Showing Posts For Lyuriel.3274:

Elementalist head gem issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyuriel.3274


Thanks for the reply. Glad to know you’re working on it!

Elementalist head gem issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyuriel.3274


Recently started a new Elementalist which I instantly levelled to 80 with a Level 80 Boost. After receiving and equipping the level 80 exotic gear provided, I used some transmutation charges to get the look I wanted.

Later, however, I realised that the starter head gem was being displayed on my character model. This was despite the fact that the headpiece was originally a Winged Headpiece which I had transmuted to a Diviner Helm. The gem was persistently displayed regardless of whether I toggled helm display on or off, or even if I unequipped my headpiece. What was more confusing was that the character model was correctly displayed without the gem on the character select screen and in the hero panel. Furthermore, the gem appeared to be of the fire type, whereas I had chosen the lightning type at character creation and don’t even have the fire type unlocked.

I can’t tell whether this is intentional or not, although I suspect it isn’t. I dislike the look of the gem so I’d like to know if there’s any way to hide it?


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyuriel.3274


Minor graphical issue really… but reflections don’t work like that.
