Showing Posts For LoFidelity.2704:

Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


how am i not hitting them early enough if i’m getting numbers from the damage on top of casting it frequently?

Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


i’ve done the event several times to make sure i can get loot. i max on dps and full party—still no loot… i use meteor shower every time i get the chance to on top of the RGB attunements….

Defeating Scarlet's - Player Allocation

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


yeah i should also mentioned that i too was in a party. i ended up staying there so i could still be apart of the zone BUT i did not share in the achievement with my party—they got their completion. i zoned into the finale to kill scarlet… so lost in the battle… lost in the achievement… lost in the loot…

as of right now i just RE-Attempted the event… didn’t have this same problem but i noticed that along with at least 10 other players we were all stuck in mid air… we had to find alternatives to getting out of it. it has nothing to do with player allocation but its pretty frustrating when you’re on the tip of an achievement literally about to fight a boss and get some loot or some chance it it…

Defeating Scarlet's - Player Allocation

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


So… Just joined in on the battle against Scarlet’s Prime Hologram… I showed up maybe 1 minute too late and was allocated to a different section of The Breachmaker. I wouldn’t have minded IF I wasn’t practically soloing this boss with 3 other people… All the while everyone else was duking it out just fine with a fence between us—able to communicate back and fourth on map chat. Its kind of upsetting that players have to deal with out reasonable odds when they’ve already done the leg work to be in the fight.

This has got to be fixed some how. Either by balancing out the boss to the players in that arena OR re-allocating players to a different section because they’re still on the same map…

Now I have to do this all over again and FAIL at an achievement that wasn’t my fault for failing…

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


i wished some there was some guide you speak to at the entrance of each of the entrys of LA so you can funnel people to do something productive so everyone has an objective so you can build towards. its kind of silly that everyone gets the civilian reward—anything is better than the current system in place. players have to spend countless minutes trying to convince others to help save civilians—and its tiring. you spend half of your time talking to your players why they should do something when all they want doesn’t benefit you when you’re doing something you want and it benefits them….

…in an us vs them conversation i can wonder around for heirlooms myself and still get rewards for just running around with no accountability for helping out the city of LA. why can’t we get rewarded when we encourage or resurrect a civilian—something that none of the other players get unless the reward them? even if it was salvage scraps it’d be better than having 30 players spend an entire hour to only miss out on their reward because huge zergs refuse to spend a little extra time outside of the events to get karma… its so frustrating.

Can't Click Select Enemy

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


for the past 5 hours i can’t select my enemy to target with my mouse, i have to use a hot key, not mentally trained to do that skillfully… please fix. thx.