Showing Posts For Loltha.2390:

I've never dodged

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Place I learned to dodge was the last boss in Twilight Arbor. The tree places circles and if you dont dodge correctly yu’ll get impaled and take damage.

Can we get a workaround for Simin?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Urxx is 100% right in describing the manner and problem with Simin. We couldn’t believe how fast we were taking her down from 100% health to 50% …people even commented on how they nerfed her. We got stuck, just as he said, at the 50% mark and were unable to get her past that hiccup. We even tried to reset her, with every running out of range but when we came back we found another glitch. The rings on the ground that the sparks slot into completely disappeared.

We knew the area we needed to run in and around to get the sparks to sit properly but the markers for this area went missing.

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loltha.2390


We tried Colossus last night and if the mechanics worked like they SHOULD have we would have gotten him down. We tried over 10 times on this fight before giving up until ANET fixes it.

First try was a first encounter…party wipe, no biggie. We knew we had to interrupt the thing and we knew when because he does telegraph when he is going to do his yell attack. You canot dodge his circles, that’s impossible. We found Warmaster Grast useless and pretty much, halfway thru our numerous attempts, left him dead.

Grast throws a bubble much like a guardian bubble thats supposed to protect you from the cave-ins. We got 1, MAYBE 2 before this NPC either wouldn’t throw his bubble ( and with the party stack around him, pretty much insta-wipe) or he went down like a house of cards.

We tried getting creative, the best fight we got him down to 1/4 of his life. Basically we found one tiny area under a pillar where the circles wouldn’t fall. We got him close to the pillars, melee and ranged our rear ends off and then when he broadcasted his attacks we all dove to this tiny area. Our guardian tried her bubbles which did not work like Grast’s and did not provide the protection needed. Our thief and other party members were on interrupt which DID NOT INTERRUPT him! Our warrior tried crippling…again, limited to no effect.

The above method we tried was the ONLY method where we had any kind of possible success before we ultimately failed. Our pillar cluster died one by one due to being tossed from under the pillar into the open area and dying to circles….or death due to his frontal attack with his claws as our clustering basically was a 5 man stack and no where to run. We rezzed several times but as the battle of attrition kept up and we slowly got to 2 members alive, they could not rezz and attack Colossus. Of course, since you can’t WP back in death until after combat, this meant we couldnt tag team him.

If interrupts WOULD have worked this boss would have been downed numerous times. Quality control your stuff Anet, this gets OLD. Challanging is fun, impossible to do due to lack of mechanics not working as intended is frustrating, NOT FUN, and leaves yor player base angry. TEST your implementations several times before you trumpet your new and improved dungeons.

Daily: 6 categories complete, no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loltha.2390


0/5 dailies done started at 4:15 PM . At 5:04 PM server time on dragonbrand realm, just completed my final daily event killing the Oakheart which simultaneously gave me my level up and I received no reward.

Daily insanity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loltha.2390


The new dailies are crap…………kiss my kitten. Some choice, I prefer the old same every day dailies. This multi-crap is a time sink I, for one, am not doing them daily anymore. If I don’t like the choices, then no go.

Today’s selection contained a WVW item, killing 10 invaders ( why is this even in here instead of in the PVP daily???!!!)


Healing Allies

Killing 13 diff creatures

Killing Aquatic creatures( and fish no longer count, thanks for nothing Anet)

2 Group Events ( note that the new notes say you can only do each event once a day to make us utilize the map …not that you’re getting any slack on portal costs which are basically one reason peeps stay in an area)

Doing a step in your personal storyline ( Completed my story, TYVM and why is this even in here)

Make 5 items in the Mystic Toilet ( yeah, right, I’ll jump right on that 1)

I’m going from memory so I may have missed a few choices. I’m so ticked off by what you did with these!

Human and Norn Romance?

in Norn

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Did I see somewhere where the Kodan were supposedly related to the Norn? I can’t remember if it was supposed to be ancestors or if that was what the Norn would eventually ascend to.

Would make sense tho. Kodan are like the Buddhist monks of GW2. And you never see Kodan children. Maybe when they find religion they skip the boink boink.

A humanoid Norn maybe a fit romance for a human…but a Kodan? Better match for a Charr, I’d say.

So why is the water not frozen in LA?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Rommos the mystic forge genie uses it as a latrine?

Where is the Wintersday that I used to know

in Wintersday

Posted by: Loltha.2390


They changed everything to make money…………hence the exhorbitant cost to get all the wintersday pets.

Missing Cores

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loltha.2390


TY so very much!!!! In all the time Ive done crafting I never noticed the rare crafting tab before…it IS there!

Missing Cores

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Last nite my guild ran CoE…I receiived a charged core yet when we finished the instance and left it was no longer in my bags. As we were still in party I mentioned this to my other guild mates and another member of the party said 2 had dropped for him. He opened his bags to look for them and his were missing too.

What gives with the cores missing once you leave a dungeon????

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Loltha.2390


You have an event that started at 12 which is 3 pm my time…it is now 9:30 and you STILL can’t answer people??? UNREAL. An ENTIRE server unable to play an event. Words escape me to even try to describe the mishandling and major fiasco this event was.

And watch, when the event FINALLY, starts, if it does start, you’re going to have everybody and their brother jumping to Dragonbrand to do it a second time because of the chance of precursers…ANET you get an F grade for this mess.

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Loltha.2390


I, too, am a dedicated crafter and love making things. I also have a WOW background and am a completionist when it comes to crafting. I also share some of your frustration with GW2 crafting.

What I love about GW2 crafting:

  • I don’t have to fight over collecting my mats. In fact, I laugh in game when I come up on a tree/ore/plant and some guy 2 feet away rushes up trying to beat me to the ingrediant because he forgot everyone has their own resources. It makes gathering much more enjoyable to be relaxed and only have to worry about the bear/charr/vulture thats trying to gnaw off your foot while you do it.
  • Particularly loved doing cooking…the food is REAL food! The recipes are real recipes!

What I dislike about GW2 crafting ( and what I think also bothers you):

  • All recipes are bought from your trainer. The only exception is the mystic forge recipes or the Halloween ones that had an abysmal drop rate from bought chests. We lost the fun of scaling peaks, dungeon crawling, farming for recipes. What we are left with is RNG luck and that is atrocious. My advice to you, unless you KNOW the mystic forge recipe before hand, don’t even drop 1 precious resource into that swirling cesspool of a toilet.

*Anet, for some ungodly reason, took the ability of a crafters satisfaction in making alittle coin from their hard earned work and exchanged it for the ability to level your toon. What you do with your craft is neither rare nor needed. Like people needed another way to level in this game, what with having leveling from doing Wvw, dungeons, their Story and quests. People who HATE crafting do it as an easy path to 80.

  • Making any money from crafting requires you to monitor the TP like a real life stock exchange. For me, thats far too much work and NO FUN. Much better you sell the mats needed for crafting if you want any coin.
  • We have no ability to make any vanity items. No pets. The game has no mounts. There is not one thing you can make “just for fun”.

*RNG…we’re used to putting together X, Y and Z to get an item. Worked every time. Now we have to buy 17 bottles of expensive wine, throw in 50 coins . etc et to get ONE recipe to make a tray, pot or cauldron of something. If a recipes says RARE, we are used to it a.) BEING rare and b.) ALWAYS receiving it if we put in the mats. Not so here. Example: Dye recipes can be unlocked at 3 levels, and yes! one level says RARE! However, RNG comes into play and you can throw all that expensive coriander seed and omnomberries you want into the pot and if RNG is not in your favor ( and it rarely is) you will get COMMON dyes, just like the lesser expensive recipe gives you. NOT. WORTH. THE. EFFORT.

Bottom line, I used to idle hours away in crafting just for the joy of it. I never madr a ton of money as that was not my goal but I could make enough that I could save up for a high priced item and get it in a month or so. Not so in this game…since I’ve leveled ALL the crafting professions, I’ve rarely crafted unless it’s to make my own toons a hat or something.

I am frustrated and not finding this fun

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Loltha.2390


I want to like this game, I am STRUGGLING to find ways to like this game. I keep telling myself over time it will get better….

No MMO’s are not bug free or perfect, I don’t think the vast majority of people on here feel they should. Being perfect, expecting a bug or 2 in a new event you can shrug off, this whole event and its trumpetted advertising circus is a fiasco! EVERY EVENT BUGGED! That’s totally unacceptable.

If GW2 were a brand new gaming company with a brand new game I could shrug this off A LITTLE more tho I would still be vocal in my disappointment. But it’s NOT a new company! While it’s updated it’s model, ANet has successfully run GW1 for YEARS. These should not be brand new concepts for them! In fact, I bought this game because of the very vocal response friends had to this company and to their first product.

While GW2 is a very beautiful product it is a product with some glaring holes in it right now. I’m sticking with the game awhile longer but I do need to see SOME improvement.

This event was poorly thought out and EXTREMELY poorly executed. Also, I agree with the poster about the Twitter nonsense…you HAVE a website, USE IT for communication. If Miyani can spam mail me, the least you can do is send an in game mail explaning any changes/ how you’re fixing this mess. You have a website, use the front page instead of expecting people to go to twitter or 25 other websites for answers!

Question about cooking and rare dye recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: Loltha.2390


I decide to try making my first rare dye. I didn’t want to try the obnoxious 25 omnomberry blue or the 25 coriander grey on the first trial attempt so I settled on the rare red. Ingrediants were 100 tomatoes, 25 raspberries, 100 cherries and 25 strawberries.

The recipe is CLEARLY labeled as RARE….and I got a COMMON dye from it.

I thought rare recipe MEANT rare…why else have 3 sets of dye recipes for each color and why label them rare when you receive commo dyes ???? Whats the RNG involved in this because I’m not committing my hoarded omnoms for a common result.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Loltha.2390


They don’t need to make it special for you and they are not going to make it special for you. Were you really that niave to think they were NOT going to nerf exotic gear/weapon farming? Especially after people came in the forums bragging about it?

My guy did a dungeon the other day…do you know what money amount he got IN A DUNGEON!!!!….ONE LOUSY STINKNG MEASLY COPPER!!!!

I don’t wanna hear Anet needs to pay their bills…they are paying their bills more than sufficiently. They want to make mega bucks. I can agree with charging for extra bank tabs, bank slots, using the BLTC for the stones or fine transmutes. I can agree with having special skins and pets. But when you nickel and dime every kitten thing in this game, when you make ekking out the means of obtaining money ( crafting, unless your doing the ultra expensive exotics is not worth the trouble for the negligent return) but throw recipes out that take rare or extremely expensive components, I have to question your thought processes if it isn’t just pure basic corporate greed.

Do I mind you nerfing the exotics? No. What I mind is overall mindset of a company that allows the making of any in game coin so hard that people will jump all over and exploit a bug to try to make any money to craft outrageous mats needed for cosmetic gear.

Crafting the permanent skins: too much?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Loltha.2390


OF COURSE the legendary is a skin! I’ll do that insane amount of mat collecting/farming/paying for THAT legendary skin. I’m not breaking a sweat over a rare Halloween skin with stupid amounts of farming/collecting involved.

Harrassment of players

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Your paying real money is a NON ISSUE. Everybody in the game bought the game with real money. You are entitled to nothing special beyond receiving and wearing a costume you paid for. Do you know the amount of players who have been affected due to griefing from that stupid costume.

The designer who thought up that mess should be relagated to having to spend 24 hours in Lions Arch with 100 players in Mad King costumes and forced to jump the cauldron puzzle over and over.

Crafting the permanent skins: too much?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Loltha.2390


It’s absurdly ridiculous and, quite frankly, I’m surprised ArenaNet did this. All my mats, money, and time are going to my legendary. No if, ands, or buts. The legendary mats are INSANe but. it’s well…LEGENDERY!

These are simply rare Halloween weopon skins. Rare is not legendery. No way in hell am I farming mats for these things….EVER. Not even if they gave me the recipes for FREE.

Halloween Act 1 Informational Aid (With ToT Locations)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Loltha.2390


Arenanet take notice of this post because this would have stopped alot of complaints. The problem is not rare skins drops, not the selling of black lion chests, not the ( insert name) not doing ( insert complaint).

The problem is the BAD communication between what to expect, what to do, with this event! Expecting people to discover SOME things is fine and good but to remain so closed mouthed about an event that has people running around confused and unhappy is unexcusable!

The originating poster of this thread gave no discovery secrets away…he simply gave a straight forward over view of what to EXPECT! I now feel so much better about this event than I did the last few days.

All you need to do is give good communication…whether it’s regarding rare drops from chests to a simple cohesive overview of the holiday and it would have decreased your complaints/headaches.

I really hope the gaffes done with this event are a learning curve because I don’t want a nightmare Christmas to follow.