

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Aw maaaaaan, only one gasmask? I am appreciative that it does not depend on RNG, but only one? I would like to purchase several copies for most of my characters.

Please consider making it a gem store bought item for the duration of the patch!!

Don’t give them that idea. What they need to do (and has been suggested several times) is put all these achivement rewards (skins/minis) in the same (or possibly a separate) panel thing where we can pull the zenith/raidant/hellfire stuff.

Either which way. Preferably the skin achievement panel, but that’d have to involve changing all previous meta achievement rewards.

But it’s a darn shame to have only ONE such a skin to your name. I am not joking. I want five of these things.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: LoCo.8012


Yay. Another version of males being covered in steel but the women belong in the kitchen because, kitten, you’re certainly not going to battle with your cleavage exposed and your thighs bared.

Good god, yes. What’s wrong with just having sensible body armor that is pretty much the same between genders?

We don’t need breast window plate. Or even plate fitting the countours of breasts, which is nonsense of another league. Just… just have the armor be functional.