(edited by Lord Tempest.5689)
Showing Posts For Lord Tempest.5689:
Enough with the class balance posts. It’s honestly not terrible outside of mesmer portal abuse on khylo with the treb repair kit (which should have been hot fixed) the main issue with this game in PvP is the lack of attention it’s getting.
Class balance can be fixed in time, but game stagnation is something that needs to be immediately addressed.
While I was in the HotM, a GM came on and was answering questions in regards to PvP. Everything you mentioned was not only asked, but confirmed. Except the game types (no one asked that). But they currently have their priorities. Paid Tournaments are the next major thing they will be implementing. They’re working on the rewards system for that (probably ironing out the bugs that they had with the tPvP in the beginning).
I have full confidence in A-Net to deliver a successful, fun, competitive E-Sport. The game just released. Aside from CS:GO and SCII, I don’t know of a single game that became an E-Sport before 1 year after release.
MMO’s don’t have the same staying power that FPS games have they need to be updated, or at the very least they need to create something that increases the replayability aka the aforementioned PvP systems to keep people interested in the game.
The PvP doesn’t feel competitive because it isn’t. If you take too long you’re going to permanently lose a good amount of the player base because they will in fact move on, and it’s not guaranteed any will come back.
everything you said have been confirmed already and they said they are working on it… so PLEASE, stop making new topics about the same things over and over… only exception are another game modes i think, nothing said about them…
I don’t recall them being that specific, or going into great detail of what they were going to do just some rough ideas that they have yet to implement. The community wants a detailed, and specific answer with a release date so we know when how long to wait, or in some cases when to come back.
Also if you don’t like the thread you don’t have to read it.
TL;DR Implement the PvP systems listed in bold below, and keep us updated so we actually know you haven’t forgotten what you said about making this an eSport.
Well? I can’t help, but feel that PvP is being neglected at this point. We haven’t even gotten a message of what you guys are working on.
Literally just a few announcements that can confirm that you are actually doing something with PvP would be lovely, but I have a feeling that you aren’t doing anything at all, and more than likely devoting most of your resources, and time to the unimportant PvE which is just fine. The thing is at this rate if you take too long you’re going to lose both.
Your PvErs are going to leave. It’s inevitable, there’s simply not enough content. You put work into the PvP aspect of the game, and you are going to get longer term customers who are guaranteed to buy your next x-pac.
You need to start implementing PvP systems here they are, and why (in order of importance):
Rating System
A rating system is something that people can work towards, and more importantly it allows them to actually fight teams that are at their level keeping things interesting instead of just the opposing team just rolling over.
It would be a good idea to add some rewards for reaching certain ratings such as small auras that are only visible in the mists so it won’t hinder the visual based combat, and this way you won’t have to design new armor (though it would be nice).
Spectator Mode
Like any sport if you want it to catch on people need to be able to watch it. The UI has to be simple, and has to have the ability to follow people, and go into free cam mode while showing the health of the teams on each side.
Demo reels would be a nice implementation in the future.
Private Servers
This will allow for skirmishes/practice for the high level players, and it will allow 1 on 1 practice which is quite important in this game, and you can’t really practice anywhere else since dueling isn’t in the game (which confuses everyone greatly).
So 2 birds with one stone.
Game Modes
Different game modes to keep things interesting these don’t have to be competitive in the least they just have to be fun. Just add in things like Capture the Flag, or death match, and they can have their own rating systems with some minor rewards such as glory, or silly titles.
Sorry if I come off as harsh I really want this game to succeed. Everyone does, but you cannot take your time on this like you did with the release (which was a good move), you need to start working on this now, or at the very LEAST keep us updated on how you are coming along to at least remove the feeling of neglect.
PS You can look at the arenajunkies forums if you think I’m the only one who feels this way.
Ah yes. Sorry about that Bizzle the original video of Goemm’s Lab DOES have the location, but it runs at 8 minutes since it was done during a BWE and I was level 5 which as a result got me killed a lot which is why I linked this shorter, and much smoother run of it.
Most of my videos have the location at the start of them, and the ones that don’t I will update with the location in the description.
Thanks for the reminder though!
EDIT: While we are on the topic of speedruns are there any requests out there for anything you want me, or CG to speedrun?
(edited by Lord Tempest.5689)
WvW: Less skilled opponents. Major gear difference, and people who are potentially aren’t even PvP specced, and even higher chance to not run into someone who is geared for even a bit of toughness which is the anti-burst stat.
Long story short I’ve done 1 v 4s easily while camping the jumping puzzle in eternal bgs on my ele while not in great gear just because I was level 80 with toughness, and a PvP spec.
Wow this is a great post, first let me say thank you very much for taking the time to share your work with this new community.
I’m really loving the jumping puzzles my self and also enjoy figuring them out, so I plan on bookmarking this in case I get stuck.
Quick question, is there a list similar to your own but without the videos? I like to complete the puzzles myself, but would absolutely love a list (includes: zone name, area name, closest way point) or picture guide showing where all of the entrances are and how to get to the puzzles, just not how to complete them.
Thanks again!
Well the locations are at the start of every video 0_0 …idk about any other location lists we actually went out and found most of these ourselves (though most of them were the discoveries of ChristianGreyGW2).
Some of these are suggestions, some of them are just problem identification.
1) Observer mode so we can have more informed discussions about balancing specific classes.
2) Downed States on Thief, Mesmer, Warrior, and Guardian need to be nerfed.
3) Thief, Mesmer, and Guardian have a significant advantage over all other classes. No other class fills a role these three don’t already do better / none of the roles filled are more important than simply having an extra one of these 3 classes.
4) The majority of Ranger pet abilities need to be instant, or closer to. The animations for pets right now are poor.
5) Elementalists have a few bugs I’ve written about in other threads, additionally I suggest weapons be either damage or condition damage themed, rather than having this change with attunements.
6) The amulet/jewel simpilization has significantly reduced the complexity and variety of build options for each class. I appreciate the simplicity it has brought to the ragdoll UI, but it has come at too high a cost.
NOTE: If you fix 1, 2, and 6… you could probably wait a month or two and see where things go before fixing the others. I think part of what put Mesmer/Thief/Guardian so far ahead of the pack is the fact that they work well with existing amulet options and have extremly powerful downed states.
1. Yeah spectator mode is extremely important for any game that wants to be an eSport. Demo reels would be nice too.
2. I don’t know about warrior. Their damage is really high I guess. I think engi utility is too good in downed state personally considering I can set up kills with the knockback, and pull in.
EDIT: Just in general downstates have too much utility, and shouldn’t be immediately available. Upon being downed all your CC such as hammer/knockbacks/immobilize etc should start with a 10 second cooldown so that if you linger THEN you can actually do something to punish the enemy team for not downing you quickly enough.
3. Yeah. Don’t think guardians need a nerf though only their spirit hammer needs a change. I don’t think pets should have CC.
4. Rangers are too easy to play at least with this I have to pre-emt my casts a bit adding some skill to it. They don’t need any buffs, they bring plenty to the table.
5. You want a condition based elementalist from what I can tell. This is where you seem biased. If any change needs to be done to elementalists it’s just the attunement cooldowns are far too long. That’s it.
6. It’s a balancing tool. You can’t/shouldn’t have high vitality healing and toughness as an example on a single amulet. It would mean you could have high healing, low damage in take, and high hp all at once making you unkillable on a guardian/staff elementalist. There would be too many different itemization options that could be broken for certain classes.
With last paragraph in mind they do need a power/precision/toughness amulet which would cover all their bases on itemizations that wouldn’t break the game like the aforementioned vit/tough/healing.
NOTE: Yeah. I mostly agree with everything outside of what you said about point 6. One thing that needs to be said is that dueling is actually very important in this game, and needs to be implemented soon since 1 on 1s actually do make up a good bit of the meta game. This is one of the things that should have been in the game since alpha.
(edited by Lord Tempest.5689)
Saying guardians are the best at point defense, thieves are best at roaming, and mesmers are best at 1v1 is really ridiculous. I couldnt find a more false statement on this forum if i tried. Pvp depends on skill. A guardian with a burst setup can be just as good of a roamer as a thief (often better). In short, a skilled roamer/pt defender/1v1er is better than an unskilled one, classes make no difference.
You can’t roam on a guardian he may have some good burst with a greatsword it won’t be merely as good as a thief who can get from point A to B a hell of a lot faster because of his 5 skill on shortbow as well as 25% passive movement speed, and will down the opponent faster than a guardian ever could. Roaming classes can’t have too much ramp up time on their damage (like a guardian) so they can spend as little time as possible in combat, and be able to move on.
Asking a thief to bunker down a point is alsokitten even if he somehow can actually stay alive vs multiple opponents when he’s the sole focus target he has no way of actually staying on the point, no way to get them off the point (ie no knockbacks) outside of actually killing them, and some of the main defensives of a thief make him go into stealth which doesn’t let you contest nodes meaning they can get a neutralize if you decide to shadow refuge to remove conditions.
Guardians on point defense can stay alive for an extremely long time through tanking and cooldown rotation on top of that their knockback abilities allow to get some breathing room, and make even neutralizing the point much more difficult.
Even classes that CAN do both (which require extremely different trait allocation, and itemzation for either role) will still have their strengths and weaknesses such as bomb Engineers being better at bunkering outer points such as waterfall because their bombs are a lot more likely to hit targets trying to capture the point, but guardians being much better in graveyard on Foefire since it’s an extremely large node, and bombs are actually very easy to avoid while contesting it, but guardians cooldowns will still be just as effective.
Last one. Guess jumping puzzles aren’t that popular.
To quote the red hot chilli peppers: hump de bump.
Most of the jump puzzles have chests at the end yes. Only some of them like Grendich gamble only have an achieve, but no chest for whatever reason.
I’m not saying staff is weak. It’s very strong it’s just not viable for fragging. It’s more utility. Not sure why I listed it there’s it’s not really a complaint.
Also condition builds aren’t viable on an elementalist because of the downtime on earth attunement. It’s not the lack of damage we can do when we are allowed to it’s simply that we need to swap between attunements a lot, and there’s far too much ramp up time on condition builds on an ele simply because we don’t have any way of instantly putting large stacks of bleeds like other classes.
I’m just going to respond to the op’s points in order:
1. Greatsword is worthless. It’s not merely enough damage for the amount of utility, burst, and survivability you lose while using it even for just 6-7 seconds, and the elementals are ok, but not worthy of being called an elite skill. Ice elemental is ok, but you can’t control when it heals.
Tornado just needs to do more damage. Around double, and it would be somewhat worth it.
Personally I would love it if you didn’t have to pick up elite skills. I’d love another slot to pick up another utility skill.
2. Our downstate is fine so is the thieves downstate. The fact is if you are downed you should be limited to tossing stones, or healing, or just turling. Interrupts/CC should not be available to downstate regardless of class.
Aka nerf the other downstates.
3. Condition builds aren’t viable on ele, but you are wrong as to why. It’s simply because we have to switch attunements constantly so our earth has too much downtime. If we are allowed to freecast we are likely the strongest single target ranged as condi specced elementalists.
Our attunement cooldowns are too long is all.
4. Have you used the magnetic shield? It’s quite incredible. Thing is with conjured weapons you can’t use them for longer than 5-10 seconds. Sometimes even less time. Whenever I use the earthshield it’s to use the 3 for an interrupt on a heal with the daze that I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten, or to use the 5 for a three second invulnerability while I hold a point. Once that’s used I just drop it. They just need a shorter cooldown. 25-30 seconds instead of 60.
5. Ok yeah you make a good point about the air signet, and the fire signet could be maybe 1-2% more crit. Other than that we aren’t a good signet profession. No big deal.
6. We can’t have 100% up time on our main damage source. The classes that can need to be toned down. All attunements do damage regardless.
7. I agree. The key is to buff our skill shot ability damage to make them actually count when they land.
Such as:
- Dragons tooth 35% with a cooldown increase to 10 from 6. Radius decreased to 130 down from 180.
- Phoenix direct hit damage increased by 80%, and blast damage decreased by 30%, and radius size decreased to 180 down from 240.
- Burning speed must now be completely manually targeted, but has had it’s damage increased on direct hit by 30%.
- Dragon’s Claw has had it’s spread increased by an extra 18°, but each claw will now hit for an additional 7% damage, and will apply a 1 second burn.
- Arcane blast, and arcane wave now share a cooldown, but are now lowered back to their original base cooldowns of 15/20 seconds down from 20/30 seconds.
Staff can’t have any damage increases. We have so much AoE, and incredible utility with staff.
TL;DR We’re fine for the most part, but we require a lot more effort, and skill than any other class.
(edited by Lord Tempest.5689)
Post an image that reflects your feelings regarding Ele
in Elementalist
Posted by: Lord Tempest.5689
As someone who started as an elementalist, and switched to guardian when i hit 60. (80 guardian atm)
Sounds about right.
I don’t like to say it out loud, but I figure I am amongst other elementalists.
Yours [IIII………………………………]
Ok so let’s just skip the formalities, and let’s get right into it. I want to get the communities opinions. I’ll start off the post with a few points of discussion which are my personal opinions on the class:
- Attunement recharge is about 3-5 seconds longer than it should be. Engineers play similarly, but their weapon kits don’t have a cooldown at all.
- Our condition removal is stronger than any other class, but we are extremely vulnerable to any direct damage class able to connect on a consistent basis (which isn’t rare).
- Our burst is incredibly easy to avoid as well as our CC.
- As a class elementalists are too predictable.
- Staff builds aren’t viable outside of bunker builds (no offensive).
- We have no real viable condition builds.
- Out elite skills are awful. Most of us would rather have the option to pick up another utility skill instead of using an elite.
No one misunderstand that I am saying that we are weak I just feel as a class elementalists are just lacking in some areas that could be easily improved without putting us over the top, and while I’m not asking for a class with no weaknesses I just think where we are weak…we are extremely weak.
Mainly out of any point I made I feel the attunement cooldown one is the main thing that should stand out. 15 seconds is far too long, and it essentially pigeonholes us into minimum 20 points into arcane for every PvP build.
(edited by Lord Tempest.5689)
We have an insane amount of CC underwater, but our auto attacks are incredibly weak, but with whirlpool you can solo 3 people with the amount of damage it pumps out.
It’s all just a trade off.
Here’s a list of all the jumping puzzles in video format for those interested in getting the achievements. The videos do contain full runs and as a result are full of spoilers so if you like exploring things for yourself I suggest turning back now. The locations are at the start of each video.
These guides are trimmed down in duration, and don’t contain too many mistakes. We wanted to make them as short as possible to save time for the viewer. We hope you enjoy.
Crimson Plateau (Speed)
Morgan’s Spiral & Dark Reverie (Speed)
Goemm’s Lab (Speed)
Griffonrook Run (Commentary)
Scavenger’s Chasm (Commentary)
Shattered Ice Ruins (Commentary)
Only Zuhl (Commentary)
Emerald/Sapphire/Garnet Sanctum
NOTE: For those interested these videos made by me, and my friend were mainly as an exercise in video making so we could start making PvP guide/commentary so we will start uploading those shortly. Remember to like, and subscribe if we helped you out! It helps our spread content!
Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy was he?
Here’s a list of all the jumping puzzles in video format for those interested in getting the achievements. The videos do contain full runs and as a result are full of spoilers so if you like exploring things for yourself I suggest turning back now. The locations are at the start of each video.
These guides are trimmed down in duration, and don’t contain too many mistakes. We wanted to make them as short as possible to save time for the viewer. We hope you enjoy.
Crimson Plateau (Speed)
Morgan’s Spiral & Dark Reverie (Speed)
Goemm’s Lab (Speed)
Griffonrook Run (Commentary)
Scavenger’s Chasm (Commentary)
Shattered Ice Ruins (Commentary)
Only Zuhl (Commentary)
Emerald/Sapphire/Garnet Sanctum
NOTE: For those interested these videos made by me, and my friend were mainly as an exercise in video making so we could start making PvP guide/commentary so we will start uploading those shortly. Remember to like, and subscribe if we helped you out! It helps our spread content!
(edited by Lord Tempest.5689)