Showing Posts For MPeduto.6381:
Grover, Kit, the game isn’t even out yet.
I’m guessing once the game releases officially, you can play as that class?
How difficult/easy is it at level 30?
Can it be soloed?
So, due to recent events in my life, I need a refund of the game. However, I already applied the serial to my account. Anyway to get a refund?
I’m level 25, I’ve started doing crafting, I’m 38 on armorcrafter.
What’s a good way to gather copper ore in Queensdale? Trying to level my weapon/armorcrafting. Also, can you sell items crafted by you?
Okay, thanks, I’ll try that.
How do I get it? The one in Divinity’s Reach?
If I buy from the website, will I be taxed? I’m curious, because I have limited funds.
When do I start getting them for the main story, and not just my personal one?
How would I do that?
I have a new computer, but where I live now, the internet is incredibly slow. It’d probably take two or three, maybe more, days straight to finish this download/update. But if I do it at a friend’s house, on my laptop, since I’m going to Iowa in a few weeks, can I then copy/paste that to my PC?