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[Suggestion] Unlock Waypoint Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


Just stop making assumptions before you post something – it’s easier than you think!

I’m guilty as charged – though one cannot deny the recent flood of “I want stuff instantly because getting that stuff is boring” threads. Map completion has hardly ever been problem for people until the Level 80 Boost came out.

Fair enough. I’m on my 2nd100% run, it probably won’t be my last either, I intended to do it at somepoint with all characters, it’s why I 100% each map before I move on to the next, so that I can focus on the undone maps when I hit 80. It’s just crappy having to hop on a character you planned to leave dormant when you could enjoy bosses, events etc… on another class. This would also come in handy for dailies since I feel like dailies are not as accessible to any players under 80, I skip even those now since most of the time the maps required I don’t have yet. As for that silver waste boost, I opted to cash it in for the items instead. I think that was a good idea to test level 80s but allowing it to become permanent wasn’t.

[Suggestion] Unlock Waypoint Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


I’m not saying that Teleport to a Friend is as convenient. I’m saying the Devs may consider that item close enough that they might not consider using resources to create a similar item worth the cost/time.

Regardless, I’m sure the Devs feel suggestions are always welcome.

Good luck.

Yep, hence the alternative to add the Asura gates to each map, I think that would probably be a bit easier than creating a balanced item to unlock waypoints and = less resources to do so. Although I’d prefer the item method :P They could maybe even do it as a mastery, I didn’t think of that. A high tier mastery that lets you access Asura gates in any map or teleport to the first waypoint of any map. Could call the Mastery Branch “Asura Technomancer” or something.

[Suggestion] Unlock Waypoint Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


I don’t care anymore so long as any character that uses this will forever be unable to earn gifts of exploration.

You mean as long as any character can still get the gifts of exploration? That’s why I only suggest it for waypoints not for full map completion.

pls rework zaitan fight!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


It never was soloable at launch. You used to always need at least 1 other person to complete story mode Arah. And the mobs were scaled to having 5 people in a party like other dungeons.

How long after launch was that? Cause I was playing from the 3 day head start and have always known it to be soloable since then (unless they changed it quickly before I hit 80 at the time), until a few years later it became a party thing which happened after I took a 1yr= break.

Edit: On a side note, is there a way to setup notifications of some sort when a thread is replied to or something? I get nothing even if I click subscribe lol I’ve ticked the “Email Replies to Topic Subscriptions” as well.

[Suggestion] Unlock Waypoint Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


You can already go to any city you want. Just open up the PVP panel and enter lobby. Run to the other asura gate; it’ll take you to Lion’s Arch. Then run or waypoint to portal area in LA and go to your desired city. I use this often, it’s pretty fast and free. I don’t see any need to have more portal mobility in the game.

Yeah I know you can access any city you want, I never said you couldn’t. I’m talking about any map via the Asura Gates. You actually don’t even need to go to PvP to do that since the first waypoint in each starter map is already available, please read the original post before replying next time though.

Sounds expensive. I’m not sure how many would use it if it’s going to cost that much.

That’s the thing, any item of convenience is usually expensive, similar to the ‘copper fed salvage thing’ I’ve heard it can cost more to use that than to buy salvage kits from NPCs but you’re not just paying to purely salvage an item, you’re paying for the convience of not having to visit an NPC all the time and not having to stock up with salvage kits that would otherwise take up inventory space. This is why it would require balance to find the sweet spot for pricing (I only mentioned X amount of gold as an example) & I’m pretty sure the developers could easily incorporate it into the gem store but I think an outright item via gold would be better. Also the concept isn’t to create something that just hands out all the waypoints, hence the fee requirement I suggested, otherwise that would discourage a portion of the exploration process, hence the alternatives & additions I mentioned as well. It’s more to add a convenient to travel which should work for both players who enjoy mapping & those who don’t.

I think the Devs may consider ‘Teleport to a Friend’ close enough, already. It really doesn’t take that long to run to any map from a city, just that once (per character).

Good luck.

The problem with ‘teleport to a friend’ is that it requires someone to be on the other end all the time, it is a convenient item yes but pretty useless for people who might not know anyone near a specific waypoint they might be trying to get to. That’s why I’ve barely ever used any of mine, they’re just piling up in my bank. In terms of time, it might not take THAT long to get to certain areas but it’s long enough, especially with something like Cursed Shore which requires going through the dreaded Orr, from Straits to Malchor & some people might find the travel a bit difficult which can result in taking longer than it should. I get that if you’re on a new character it should feel like a new experience, but it eventually gets tedious when you want to do a certain boss on said character (cause you’re all excited about the new class and stuff) only to find you don’t have that waypoint and at times, the boss could be dead by the time you get to that waypoint, so your choice is pretty much to use another character you didn’t feel like playing, or get the waypoint and wait for the next spawn, but depending on the boss, that might be a week away for you if you don’t play as often or at the right times.

I would buy a waypoint completion thingie from the gem store in a heartbeat. Its one of the reasons why I can’t stand playing alts even though I would really like to.

I agree w/ the concept of needing 100% world completion before its use.

I don’t think the item should complete all the waypoints for reasons I’ve discussed in the original post & above. But I’d probably buy it from the gem store pretty quickly too, although making it unlock after 100% map completion could be a bit complicated that way, which is why I think spending gold would be more ideal, sort of like the way people bought the commander tag.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


Demonologist also has the ability to morph their limbs and bodyparts into variable monsterous weapons, like demonic sword arms, whips, etc

I read that line and instantly thought:

I’d love a class like that if it’s anything like Alex Mercer.

pls rework zaitan fight!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


It’s unlikely they will want to put resources into the zhaitan fight at this point. Too much effort for something barely anyone plays on a day to day basis.

That and not to mention, Zhaitan is part of the personal story, they did change it for a time where a group was required to beat him but unfortunately that was a bit redundant (and very frustrating) and not very upholding to the term “personal story”. I think it’s fine as it is. We have the improved Shatterer & Modremoth to keep us occupied for now and there’s more dragons to come soon which I’m sure will provide even more interesting battles.
Edit: Well not soon, but there’s other dragons out there :P

[Suggestion] Unlock Waypoint Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


This is my first post in the forums ever so bear with me. This idea was partially inspired by reading this thread:

I’ve played this game for a very long time now and there has always been people who enjoy mapping & people who don’t, it seems there are more who don’t than do though but that’s irrelevant as this will benefit both (I think).

1 of the issues I’ve commonly found in my time playing, is that if you’re playing on a character who doesn’t have 100% map completion, a lot of the maps, bosses, jumping puzzles, events etc… are inaccessible to you even if you have completed the map 100% on another character, sometimes you just don’t feel like playing that particular character just to go to a certain spot in a specific map. Often if you do it on a lower level character or on a character that doesn’t have a waypoint you need, it can be frustrating and irritating having to trek to the waypoint at times, especially if you have to go through multiple maps to get there.

So my proposed suggestion is a permanent item that you can buy via coin (or dare I say gems), that will allow you to unlock almost any waypoint you want in the game, to make it more interesting the item could only be purchased after doing 100% map completion at least once. This allows people who want to fight certain bosses, do certain jumping puzzles, do certain events or visit a certain area for whatever reason the ability to do so without having to use another character they may not want to play for the time being.

In addition to this, keeping consistent with the game’s lore, since we know the Asurans like to charge a fee for using waypoints (even if you use a waypoint you’re literally standing on, shifty Asura), the item can work in a similar way to the ‘copper fed salvage o matic’ where each time you unlock a waypoint it costs you X gold or more, to discourage people from just using it for the hell of it. This would also allow you to continue map completion so that you can unlock the items for legendary stuff as you’d still need to look for viewpoints, points of interest, hearts etc…

Again in addition to this, the waypoints could alternatively remain locked until the player enters the map from a prior map and finds that waypoint manually, so e.g. If you used the item to go to a waypoint in Kessex Hills, it would cost you X gold each time you used it to go to that waypoint, until you manually entered the map from Queensdale or another map outside Kessex Hills. Sort of triggering the ability to actually unlock the waypoints in the map the original way. It’s a bit odd I know but it could help a bit with balancing things a bit so that you’re not just getting the waypoints purely for free.

Alternatively (my least favourite choice), there could be more Asura gates added to the game, 1 available in almost every map which is accessible in each city hub for the race of that particular map, i.e. in Divinity’s Reach there would be multiple Asura Gates, 1 leading to Kessex, 1 to Gendarran, 1 to Hirathi Hinterlands, 1 to Bloodtide etc…

Another alternative is to just make all the waypoints outright accessible but with a larger fee (similar to above) for 1s you’ve never visited and when you visit it, the fee goes back to it’s normal price, e.g. if you would have to pay 3 silver to waypoint from Queensdale to a waypoint in Kessex, if you’ve never visited that waypoint before, it may cost 3 gold? to unlock it, then once you’ve visited it, it goes back to it’s normal 3 silver that it would have cost if you had that waypoint.

Please let me know what you think of this idea or if you have any suggestions that could make it better or add to it. I’d love to hear what the devs think as well, because I think this would work really well in Guild Wars 2, I think a lot of people would like the idea if it’s done well and it can fit in very nicely with the game’s lore.

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


Home World: Sea Of Sorrows
Guild Name: The Stormcrows [CROW]
Guild Website: Will give to people if need be
In-Game Contact: Retnirp Nospe (can send me in game mail if I am offline) or Darius (can also send him mail)
Focus: PvE at this stage
Quick Notes:
The Stormcrows are looking for active recruits as well as potential officers. We are currently a small guild made up mainly of Aussie players. Most of our players are currently concentrating on PvE but we want to progress into PvP/WvW in future once we have a decent amount of members and all the right upgrades. We try not to be very strict as the guild name is based off the mercenary group The Stormcrows from Game Of Thrones. Anyone who knows The Stormcrows knows they are a group of free men, and in this case women as well. We do however have to apply ranks to maintain some form of order in the guild as well as a touch of role play. In this guild you are not forced to party, PvE, PvP or WvW. You can do almost anything you want as long as you represent us often, respect the guild and other players. We are mainly running on Oceanic times but will accept anyone from any time zone.

We do have a website but it is not overly used as we are still a small guild. We also have Team Speak 3 running which players can use if they want to.