Showing Posts For Maana.4526:

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Maana.4526


I’m having trouble retrieving money from sold items on the trading post, it says I have to contact the black trading company, I have no idea how to do that.

Find a person with “scale” symbol, you can easily find one at lion’s arch or any major city. speak with him/her to take your items from Trading post

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Maana.4526


I’ve been trying for about a week or two to buy items at the Trading Post. However, I keep getting dark gray “Buy” and “Place Order” buttons and haven’t been able to get any items at all.

I have the same problem, but solved it recently.
this is what i did :
1. open windows task manager, you should see awesomium_process.exe at the process tab
2. add exception for awesomium_process.exe @ your firewall
3. right click it, goto file location (for win 7) or you can go manualy :
C:\Users\<computer name>\AppData\Local\Temp\gw2cache-{somekind of code here}
so your path should look like this
4. delete all file and folder inside that folder (don’t forget to make a back up)
5. run gw2, it should be downloading new awesomium_process.exe

hope it helps

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maana.4526


I have a problem buying gems tried with paypal or registering a new credit cards, all failed although i have bought 10$ worth of gems recently..

Submitted a ticket with Incident number [121113-000287]
Here’s a reply from CS
Response Sam via Email 11/12/2012 09:43 PM
Greetings XXXX!

Could you please provide the following information so that we may review your billing issue and transaction attempts?

If the payment was attempted by credit/debit card, please provide the last 4 digits of the credit/debit card used ONLY:
—- Country where card was issued: (if you are using a credit/debit card)
—- Card Type: (if you are using a credit/debit card)
—- If the payment was attempted using PayPal®, the e-mail address associated with the PayPal account:
—- Do you have a verified or unverified PayPal account? (if you are using PayPal)
—- Country where PayPal account was created/set up: (if you are using PayPal)
—- Country where you are currently residing:
—- Your billing address, including your billing zip code or postal code:
—- The e-mail addresses you used when attempting to make your purchase:

We look forward to your reply.

Kindest regards,
NCsoft Account Support

I replied with all the necessary information which i must omit from this post, and then they replied back :
Response Dorothy via Email 11/13/2012 04:31 AM

Thanks for contacting NCsoft Account Support.

I am escalating your ticket to our Payment Review Team to research your issue. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Aaand that’s the last time i ever heard from NCsoft Account support team

Right now i’m still waiting for the certain “someone” to contact me.