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I think I saw something in this staff....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

Maybe I’m a bit delusional…


Bechelor and Master of Baubles

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I’ve trouble finishing these archievements. I spent couple hours running in collecting them, check with Betty Baubles in the end to make sure I got all (and yes, she told me I got all the bauble) yet, at the end of the zones, after the bosses, I didn’t get these archievements at all. This was tried in infantile mode btw

I’m now trying to see if I have to play full-length of the world. (I chose zone on what happen above), maybe it’ll work….

(edited by Luche Lenardon.4951)

Show language you use on chatbar

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I visited my friend who play GW2 a month ago. I notice his chat bar has the language he is using on it.

I know it’s not mendatory but for me who switch language a lot while playing full screen, this is really useful. however he told me that he didn’t know where this came from, and google search still not giving me an answer.

So I wonder what kind of windows configuration I need for this?

Best short bow build for PVE?

in Ranger

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

If you’re interested in poison base condi Druid, this is what i’m experimenting on. SB is not only good for bleed but also in stacking poison at close range.

I used 2 SB here in combination with Quick Draw and pets with poison combo field to ramp up poison really quickly (around 12-13 in an instant). It’s not the best build or anything, but it’s really fun playing.

Commander's recipe book

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I can’t find any of them but one which I can’t remember where I get from (maybe from LW). And from what I found after a brief look at tp, it seems that the recipe books themselves either uberly hard to get, or they’re not dropped from any place.

anyone find them from other than LW yet?

Gliding doesn't work well enough when you lag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

Has this stop you from getting anywhere?
Have you tried holding the space to deploy it quicker?

It does stop me to some extent in getting some HP that really need precise gliding.

OP is still lucky, I myself have average ping of 370-450. I can’t even fight mordremoth in LW normally in his aoe phase.

Healing, heal, on druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

there’re 2 type of word for health recovery for trait : Heal Skill and Heal/Healing (they’re the same)

Heal Skill means the traits are activated when you use the skill in your 6th skill slot
Heal/Healing means when you somehow inflicting healing (green numbers)

I see, the 2nd part which Zenos mentioned does not proc with regen, altho you do get the green numbers.

yeah, I also forgot to mention that regen won’t work with it too. Either due to the healing is from the ppl who have regen (because it scale from their healing power not yours), or because it’s a boon not active healing skill

Healing, heal, on druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

there’re 2 type of word for health recovery for trait : Heal Skill and Heal/Healing (they’re the same)

Heal Skill means the traits are activated when you use the skill in your 6th skill slot
Heal/Healing means when you somehow inflicting healing (green numbers)

Also, the healing from pet by anymean is not ‘your’ heal, so it’s not effected by your trait. the same way for pet skill that inflicting condition, that will use pet’s condition damage (however the trait that make pets inflict condition will use yours)

(edited by Luche Lenardon.4951)

Mordremoth fight and the lag issue

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I have been playing Guild wars 2 for a year with my average ping at 400-450. I don’t have problems with most of contents of the game. However the air aspect jump in Dry Top and Bazaar of 4 Wind event were always my bane due to jump stuttering (You use air aspect jump to propel into the air however instantly warp back to ground, making air crystal in Dry Top unusable)

(spoiler a bit)
This issue somehow still persist into Heart of Thorn content, on the Mordremoth fight. There’s a phase when he’ll start using an undodgeable aoe that you can only avoid by using air pillar to propel you from air up into the sky and glide until the aoe ends. I myself like the idea behind this mechanic. but the air propeller spots do suffer from the same problem as the air aspect. the game keeps showing that my character had jump into the air, then just to instantly warp them back to the ground making gliding in this state impossible. Shouldn’t it be better to just place some updraft steam on all side of the island we’re fighting?

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

well there is one trait with some pet synergy:

Cultivated Synergy – Using a heal skill heal allies around you and your pet. You can double up this ability if you stand next to your pet.

I stated in the first post that they could use more of that.

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I think what everyone saying is that people might still taking Beastmastery spec along with druids. Removing pet will probably reducing diversity of build and make some trait lines dysfunctional and downgraded. Ranger is not always about pet either, since as far as I know traits that need your to manage and interact with your pet heavily mostly is in Beastmastery, other than that they do not require much management (such as effects that applied to you and your pet, and clarion bond as far as I can recall, that require you to swap pet to trigger). Additionally, druid can have synergy with pet, especially with it’s solar beam (and other skills lol haven’t looked up further, but sure they have lots of CC and can support each other with pets, and they can have their celestial energy things by healing their pets).

Beside, druid’s new mechanic is its celestial avatar.

They could make it a little bit more standout, like having one trait that says “You generate bonus celestial energy when you heal your pet” or maybe make the staff-swapping trait at least “Daze foes nearby you and your pet” instead of going plain.

It’s not going to change the gameplay much, but can bring the spec more closer to its origin

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I don’t think people see the huge synergy in Astral Force building and the pet. You get a large amount of Astral Force from healing allies, and that includes your pet. Positioning and supporting your pet benefits you quite a bit and has a nice synergy. It’s not all spelled out for you, but it’s definitely there.

It feels more like a team synergy that you don’t need a party to do so, which I feel it doesn’t make the pet mechanic standout. Because you’ll still get the same benefits with a party member all around you whether you have a pet or not.

I’ve said it way too many times. Either pet needs to go or they need to integrate it better into the new traits/weapons and the F5. Like I would have been perfectly fine if the F5 is a “combination” with the pet would disappear and the ranger would gain enhanced stats based on the pet equipped. At least that would have better player-pet interaction.

Druid just needs to make up it’s mind do you want to be a celestial healer or a half-ranger.

That was what I really have in mind that Anet was going to do, it seems that I’m at fault.

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

Druid is one traitline, you still need the other two, including the other weapons (2 weaponslots afterall) and you can still select all the other utility skills instead of just the glyphs. So the pet isn’t going anywhere, nor should it.

I know that as much. My problem is just that the traitline itself is still out of the pet theme of ranger more or less. From what I remember Ranger’s main mechanic is always about pet. Most of Ranger’s traitline always have 2-3 traits that synergize with pets whether it’s good or not.

If you looks into other elite specs, you’ll notice most of the elite specs have their new mechanic revolt around their respective old ones. Warrior gets an alternative on how they use adrenaline. Elementalist is about overloading their attunement, or Necromancer has their spectral form enhanced. Why Ranger get something a bit on the other way round? They never got any charge-up-bar like any classes, they’re always about pet.

And thief gets an extra endurance bar and the traits revolve around the new addition, the engi gets a rez/finish bot and the traits in their new specline add to that. Yet thief still ahs theif and engi still ahs toolbelt.

Engi is always revolve around using tools and gadgets so using bots is appropriate for me.

Thief is another class I feel that could use more about the stealing and stuff. I don’t like the theme of Daredevil that much myself.

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

That is ridiculous.

“It’s not nice and neat and tidy so BURN IT DOWN”? That’s the idea I’m taking away from this thread.

So feedback is a burn?

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

Druid is one traitline, you still need the other two, including the other weapons (2 weaponslots afterall) and you can still select all the other utility skills instead of just the glyphs. So the pet isn’t going anywhere, nor should it.

I know that as much. My problem is just that the traitline itself is still out of the pet theme of ranger more or less. From what I remember Ranger’s main mechanic is always about pet. Most of Ranger’s traitline always have 2-3 traits that synergize with pets whether it’s good or not.

If you looks into other elite specs, you’ll notice most of the elite specs have their new mechanic revolt around their respective old ones. Warrior gets an alternative on how they use adrenaline. Elementalist is about overloading their attunement, or Necromancer has their spectral form enhanced. Why Ranger get something a bit on the other way round? They never got any charge-up-bar like any classes, they’re always about pet.

Druid should involve more pet mechanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I really like Druid as the new Ranger spec. The theme of nature calling and spirit healing really suit the class and give more addition in the gameplay. But one thing is troubling me after I read the article Meet the Druid .

From my experience playing Guild Wars 2 for a year, mainly Ranger, this class is always about the synergies between pet and player. Many weapon and utility skills, even traits, are designed with pet in mind, which make the class more standout from other.

However, Druid is somewhat different, you barely have any synergy with your pet at all ,except only one adept trait. Unlike other traitlines that have 2-3 traits that focus on having pet include into it. It feels more like a new class than Ranger’s elite spec.

tl:dr; Druid really really lack pet interaction that I feel you should just remove pet entirely.

Problems isn't the plane mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

It’s the lack of ability to turn the feature on and off as you will.

I must say that the plane mode is funny and lovely, but after a while it starts to become annoying for some players, and players love having their choice, too.

How do I improve my ranger's damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

All you see here is bullcrap of a ranger berserker builds, that’s why rangers are hated, no1 knows how to build them.

Use my build, and come back to thank me.
Now you’ll at least have reason to be hated;)

What’s with the 6 points in wilderness survival and random soldier’s earrings…?

I think that build is somewhat WvW, PvP build. The traits and pet choice really show that out.

My highest dmg per shot is around 3300+ at max range longbow, with around 5 might stacks, side attack, full endurance and 90% or above health. Using this 4/5/5 build

Note that this build kitten down your pet a lot though. And need all of situational passive to work. And the damage doesn’t count Sigil of Air (which is around 2000+ per proc)

Design a trait/utility/elite

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I mostly have some ideas for Ranger, because I only start the game quite recently

Ranger Major Trait : Reflex Training
Pet gain 3/4 sec evasion when you dodge roll.