Showing Posts For Lonewolf McQuade.2153:

We are temporarily shutting down servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lonewolf McQuade.2153

Lonewolf McQuade.2153

I’ve suffered tremendous mental anguish over this as I was in mid glide, I humbly ask you remove asuras from the game and mail me some phat lewtz to compensate. Thanks for the update.

Don’t be fooled, ANet. Wiredrawn has always loved Asurans, and even confessed that he’s had a crush on Taimi since the moment he laid eyes on her.

1 like = 1 prayer

Unite him with his true love!

How is your server's WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: Lonewolf McQuade.2153

Lonewolf McQuade.2153

Lmao @ everyone hugging DH like it’s the greatest server ever. I’ve never had so many people try to curse me out through whispers after they either lost a 4v2 or just lost a 1v1 in seconds. Their WvW is full of trash players, maybe a decent guild or 2 for fights. Trash roamers, 1 decent roaming guild that still has to 3v1 people at the bare minimum (and still gets easily upset when someone (1 or 2)v3’s them and calls them out about winning it). Out of several months (about 17 separate weeks) of match-ups with them I’ve only met a few people (3-4 at the most) who were cool to whisper back and forth with—a.k.a. no salt, no immature retaliation (which describes a majority of the server when they lose). Never played on the server, never plan to; seems to be full of disillusioned kids who make the most out of the smallest things, {i.e. “Our WvW k/d is 1.2 and we’re beating the other 2 servers, (disregarding the fact that 18+ hours a day our server outnumbers both other servers so we just have roaming groups that get easy kills for those 18 hours. But when we meet up with a server with fight guilds online we get wiped 9 times out of 10 unless we double their size.)”}

Trash server, trash players (for the most part). I still don’t know why people join the server, maybe the name just sounds cool when they sign up, I don’t know. But I’ve met enough people who left the server because of the reasons I’ve mentioned and a considerable amount of other reasons. Never met a different server (including guilds from Darkhaven) that likes Darkhaven players as a whole.

(edited by Lonewolf McQuade.2153)