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[Myth] Mythological PvX/NA/SBI

in Looking for...

Posted by: LocKDownN.3720


I have been with myth for almost 3 years and i must say this is one of the best guilds out there ! I have been in other guilds in the past and by far this is the most friendliest guild i have ever had the privilege of being apart of. Everyone is super nice and try to help others out the best they can. We always have fun stuff going on like guild missions 2 times a week once for the main missions and a make up run for those that wasn’t able to make the main run so everyone gets a chance to get the great loot from running guild missions. we have weekly give always for gold to very nice skins and exotics etc etc. We play hide and seek sometimes and give away gold. We do sliver-waste guild chest trains. just lots of stuff going on all the time. We have a guild team-speak. We keep the open guild chat clean for the vase verity of ages that we have. There is guildies with myth from 8 years old to 60 years old so there is always someone you can connect with to run around in the game. We do require that everyone 100% rep to keep us together and to get to know everyone. All around i say give us as myth a chance and join us. I am always on game daylie so feel free to ask and questions.