Showing Posts For Lukez.9716:
Some sort of quest/challenge to unlock the elite specialization in the first place would be my preference. After that you unlock traits with hero points.
There are a few animal lines currently in game tat would make good pets, top candidates imo are the raptors and griffins.
I think there should be a new way to let players convert their unneeded hero points into something more useful for example spirit shards or another type of good.
There are no unneeded hero points. you will need them for Elite specs.
This. The only reason one may have excess points is because there are specs we don’t have access to just yet, but will do in HoT.
Surely we won’t have to map complete to unlock the specs so there will still extra points for many characters?
Unlocking HoM stuff in GW1 is super fun. I orignally was just planning to unlock the sword but quickly got addicted and got 30 points :P
I was thinking of something similar but wasn’t sure it could be implemented. Really like your idea!