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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyss.9425


My guild is still unable to use the guild registrar to upgrade the guild cap. We have been stuck with a 50 member cap!

When using the registrar it appears to work, and even tells you that it has upgraded the cap, but does not actually take the payment, and does not increase the cap.

Guild is Swords of Villanousity [SoV] and we’ve reported this via tickets as well, and got a copy-paste reply about the guild/party issues. -.-

Council of Kings [Arch] on Northern Shiverpeaks is having this problem too. When talking to the guild registrar he says we are able to upgrade our guild member limit for the fee of 1 silver, but it never works. The guild leader and officers have tried to no avail.

The same thing happened with our first guild (Kingdom of Tyria) before it vanished around August 29th. The guild leader did not disband the guild, it was gone after a patch when we all logged in the next morning. A couple of members used up their Tomes of Influence on our “missing” guild. It would be nice to get the tomes restored at the very least.

(edited by Lyss.9425)